Tips on How to Pass a Job Interview for Taiwan

For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) seeking opportunities in Taiwan, the job interview stands as a critical milestone on the path to securing employment and realizing their dreams. Taiwan’s vibrant job market and welcoming atmosphere have drawn countless OFWs in search of economic stability and personal growth. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide invaluable insights into Taiwan’s interview process, offering sample questions, expert tips, and well-crafted answers to empower OFWs in their quest for success.

Our journey begins with a deep dive into the intricacies of Taiwan interviews, exploring the common questions asked, the qualities employers seek, and strategies to stand out in a competitive job market. Whether you’re an experienced OFW seeking new opportunities or a first-time job seeker considering Taiwan as your overseas destination, this resource will equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in interviews.

Job Interview Tips for OFWs Taiwan

Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

Taiwan Job Interviews: Sample Questions, Tips, and Expert Advice for OFWs

The information presented in this article comes from a YouTube video from the channel KUYA SHERWIN. In this video, the OFW vlogger talks about some sample questions, tips and answers to a typical job interview for a job in Taiwan. If you want to watch the full video, then click on the link below:

Preparing for a job interview in Taiwan requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some crucial tips to consider before heading to your agency for the interview:

  1. Arrive Early: Taiwan interviews are typically scheduled early in the morning due to the volume of applicants. To ensure you have ample time for last-minute preparations and to secure a good spot in line, aim to arrive at least three hours ahead of your scheduled interview time. This early arrival not only allows you to review your materials but also acknowledges that there will be a significant number of applicants vying for opportunities in Taiwan.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Your agency will provide guidelines on what to wear for the interview. It’s essential to follow these instructions meticulously. For instance, wearing a white t-shirt might be recommended. Additionally, for male applicants with long hair, consider getting a haircut to maintain a neat appearance. Female applicants should have their hair tied up and well-groomed. A polished appearance demonstrates professionalism and respect for the interview process.
  3. Be Prepared for Webcam Interviews: Many Taiwan interviews are conducted via webcam, and they often involve panel interviews with multiple applicants in one virtual room. As you enter the virtual room, be ready to carry a 25-kilogram box, as instructed. Keep in mind that during these interviews, you’ll only see a TV screen, and only the employer can see you. However, there will be an interpreter from the agency present to assist with communication, so English proficiency is not a strict requirement. Focus on speaking clearly and understandably, rather than worrying about perfect English. Follow all instructions, exude confidence, and aim to be natural and relaxed throughout the interview.

More Job Interview Tips

  1. Polish Your Language Skills: While English proficiency is important, especially for communication during webcam interviews, it’s also beneficial to learn basic Mandarin phrases. Mandarin is widely spoken in Taiwan, and having some language skills can make a positive impression on your potential employers.
  2. Show Enthusiasm: Express genuine enthusiasm for the job and your eagerness to contribute to the company. Taiwanese employers value candidates who are passionate about their work and show a strong work ethic.
  3. Highlight Your Adaptability: Emphasize your ability to adapt to new environments and cultures. Taiwan may have different customs and practices compared to the Philippines, so employers appreciate candidates who are flexible and open to learning.
  4. Research Taiwanese Culture: Take some time to research and familiarize yourself with Taiwanese culture and values. Understanding and respecting the local culture can help you connect with potential employers and colleagues on a deeper level.
  5. Showcase Relevant Skills: Tailor your answers to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Be prepared to discuss how your background and qualifications align with the specific requirements of the position.
  6. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Towards the end of the interview, when given the opportunity, ask insightful questions about the company, its culture, and the role you’re applying for. This demonstrates your genuine interest and engagement in the job.
  7. Practice Nonverbal Communication: Pay attention to your body language and nonverbal cues during the interview. Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake (if in person), and sit up straight to convey confidence and professionalism.
  8. Prepare for Behavioral Questions: Expect questions that assess your behavior in various situations, such as how you handle challenges, work in a team, or respond to conflicts. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers effectively.
  9. Follow Up: After the interview, consider sending a thank-you email or message to express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position. This small gesture can leave a positive impression.

Job Interview Questions

When preparing for job interviews in Taiwan, being well-versed in common interview questions and delivering concise, thoughtful responses is key to making a lasting impression. Here’s an in-depth look at some frequently asked questions and tips on how to answer them effectively:

