Department of National Defense (DND): Mandate, Attached Agencies, and Specific Services

Being an OFW means having to battle all sorts of problems on your own, with some distance from the safety and protection of the home. More than the homesickness and the difficulties of living away from loved ones, there are instances of abuse, conflict, and even wars breaking out that make working in a foreign land even more difficult.

One of the many agencies that support migrant Filipino workers, particularly those stuck in conflict zones, is the Department of National Defense (DND).

Table of Contents

Department of National Defense: Background, Mandates, Functions, and Attached Agencies


As an agency, the Department of National Defense has a long history. As an agency whose primary duty is to offer protection and maintain law and order among the Filipino citizens in and out of the country, its responsibility is broad enough to have numerous linked agencies under its umbrella.

DND Roles and Responsibilities

When it comes to keeping our country safe from foreign and internal dangers, as well as ensuring that our laws are upheld and that our country’s security is maintained, it falls to the DND to do the job.

Some of its main functions are as follows:

  • Providing the necessary protection of the State against external and internal threats;
  • Directing, planning and supervising the National Defense Program;
  • Supervising the National Defense Program of the country;
  • Overseeing field operations to ensure that the National Defense and Security Programs are implemented wisely and effectively;
  • Maintaining law and order throughout the country; and
  • Performing other functions as may be required by law.

DND Attached Agencies

By right, the agency also exercises executive supervision over other attached agencies, including:

  • the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),
  • the Government Arsenal (GA),
  • the Office of Civil Defense (OCD),
  • the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO), and
  • the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP).

DND Offices Directory

Within the offices of the DND are various offices with different roles and responsibilities.

Among them are:

Office of the Secretary (OSEC)

The Office of the Secretary (OSEC) houses the Secretary of the Department of National Defense (SND), a cabinet member at the helm of the department. His responsibilities include:

  • Advising the President of the Philippines on matters of defense and developing the country’s defense policy.
  • Directing the department and its bureaus

Contact Number: 8982 5600 loc 5640

Office of the Undersecretary of National Defense (OUSND)

The Undersecretary of National Defense (OUSND) is the most senior among all the six undersecretaries of the Defense Department, and as such, he:

  • Works as the deputy to the Secretary of National Defense (SND).
  • Consults with the Secretary on general management issues such as policy development and implementation.
  • Oversees the department’s Proper
  • Personnel Management and Information Management divisions.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5641

Offices of the Undersecretary for Strategic Assessment Planning (OUSSAP)

The Offices of the Undersecretary for Strategic Assessment Planning (OUSSAP) take on the job of:

  • Advising and assisting the Secretary of National Defense (SND) on defense policy formulation and implementation.
  • Creating DND-led strategy plans needing interagency responses.
  • Providing functional supervision of the Assistant Secretaries responsible for strategic assessment and international policy.
  • Supervising the defense institution that does strategic research and studies.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5861

Office of the Undersecretary Capability Assessment and Development (CAD)

The job of the Office of the Undersecretary Capability Assessment and Development (CAD) includes:

  • Advising and assisting the Secretary of National Defense (SND) in creating and implementing departmental objectives and policies affecting defense operations.
  • Supervising the Armed Forces of the Philippines( AFP).

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5658

Office of the Undersecretary Capability for Acquisition and Resource Management (OUSARM)

The Office of the Undersecretary Capability for Acquisition and Resource Management (OUSARM) takes care of the following duties:

  • Advising and helping the Secretary of National Defense (SND) in the formulation and implementation of Departmental objectives and policies relating to finance, materials, ammunition, and installations.
  • Supervise the DND-AFP Modernization Program (CUP), Capital Outlays, Foreign Security Assistance (such as the UN Reimbursement Fund) and Inter-Agency Fund Transfers released through special allotment release orders (SARO), trust receipts, and other non-appropriated money and revenues.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5675

Office of the Undersecretary for Civil, Veterans and Reserve Affairs (OUSCVRA)

The job of the Office of the Undersecretary for Civil, Veterans and Reserve Affairs (OUSCVRA) is to:

  • Assist the Secretary of National Defense (SND) in developing and administering the Department’s civil, veteran, and retiree policies.
  • Advise and assist the Secretary of National Defense (SND) in public affairs, public information, veterans administration, retiree issues, civil defense, and risk reduction management.
  • Supervise the following DND offices: Public and Gratuity Management Center-AFP, Veterans Federations of the Philippines; and Phividec Industrial Authority.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5647

Office for Plans and Programs(OOP)

The Office for Plans and Programs(OOP) is responsible for:

  • Developing medium and long-term defense reform and transformation programs
  • Establishing DND-wide capability development,
  • Monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating the Department’s operations.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5800

Office for Financial Management (OFM)

The Office for Financial Management(OFM) is tasked with:

  • Creating and implementing budgetary and financial management rules and procedures.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5664

Office for Human Resources(OHR)

The Office for Human Resources (OHR):

  • Assists the Secretary of National Defense (SND) with civilian and military personnel administration.
  • Creates and implements policies for recruiting, selection, placement, promotion, transfer, learning and development.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5835

Office for Logistics,Acquisition,and Self Reliant Defense Posture (OLAS)

The Office for Logistics,Acquisition, and Self Reliant Defense Posture (OLAS) works as:

  • The Secretary of National Defense’s (SND) chief executive staff on acquisition and procurement for forces readiness,
  • The AFP and DND Bureaus’ controller of material capabilities and base development.
  • The office in charge of implementing the DND’s Defense Acquisition System (DAS).

