Christmas came early for this tricycle driver who managed to recover his tricycle before it gets locked away for good in an impounding station in Manila. In a heartwarming video from Raffy Tulfo in Action’s Facebook page, the tricycle driver could not contain his happiness and cried after knowing that he can finally bring back home his tricycle – the only thing that supports his family.
Robert Bariso is a father of three and a husband to a wife who just had a stroke. His only means of livelihood is by driving his tricycle. He asked for help from Raffy Tulfo where he shared why his tricycle got confiscated. In the video, he shares how he got involved in a multi-vehicle accident and told the newscaster that the incident was not his fault. Apparently, one of the passengers in the car was a judge who immediately accused him of being at fault to which the traffic enforcer believed.
Raffy Tulfo Helps Tricycle Driver Retrieve Impounded Tricycle
Raffy Tulfo has been a go to person in many situations similar to this. He has helped many citizens both within the country and abroad for many issues especially on maltreatment and injustice. Many of those who sought his help have been great success stories featured in his Facebook page. He can be considered one of our many modern day heroes who has utilized the internet and social media to help a lot of people.
Such is the case of this tricycle driver. Tulfo’s team accompanied Bariso to the police station to settle the matter. Apparently, all parties involved in the multi-vehicle accident were fined including Bariso. But since he could not present the original receipt and certificate of registration, his tricycle was impounded. He needed to pay 3,700.00 PHP for the impounding fee along with a reckless driving fine so he can redeem his tricycle.
Check out the video below:
Video source: Raffy Tulfo in Action Facebook Page
Tulfo, without hesitation gave the tricycle driver the money he needed to redeem his tricycle. Bariso couldn’t not help but shed some tears upon the sight of his tricycle and kisses it. He can finally get back on his feet after seven days of not providing food for his family. He was very grateful for the early Christmas present from Tulfo and his team and the generosity they have shown.
Salamat idol Raffy!