  1. Introduce Yourself: The opening question is often a straightforward “introduce yourself” or “tell me about yourself.” While it may seem simple, there’s a pattern to answering it. Share your name, age, educational background, and relevant work experiences. Keep your response brief and to the point, following the core pattern mentioned. This demonstrates honesty and respect for the employer’s time. For example, “Hi, good morning! My name is Sherwin, I’m 27, and I graduated with a degree in criminology from Central Philippines State University 8 years ago. I’m currently a single dad, and my mother takes care of my 8-year-old daughter. In terms of work experience, I’ve been a car sales executive and am currently working as a call center agent.”
  2. Relate to Submitted Form: Remember that the employer has likely reviewed the form you submitted, so they may ask questions related to the information provided. If, like in the vlogger’s case, you mention personal circumstances such as family responsibilities, be prepared for inquiries about them. In the example, the vlogger highlighted that his mother cares for his daughter, anticipating the employer’s curiosity about who would look after her during his absence.
  3. Highlight Relevant Experience: If your work experience aligns with the position you’re applying for, it’s an advantage. However, if there’s a mismatch, like the vlogger having no factory experience, acknowledge it honestly. Express your willingness to learn, adapt, and train for the role. Emphasize qualities such as being a fast learner and a hardworking individual. Convey your commitment to applying the skills acquired for the company’s growth and success.
  4. Why Should We Hire You? When asked, “Why should we hire you?” focus on showcasing your qualities. Mention attributes like honesty, hard work, the ability to handle a substantial workload efficiently, and your capacity to work under pressure, including during overtime, night shifts, weekends, and holidays. Keep your response concise and relevant to the question to avoid overwhelming the interviewer.
  5. Maintain Composure: During the interview, maintain composure and avoid unnecessary movements, particularly during webcam interviews. Sit upright and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Excessive arm movements or fidgeting can be distracting. Project professionalism and confidence through your body language.
  6. Family and Relocation: If you have family responsibilities and are asked about being far from them due to work, express your willingness to be apart for the sake of providing for their needs and securing a better future. Address the question about whether you can support them in the Philippines by explaining that while you can meet daily needs, working in Taiwan offers greater opportunities for long-term financial stability and growth.
  7. Handling Homesickness: When asked about how you’ll handle homesickness, emphasize your adaptability in the age of technology. Mention that staying connected with loved ones is easier than ever thanks to high-tech communication tools. You can also express your intention to stay busy and focused on your work, which demonstrates commitment. For example, “Handling homesickness is easier nowadays with advanced technology. I’ll keep myself occupied and dedicated to my job. Being productive helps, and I can always use messaging apps to stay connected.”
  8. Choosing Work Over Appointments: If asked what you would do if your supervisor requests holiday overtime when you have an appointment, express your dedication to the job. Mention your willingness to reschedule appointments for another day. Emphasize the mutual benefit of working overtime, such as higher pay. For instance, “I would prioritize work and reschedule my appointment for another day. Overtime helps both the company and me by increasing my earnings.”
  9. Responding to Supervisor Criticism: When questioned about how you’d react if a supervisor shouted at you, emphasize professionalism. Explain your approach to remain calm, inquire about the issue, and admit to any mistakes. Promise to do better and take the criticism as an opportunity for improvement. An effective response could be, “If my supervisor shouted at me, I would first compose myself, seek to understand the problem, and acknowledge any errors on my part. I’d apologize and assure them of my commitment to doing better. I believe that such feedback is valuable for personal growth.”
  10. Why Do You Want to Work in Taiwan? This question is crucial, and your response should reflect your genuine interest in the opportunity. Avoid sharing personal problems or hardships as the primary reason. Instead, emphasize your belief in Taiwan’s progressiveness, safety, and the positive relationship between Filipinos and Taiwanese. Also, acknowledge Taiwan’s proximity to the Philippines and its reputation as a good neighbor. For example, “I’m drawn to Taiwan because it’s known as one of the most progressive and safest countries globally. I’m aware of the strong bonds between Filipinos and Taiwanese, and Taiwan’s proximity to the Philippines makes it an ideal place for me to work.”
  11. Knowledge About the Company: Being well-prepared is essential. Research the company you’re applying to in advance. When asked what you know about the company, demonstrate your diligence by highlighting key facts about the organization. For instance, “I’ve done my research, and I know that your company is one of Taiwan’s renowned and largest food companies. I’m impressed by your commitment to quality and innovation.”

Mastering your responses to these common interview questions allows you to increase your chances of leaving a strong and positive impression on potential employers in Taiwan. Remember to be authentic, professional, and well-informed about the company you’re interviewing with to make the best possible impression.

