Canada Rolls Out Permanent Residence Schemes to Qualified Caregivers

It’s quite unfortunate to note that at a time when healthcare professionals and workers are presented with opportunities that are not available to them in the Philippines, the government decides to limit their deployment overseas for reasons that are presented as “nationalistic” but come with little to no actual support from relevant authorities.

With many countries now offering job opportunities, and others even providing great benefits such as an opportunity to receive permanent residency, Filipino healthcare professionals now have more options (and reasons) to pursue their dreams in a better environment.

Canada Rolls out New Permanent Residence Schemes to Qualified Caregivers

Permanent Residence Schemes Launched for Caregivers in Canada

Canada has recently launched two new pilot schemes that will help caregivers who come to the country make it their permanent home, as shared in a report by Voice Online.

The new pilot programmes, known as the “Home Child Care Provider” and “Home Support Worker” pilots were launched on June 18 (Tuesday), replacing the expiring Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs pilots.

Through these new initiatives, caregivers will now only receive a work permit if they have a job offer in Canada and meet standard criteria for economic immigration programs. Once working in Canada, caregivers will be able to begin fulfilling the required two years of Canadian work experience to apply for permanent residence.

The two new pilots offer eligible candidates the following benefits:

  • Occupation-specific work permits, rather than employer-specific, to allow for a fast change of employers when necessary;
  • Open work permits and/or study permits for the caregivers’ immediate family, to help families come to Canada together; and
  • A clear transition from temporary to permanent status, to ensure that once caregivers have met the work experience requirements, they will be able to become permanent residents quickly.

The pilot programmes as specified above provide qualified migrant workers a clear and direct pathway to gain permanent residence in Canada.

According to Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, “Canada is caring for our caregivers. We made a commitment to improve the lives of caregivers and their families who come from around the world to care for our loved ones and with these new pilots, we are doing exactly that.

This is exciting news for Filipinos who studied and trained in caregiving and other allied health professions to build a career in a more ideal environment, with even the promise of bringing their family along with them in the process.

ALSO READ: Deployment of Filipinos in Japan to Begin this July