Cost of Living in Switzerland

For many Overseas Filipino Workers, Switzerland offers not just employment prospects but also the promise of a high quality of life. Nestled in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, precision engineering, and a standard of living that ranks among the world’s highest. However, Switzerland also carries a reputation for being one of the most expensive countries to reside in globally.

In this article, we look into the cost of living in Switzerland, providing invaluable insights and practical tips for OFWs considering making the move to this Alpine nation. From housing expenses to daily necessities, healthcare, and recreational activities, we explore the various facets that contribute to the overall expenses of living in Switzerland.

cost of living in switzerland
Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

Navigating the Cost of Living for Overseas Filipino Workers

This article is based on a YouTube video from an OFW vlogger talking about her expenses in Switzerland. If you want to watch the full video, then click on the link below:

Factors Affecting Cost of Living in Switzerland

  • Housing
  • Health Insurance
  • Utilities
  • Food and Groceries
  • Transportation
  • Travel and Leisure
  • Pet Expenses
  • Eating Out


  • Location: The vlogger’s residence is conveniently located 10 minutes from Battlestat, 10 to 15 minutes from Reinfeld in Germany, and 15 to 20 minutes from San Luis in France or the Euro Basel Airport.
  • Apartment Description:
    • Size: Around 100 square meters
    • Type: 3.5 room apartment (two bedrooms plus living and dining room)
    • Amenities: Well-equipped kitchen, toilet, bath, attic (loved by their cat Ashoko), garage, basement, and mini garden
  • Rental Cost: For the vlogger’s apartment, they pay a monthly rent of 1,845 Swiss Francs, which is reasonably priced considering the amenities and location.
  • Comparison: Using the Noble website, the vlogger compared rents in Zurich, Basel, Geneva, and Lugano for both one-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments.
  • Value: The vlogger’s apartment offers a balanced value, situated in the middle of town and neither at the high end nor the low end of the spectrum.
  • Location Advantage: The central location allows for easy weekend shopping trips to Germany or France, which the vlogger frequently enjoys.

Health Insurance

  • Health Insurance: All residents in Switzerland are mandatorily required to have health insurance. The vlogger posted a video detailing their health insurance journey approximately three months ago.
  • Insurance Provider: Both the vlogger and their spouse are under Suica for health insurance. The vlogger pays 295 Swiss Francs, while their spouse pays 275 Swiss Francs plus an additional 10 Swiss Francs. The difference in cost is attributed to accident coverage.
  • Accident Coverage: The vlogger has accident coverage due to not currently being employed, while their spouse has coverage provided by their employer.
  • Variable Costs: As discussed in the health insurance video, the cost of health insurance varies based on factors such as location, age, and desired coverage. Individuals can choose between higher monthly premiums for more extensive coverage or lower premiums for basic coverage.
  • Total Monthly Payment: In total, the vlogger and their spouse pay a monthly health insurance premium of 570 Swiss Francs and 10 cents.


  • Utilities: The vlogger covers two main utilities, for which they have monthly receipts or payment slips: internet and electricity.
  • Internet: The vlogger’s Internet service is provided by a mobile service provider, costing 12.95 Swiss Francs per month. They use it as a hotspot due to its strong signal.
  • Electricity: The monthly electricity bill for the vlogger’s residence amounts to approximately 84.95 Swiss Francs.
  • Total Monthly Utility Payment: Combining the costs of Internet and electricity, the vlogger pays a total of 97.90 Swiss Francs per month for utilities.

Food Grocery

  • Food and Grocery Expenses: The vlogger typically shops for groceries every two to three weeks, with larger purchases made at stores like Denner or Migros, and smaller purchases at nearby dinner stores.
  • Monthly Average Consumption: Over a three-month period, the vlogger’s average food and grocery expenses amount to approximately 320 Swiss Francs.
  • Shopping Habits: To give an idea of food prices in Switzerland, the vlogger often shops at Penny, located just across the border in Germany, particularly for items like pickles.
  • Sample Prices: The vlogger provides examples of food prices at Denner, including 12 pieces of eggs, one liter of orange juice, and six pieces of regular Denner brand cheese.
  • Total Monthly Expenses: The vlogger’s average monthly food and grocery expenses for two people total around 320 Swiss Francs. The expenses for their cat are excluded as she has a separate budget.


