How to Become a Student in Germany

For many Filipinos, the dream of pursuing higher education in a foreign land is not only a personal aspiration but also a pathway to greater opportunities. Germany, renowned for its world-class education system and welcoming environment for international students, stands out as an attractive destination. From its vibrant cities to its rich cultural heritage, Germany offers a unique blend of academic excellence and cultural immersion.

Navigating the process of becoming a student in Germany may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance and resources, it can be a fulfilling journey towards personal and professional growth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential steps and valuable insights to help OFWs realize their aspirations of studying in Germany.

how to be a student in germany

Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

Becoming a Student in Germany

The information presented in this article comes from a YouTube video from the channel, Data with Rez. In this video, the OFW vlogger shares 4 common ways to move long term to Germany; that is, stay for more than a year in the country and not be just a mere tourist. If you want to watch the full video, then click on the link below:

There are four most common ways to come to Germany:

  • Become a student
  • Become an au pair
  • Marry a citizen or Marry someone who is already living here in Germany
  • Apply directly to a company in Germany

In this article, we will focus on entering Germany by becoming a student.

Becoming a Student

Becoming a student in Germany is the easiest way to get acquainted with German culture. It’s like a gentle introduction that helps you avoid culture shock. Plus, you’ll make plenty of friends along the way and gradually adapt to the German way of thinking. It’s a slower but smoother transition compared to other options, making it ideal for those looking for a comfortable start to their journey in Germany.

Decide What You Want to Study

So, how exactly do you go about becoming a student in Germany? Well, it all starts with a crucial decision: what do you want to study? This initial step is pivotal because German universities are known for their rigorous academic standards. When you’re enrolled in a challenging program, such as those in Germany, passion for your chosen field becomes essential.

Loving what you’re studying is key to success. It’s not just about passing exams; it’s about truly understanding and engaging with the subject matter. With genuine interest and enthusiasm, you’ll find the learning process more enjoyable and fulfilling. So, take your time to choose a subject that resonates with you—it’ll make your academic journey in Germany a lot smoother.

Choose Your University

The next step in your journey to becoming a student in Germany is selecting the university where you’ll pursue your studies. While factors like reputation and ranking are important considerations, don’t overlook the significance of location.

Where your university is located can greatly impact your student experience, especially if you’re planning to work alongside your studies. Being situated in a bustling city like Berlin or Frankfurt, where numerous job opportunities abound, makes it easier to juggle work and academics. Conversely, navigating a remote town may pose challenges in finding employment suitable for a working student.

For comprehensive information on available programs, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) database is an invaluable resource. With over 2,000 programs listed, you’ll have a wide array of options to explore. Keep in mind that while there are limited English-taught undergraduate courses, having some knowledge of German can open up more opportunities. If you’re not proficient in German yet, don’t worry—there are programs that offer language courses alongside your academic studies, allowing you to gradually ease into the language while pursuing your degree.

Check the Admission Requirements

  • Checking the admission requirements of your desired university is paramount when considering studying in Germany.
  • One common requirement is the possession of a higher education entrance qualification.
  • This qualification, often attained through a school leaving certificate, serves as proof of eligibility for university study.
  • If your secondary school certificate doesn’t meet the criteria set by German universities, you may need to complete a foundational course before being admitted.
  • This necessity is particularly prevalent for students from third-world countries, where educational standards may differ.
  • For instance, a bachelor’s degree obtained in the Philippines might not be considered equivalent to its German counterpart.
  • In such cases, undertaking a foundational course becomes essential before pursuing advanced degrees like a master’s program.

Show Money

You may have come across the term “show money” if you’ve been exploring the process of studying in Germany. This term refers to a financial requirement intended to ensure that you have the means to sustain yourself throughout your stay in the country. Essentially, it demonstrates that you possess the necessary funds to cover your living expenses, including rent, food, clothing, and health insurance.

The current requirement stands at around 8,700 euros per year, which roughly translates to 500,000 pesos in today’s equivalent. This amount guarantees that you have the financial security to meet your basic needs during your time in Germany.

Living expenses in Germany can be higher compared to third-world countries. To offset these costs, many students opt for working student jobs. Drawing from personal experience, as a working student, I earned approximately 1,200 euros per month, equivalent to 75,000 pesos. This additional income can significantly ease financial burdens and provide extra support for various expenses.

Applying to a Germany University

When it comes to applying to a German university, the process is straightforward. You can start by visiting their international website or the university’s official website to review the requirements and submit your application directly. Alternatively, you can utilize platforms like Uni-Assist (, which is endorsed by approximately 170 universities in Germany for the preliminary evaluation of international study applications.

Once you’ve secured acceptance from a university, arranged your finances, and obtained health insurance, you can proceed to apply for a student visa. Here’s how:

Schedule an Appointment: Contact the nearest German Embassy to schedule an appointment for your student visa application. It’s essential to allow sufficient time for visa processing, ideally one to three months or more, considering potential delays.

Prepare Required Documents: Gather all necessary documents, including your university acceptance letter, proof of financial means, health insurance, and any additional paperwork specified by the embassy.

Attend the Appointment: Arrive at the embassy on the scheduled date for your visa application appointment. Ensure you have all documents neatly organized and ready for submission.

Plan Ahead: Be mindful of the timing of your visa application process. Avoid conflicts with the start date of your university studies to prevent any disruptions to your academic journey.

This overview covers the essential steps to becoming a student in Germany. While it may not include all the details, it provides a helpful starting point for navigating the process.