Some Other Common Questions and Their Responses

  1. Can you describe a challenging situation you’ve faced at work and how you handled it?
    Response: “In my previous role as a customer service representative, there was a time when we were dealing with a high volume of customer complaints. I took the initiative to analyze the root causes, collaborated with my team to develop a solution, and implemented a new process that reduced complaints by 30% within a month.”
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    Response: “One of my strengths is my strong work ethic and commitment to meeting deadlines. I’m also adaptable and open to learning new skills. As for weaknesses, I sometimes find it challenging to say no when asked to take on additional tasks. However, I’m working on better prioritizing my workload.”
  3. How do you handle stress and tight deadlines?
    Response: “I thrive under pressure and see tight deadlines as opportunities to showcase my time management skills. I stay organized, break tasks into manageable steps, and stay focused on the goal. I also make sure to take short breaks to recharge when needed.”
  4. What motivates you in your work?
    Response: “I’m motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow in my role. Achieving goals and seeing the positive impact of my work on the team and company also drives me. Additionally, knowing that my efforts contribute to my family’s well-being provides strong motivation.”
  5. Describe a time when you had to work collaboratively with a team to achieve a goal.
    Response: “In my previous job, our team was tasked with launching a new product. I collaborated closely with colleagues from different departments, including marketing and production, to ensure a successful launch. By coordinating efforts and communicating effectively, we not only met but exceeded our sales targets.”
  6. How do you handle constructive criticism?
    Response: “I appreciate constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth. I actively listen to feedback, take notes, and ask clarifying questions to fully understand the areas I can improve. I then use the feedback to make necessary adjustments and continuously enhance my performance.”
  7. Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Response: “In five years, I envision myself in a leadership role where I can use my skills and experiences to contribute significantly to the company’s success. I’m committed to ongoing professional development and aim to take on more responsibilities to advance both my career and the organization.”
  8. How do you stay updated on industry trends and developments?
    Response: “I stay updated by regularly reading industry publications, participating in online forums, and attending relevant webinars and conferences. I also network with professionals in my field to exchange insights and best practices, ensuring I remain informed and adaptable to industry changes.”
  9. Why did you choose this career path?
    Response: “I chose this career path because it aligns with my passion for [mention your passion or interest]. I believe that by pursuing this path, I can make a meaningful impact while utilizing my skills and strengths effectively.”
  10. How do you handle ethical dilemmas at work?
    Response: “I approach ethical dilemmas with integrity and transparency. When faced with such situations, I seek guidance from company policies, consult with colleagues or supervisors if necessary, and make decisions that prioritize ethical principles and the best interests of the organization.”

How to Prepare for a Job Interview with a Taiwanese Employer

Preparing for a job interview with a Taiwanese employer requires meticulous planning and tailored strategies. Here are additional key steps to enhance your preparation:

  1. Understand Cultural Nuances: Research Taiwanese business culture and etiquette. Familiarize yourself with common customs, such as offering and receiving business cards with both hands, addressing people by their titles, and showing deference to senior colleagues. Demonstrating cultural awareness can make a positive impression.
  2. Showcase Cross-Cultural Adaptability: Highlight your ability to adapt to new cultures and environments. Discuss any previous experiences working with diverse teams or in international settings. Taiwanese employers value candidates who can smoothly integrate into their workplace culture.
  3. Quantify Achievements: When discussing your accomplishments, quantify them with specific numbers or percentages whenever possible. This adds credibility to your claims and provides a clear picture of your contributions in previous roles.
  4. Stay Informed about Taiwan: Stay updated on current events and developments in Taiwan. Being knowledgeable about the country’s economy, politics, and societal trends can help you engage in informed discussions during the interview and showcase your interest in the region.
  5. Emphasize Problem-Solving Skills: Expect questions that assess your problem-solving abilities. Provide examples of situations where you identified challenges, devised solutions, and achieved positive outcomes. Taiwanese employers appreciate candidates who can tackle complex issues effectively.
  6. Highlight Technical Skills: If your role requires technical skills, be prepared to discuss your proficiency in relevant software, tools, or equipment. Provide examples of projects where you utilized these skills to deliver results.
  7. Demonstrate Long-Term Commitment: Express your intention to build a long-term career with the company. Taiwanese employers often prefer candidates who are dedicated to growing within the organization and contributing to its success over time.
  8. Prepare a Short Self-Presentation: Craft a concise, well-structured self-presentation that introduces yourself and your qualifications. This can serve as an effective response to the “Tell me about yourself” question and set a positive tone for the interview.
  9. Practice with Mock Interviews: Consider conducting mock interviews with a friend or mentor to simulate the interview experience. This can help you refine your responses, reduce nervousness, and receive valuable feedback.
  10. Review Your Online Presence: Ensure that your online profiles, especially on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, are up-to-date and present you in a professional light. Employers may conduct online research about candidates.


Securing a job in Taiwan as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) can be a life-changing opportunity, and mastering the job interview is your ticket to success. Throughout this article, we’ve provided valuable insights and tips to help you prepare effectively and stand out during the interview process.

If you follow these proven strategies, such as researching the company, understanding cultural nuances, and showcasing your adaptability and problem-solving skills, you can approach your job interviews with confidence and professionalism. Remember to emphasize your genuine interest in Taiwan and the organization, as well as your dedication to your career growth and family’s well-being.

As you navigate the competitive job market in Taiwan, always stay true to yourself, remain adaptable, and demonstrate your commitment to excellence. Your journey as an OFW in Taiwan is not just about securing a job but also about building a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.

With the right preparation, a positive mindset, and a strong work ethic, you can open doors to fulfilling career opportunities in Taiwan. Best of luck in your job interviews and your pursuit of a successful and prosperous career abroad!