  • Transportation: The vlogger primarily uses buses, trains, and their car for transportation. Under transportation, they categorize expenses into three main categories: public transportation, gas, and parking.
  • Public Transportation:
    • Monthly Subscription: The vlogger has a monthly subscription costing 80 Swiss Francs.
    • Single Tickets: Short distance single tickets cost around 2.30 Swiss Francs.
    • Day Tickets: A day ticket for public transportation costs around 52 to 75 Swiss Francs without a half fare card.
    • Additional Options: They also mention a saver day pass for 49 Swiss Francs and an annual half fare card fee of around 180 Swiss Francs.
  • Total Public Transportation Expenses: The vlogger’s three-month average expense for public transportation is approximately 140 Swiss Francs, with a monthly forecast of 17.50 Swiss Francs.
  • Parking: When the vlogger’s husband parks near his office, the cost is around 10 Swiss Francs per day, contributing to a total monthly transportation cost of approximately 167.50 Swiss Francs.
  • Travel and Leisure:
    • Recent Activities: Over the past three months, the vlogger has taken long drives to Lucerne and Lucan, using a special one-day travel pass from Co-op costing 98 Swiss Francs for the two of them.
    • Additional Expenses: They also spent an additional 14 Swiss Francs for entrance to Chateau de Chilean during one of their trips.
  • Future Plans: The vlogger anticipates increased travel and leisure expenses during the summer months as they have more travels planned ahead.
  • Total Monthly Travel and Leisure Expenses: Currently, the vlogger’s total monthly expense for travel and leisure is around 69.83 Swiss Francs.

Eating Out

  • Eating Out: The vlogger and their spouse usually eat out for lunch on Fridays, typically at the Negro or Co-op restaurants, as they prefer not to cook on Fridays.
  • Lunch Expenses: Lunch expenses range from 13 to 25 Swiss Francs per meal.
  • Dinner Expenses: If they go out for dinner, the expenses typically range from 18 to 30 Swiss Francs per meal per person.
  • Monthly Average: Over the last three months or the first quarter, the vlogger’s monthly average expense for eating out is approximately 98.40 Swiss Francs for two people.
  • Total Monthly Expenses: In summary, the total monthly expenses for the vlogger, their spouse, and their cat amount to around 3,181.93 Swiss Francs.

Other Expenses

  • Additional Expenses: The vlogger mentions other expenses not included in the monthly breakdown, some of which are annual fees.
  • Car Insurance: The annual car insurance cost is 350 Swiss Francs.
  • Serafi: This is the radio and television fee, costing 335 Swiss Francs per year for private households.
  • Liability and Household Insurance: These are additional insurances the vlogger pays for.
  • Church Tax: The church tax is approximately five percent of the Continental tax rate, but specific amounts are not disclosed.
  • Language Classes: The vlogger has language classes with an annual fee of 956 Swiss Francs, plus the church tax. Specifically, they took a course with Kafan for 720 Swiss Francs for the half-level course from January to March.
  • Monthly Breakdown: The vlogger provides a breakdown of expenses for the first quarter of 2023, but doesn’t disclose whether they consider them excessive.

In conclusion, the vlogger reflects on their expenses in Switzerland and concludes that they are not costly. They prioritize spending on food, particularly enjoying eating out on Fridays, while also ensuring they only shop when necessary. Their exploration during the previous quarter was limited due to colder weather, but they anticipate a surge in travel and leisure expenses as summer approaches. Looking ahead, they acknowledge the likelihood of increased expenses during the summer months, particularly in the realm of travel and leisure.