So, you’ve finally considered joining the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and you’re wondering how to start your journey. Well, the first step is to take the AFPSAT exam, the Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test. It’s a crucial test that measures your aptitude and suitability for the military, and passing it is a requirement for all aspiring soldiers. But don’t worry, it is easy to register for the AFPSAT.
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In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of registering for the AFPSAT exam, from eligibility requirements to registration procedures. So, whether you’re a fresh graduate, a working professional, or just someone who’s passionate about serving your country, read on and find out how to take the first step towards your dream career in the military!
The AFPSAT exam experience can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On the one hand, you’re taking a significant step towards fulfilling your dream of serving your country, and that can be a source of motivation and pride. On the other hand, the AFPSAT exam is designed to be challenging, and it’s meant to test your mental and physical aptitude for military service.
The exam covers a wide range of topics, including abstract reasoning, verbal and numerical reasoning, spatial reasoning, and personality traits. You’ll also undergo a physical fitness test that will assess your endurance, strength, and agility. The entire process takes around six hours to complete, and it’s conducted in a rigorous and disciplined environment.
However, despite the challenges, many candidates find the AFPSAT exam experience to be a valuable learning opportunity that helps them grow as individuals and prepares them for the demands of military service.
Overview: Armed forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT)
The Armed Forces of the Philippines Aptitude Test Battery (AFPATB) is a written entrance examination required for entry into the major services – Army, Air Force, and Navy. It is an essential part of the Neuro-Psychiatric Screening, aimed at selecting men and women with the aptitude for pre-entry training and subsequent service in the military. However, in recent years, several cases of violations have been reported, including leakage of answers, submission of fake results, and insufficient training for examiners and proctors. To address these issues, the AFPATB is being reviewed and redeveloped to customize it to the particular needs of the Major Services and ensure its effectiveness, reliability, and sustainability as a screening tool.
Why take the AFPSAT

The AFPSAT exam, or the Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test, is a crucial step for those who want to pursue a career in the military. It is a comprehensive exam that measures a candidate’s mental and physical aptitude, as well as their personality traits, and it is a requirement for all aspiring soldiers. Here are some reasons why you should consider taking the AFPSAT:
- Joining the military: If you have a passion for serving your country and want to join the military, taking the AFPSAT is the first step towards that goal.
- Career opportunities: A career in the military offers a wide range of career opportunities, from combat roles to administrative positions, and taking the AFPSAT is necessary to qualify for these opportunities.
- Personal growth: Even if you don’t end up pursuing a career in the military, taking the AFPSAT can still be a valuable learning experience that helps you develop your mental and physical abilities.
- Preparation: Taking the AFPSAT can also serve as preparation for other standardized tests, such as the college entrance exams, as it requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Exam Application Process
Step 1: New Online Registration
The first step in registering for the AFPSAT exam is to create a new online registration account by following this link:
Fill out the necessary information on the registration form, including your personal details, contact information, educational background, and preferred testing center.
Once you have completed the registration form, click submit. A confirmation message will be sent to your registered email, along with the necessary information for the issuance of your ticket for Step 2.
Step 2: Go to the Major Service Testing Center of your choice.
After receiving your ticket through your email, print a copy of it and proceed to your chosen Major Service Testing Center. Present the printed copy of your ticket to the Testing Center of your chosen Major Service.
The Testing Center will validate your Online Application Form, Documentary Requirements, and other specifications for the issuance of your AFPSAT Examination Schedule. The following are the Testing Centers of Major Services:
- Philippine Air Force (PAF) – PTO, PAFPMC Villamor Air Base Pasay City
- Philippine Army (PA) – ATO, APMC Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
- Philippine Navy (PN) – RTHO, NPMC, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Step 3: Provide verification for approval
Once you have presented the printed copy of your ticket, the Testing Center will verify your application and provide you with the necessary information for your examination schedule.
Make sure to report to your examination schedule ahead of time as indicated in the information given. During the examination day, present your AFPSAT Application Form for final verification and take the exam to the best of your ability.
In summary, the process of registering for the AFPSAT exam involves creating a new online registration account, presenting the printed copy of your ticket to your chosen Major Service Testing Center, and reporting to your examination schedule with your AFPSAT Application Form for final verification.
Rules for taking the AFPSAT
- Be on time – Examinees should be in the testing room by 7:00 am.
- No items allowed – Examinees are not allowed to bring anything inside the testing room.
- Eat a heavy meal – It is recommended to eat a heavy meal before taking the test. This way, you will stay focused and not become sleepy during the test.
- Break time – There will be a 10-minute break in the morning. Use this time to rest and get ready for the second part of the exam. The afternoon break is 30 minutes long.
- No latecomers – Latecomers can take the test on the next scheduled date of examination.
- No eating – Eating is not allowed inside the testing room as this will distract you from the test. You can only drink water and use the restroom during the break. Keep quiet – Examinees should keep quiet during the exam so that they will not disturb other examinees who are still taking the test.
- Follow instructions – Examinees who do not follow instructions will be automatically disqualified.
- No follow-ups – No follow-ups will be entertained.
- Request for retake – All requests for retake shall be approved by TAG.
- Schedule of examination – Be aware of the schedule of examination.
- Dress code – Wearing sandos, sleeveless blouses, slippers, and short pants are not allowed.
- No deferrals – An applicant who has started the examination shall not be allowed to continue with the rest of the battery on another day unless there are emergencies, a call of nature, or sickness.
Remember to follow these rules to ensure a smooth and successful examination process. Good luck!
Video: Tips bago kumuha Ng AFPSAT
Taking the AFPSAT can seem like a daunting task. You’re probably wondering what to expect, how to prepare for the test, and how to perform your best under pressure. The tips presented in this video, which are all based on the vlogger’s personal experience will help you get ready for your exam and make it easier to succeed. We hope that you’ve found them to be useful. So, prepare well and take this opportunity to achieve your dreams!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the requirements for taking the AFPSAT exam?
The requirements may vary depending on the Major Service you are applying for, but generally, you need to be a Filipino citizen, single and without any legal obligation, a holder of at least a high school diploma or its equivalent, and physically and mentally fit.
2. How do I register for the AFPSAT exam?
You can register online by following the link provided by the Major Service you are applying for and filling up the necessary information. Afterward, you need to present the printed copy of your ticket to the chosen testing center.
3. How much does it cost to take the AFPSAT exam?
The AFPSAT exam is free of charge.
4. Can I choose the testing center for my AFPSAT exam?
Yes, you can choose the testing center for your AFPSAT exam based on the Major Service you are applying for.
5. What is the passing score for the AFPSAT exam?
The passing score for the AFPSAT exam varies depending on the Major Service you are applying for.
6. How long does the AFPSAT exam take?
The AFPSAT exam takes around three to four hours to complete.
7. Can I retake the AFPSAT exam if I fail?
Yes, you can retake the AFPSAT exam after a six-month waiting period.
8. What should I bring on the day of my AFPSAT exam?
You are not allowed to bring anything inside the testing room, so all you need to bring is the printed copy of your ticket and your ID for verification. It is also recommended to eat a heavy meal before taking the exam.
Final Thoughts
Taking the AFPSAT exam is a major step toward pursuing a career in the military. It’s a standardized test that measures your aptitude and suitability for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and passing it is a requirement for entry into the major services – Army, Air Force, and Navy. Registering for the exam is a simple process that can be done online, and once you’ve completed it, you can proceed to your chosen Major Service Testing Center to take the test. Remember to follow the examination rules and give your best effort during the exam. We hope that this guide has been helpful to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your journey towards a fulfilling career in the military.
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