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5657

Office for Strategic Assessment and International Affairs (OSAIA)

The Office for Strategic Assessment and International Affairs (OSAIA):

  • Develops strategic assessments on present and future Philippine defense and security issues.
  • Helps periodically review overseas changes affecting Philippine defense interests and policies.
  • Handles all international defense and security policy formulation.
  • Negotiates and reviews defense deals.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 8149

Office for Cyber and Information System Management (OCISM)

The Office for Cyber and Information System Management (OCISM):

  • Assists in developing and implementing the Department’s ICT and Cyber Security.
  • Develops and updates ICT policies, standards, and recommendations to maximize the Department’s use of ICT
  • Detect, prevent, eliminate, and effectively respond to cyber threats to the Department.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5712

Office for Real Estate and Installation (OREI)

The Office for Real Estate and Installation (OREI):

  • Creates and implements Departmental Installation and Management Policies and Procedures.
  • Handles acquisition/procurement of infrastructure and facilities; defense real estate, infrastructure and facilities; and military constructions.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5871

Office of the Legal and Legislative Affairs (LLA)

The Legal and Legislative Affairs (LLA) is mandated by law to:

  • Provide legal advice to the Department
    Interprets the Philippine Constitution, laws, statutes, international treaties and conventions, and rules and regulations in relation to the promulgation of defense and security policies to achieve national peace and security, and support social and economic development.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5685

Office of the Defense Service (DCommS)

The Defense Service (DCommS) is:

  • The Department’s information dissemination and public relations branch.
  • In-charge of the DND’s public information initiatives and activities.
  • Responsible for media and public relations.
  • In charge of the Department’s strategic communication.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5679

Office of the Defense Procurement Service (DPS)

The Defense Procurement Service (DPS) is responsible for:

  • Facilitating contracting activities and implementing projects under the AFP Modernization Program (AFPMP) in accordance with RA 9184: The Government Procurement Reform Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 3395

Office of the Administrative Service (AS)

The Administrative Service (AS) handles:

  • Accounting, supplies, equipment, collections, disbursements, security and custodial tasks
  • Financial and remittance management
  • Logistical support and clinical emergency treatment

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5633

Office of the Internal Audit Service (IAS)

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) is mandated to:

  • Advise the Secretary of National Defense (SND) on all matters relating to management control and operations audits.
  • Conduct management and operation audit
  • Conduct follow-up audit to monitor the implementation of approved audit recommendation and management action plans
  • Conduct special audits as directed by the SND.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5688

Protocol Office

The Protocol Office serves as:

  • The Department’s liaison with other government agencies and private organizations on protocol issues involving the Secretary of National Defense (SND).
  • The responsible party in the preparation and hosting of all SND events, from courtesy calls and official visits by foreign dignitaries, to the Secretary of National Defense’s (SND) meetings inside and outside the Department, to ceremonial and social events where the Secretary of National Defense (SND) is the Guest of Honor and Speaker, ensuring all protocol requirements are met.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5865

Office of the Senior Military Assistant (OSMA)

The Senior Military Assistant (SMA):

  • Provides expert support and advice to the Secretary on military matters.
  • Executes/supervises the Secretary’s direct orders and acts on his referrals.
  • Supervises and coordinates the Department’s military employees.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 8152

Office of the Defense Intelligence and Security Group’s (DISG)

The Defense Intelligence and Security Group’s (DISG) helps:

  • Provide physical protection and essential intelligence assistance to the SND.
  • Ensure that the Secretary can effectively lead the organization and fulfill his duties.
  • Defend and secure the Secretary of National Defense (SND) and his immediate family.

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5703 (G1)

Office of the Bids Awards Committee (BAC)

The Bids Awards Committee (BAC):

  • Manages and facilitates the Department’s overall bidding process under Republic Act.9184.
  • Prepares a Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR) based on the required form of Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB).

Office Number: 8982 5600 loc 5626 8982 5600 loc 5627
DND BAC 1: (+632) 89825626
DND BAC 2: (+632) 89825627
DND Proper BAC:

DND Contact Information for Specific Concerns

For specific concerns, some of the offices within the Department of National Defense (DND) offer proper contact information for those who need their services.

Some of these offices and the services they offer are listed here for your guidance:

Philippine Veterans Affairs Office – Claims Division

For Veteran Pension and Non-pension Claims

Claims Processing Section

  • Acceptance of application such as Old Age, Death/Survivorship, Disability pensions, and Burial Assistance

Office Number: (+632) 8912-4774

Appeals & Review Section

  • Processing of appeals on denied/disapproved claims and resumption of suspended pension

Office Number: (+632) 8912-4760, (+632) 8911-6001 local 5584 to 5585

Accrued/Posthumous Claims Processing Section

  • Processing of accrued/posthumous pension claims of compulsory/legal heirs of deceased veterans

Office Number: (+632) 8912-4760

Non-Pension Claims Processing Section

Office Number: (+632) 8352-8510, (+632) 8911-6001 local 5596
Email address:,

AFP Pension & Gratuity Management Center

For Military Service Records

Veterans Record Management Division

For pensioners – Go to the VRMD, PVAO and submit the form and requirements
Office Number: (+632) 8376-4106, (+632) 8911-6001 local 5576

Non-Current Records Division, Office of the Adjutant General, AFP

For non-pensioners – Proceed to the NRD-OTAG of the AFP
Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6587 / 6557

For Retired Military Personnel Pension and Benefits

Disbursement & Remittance Branch (DRB)

  • Payment of Monthly Pension of Retired Military Personnel to include their beneficiaries.
  • Payment of 36 Months Lump Sum
  • Payment of Commutation of Leave
  • Issuance of Letter of Introduction (LOI)
  • Payment of Prior Years / Replacement of Cancelled/Stale Checks
  • Payment of Remittances (Retired)
  • For Invalid/Closed Account
  • For Holding/ Un-tagging of Monthly Pension

Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6218 / 6642 / 6258

Records Management Branch (RMB)

  • Issuance of Statement of Last Payment
  • Issuance of Financial Records for Active AFP Personnel
  • Issuance of Certificate of Payment/ Non-Payment
  • Issuance of Certificate of ALVAMS/ PELVAMS
  • Issuance of Pension Verification Slip/ Pension Details
  • Issuance of Certificate of Bonafide AFP Pensioner
  • Stoppage of Loan Deduction for Pensioner
  • Tagging / Un-tagging of Accounts at PELVAMS

Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6574

Processing, Bonding & Collection Branch (PBC)

  • Letter of Refund
  • Requirements for Special Disbursing Officer (SDO)
  • Processing of Application/
  • Confirmation of Special Disbursing Officer (SDO)

Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6918

Finance Management Information System (FMIS)

  • Report of Changes of TAS & CE
    Pension Gains & Losses, Incorporation and Adjustment of Monthly Pension

Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6318 / 6378

Intel & Security Branch (F2)

  • Validation of Special Power of Attorney
  • Locally Executed Special Power of Attorney
  • Executed Abroad Special Power of Attorney

Office Number: (+632) 8911-6001 local 6458

DND Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Concern:

How to report a crime?

The Department of National Defense (DND) does not have any jurisdiction over criminal activities. Instead of going to the DND Offices, people who wish to report a criminal activity must visit the nearest police station (PNP).

For Veterans and Retirees:

How to obtain military service records?

For Pensioners:
Step 1: Visit the Veterans Record Management Division (VRMD) of the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO).
Step 2: Present the following documentary requirements:

  • Request from VRMD
  • Photocopy of two valid IDs
  • Authorization letter, if the pensioner will be sending an authorized representative

For Non-Pensioners:
Step 1: Visit the Non-Current Record Division, Office of the Adjutant General (NRD-OTAG) at the AFP Headquarters.
Step 2: Prepare either one of the following:

  • A written request to the US Department of Veterans Affairs in Roxas Blvd., Pasay City; or
  • A written request to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) at 1 Archives Dr., St Louis, Missouri 63138 USA

Military Service and Personnel:

How to report the wrongful conduct of a soldier?

If you are looking to file a complaint against a member of the AFP for a perceived misconduct, then you will have to do so at the Office of the Provost Marshall General of the AFP.

The Provost Marshall General
Armed Forces of the Philippines GHQ
Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City
Office Number: (02) 8911-6001 local 5517 or 5524

How to process retired military pension and benefits?

To initiate the processing of a financial claim, the military personnel will have to be evaluated by the  AFP Pension and Gratuity Management Center. You may reach out to them at:

Pension and Gratuity Management Center
Armed Forces of the Philippines GHQ
Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City
Pension Assistance Unit
Office Number: (02) 8911-6001 local 6531 and 6265

Procurement Service/Product Proposal:

Where to find bid documents for specific DND projects?

If you are looking to bid for a specific project of the Department of National Defense, you may:

  • Visit the procurement page on the Department of National Defense (DND) website.
  • Reach out to the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Secretariat for more information.

Contacting Officials or DND Offices:

How to send event invitations to the Secretary of National Defense or other DND Department Officials?

For invites intended for the Secretary: Mail your invitation bearing the organization’s official letterhead and with as much information as possible on the event to either the Appointments Secretary or to the Office of the Secretary of National Defense at:

Secretary Delfin N. Lorenzana
Department of National Defense
Segundo Ave., Camp Aguinaldo
Quezon City

For invites intended for other Department of National Defense (DND) Officials: Check the directory above for the specific offices you wish to reach out to.

Other Concerns related to the Department

For other concerns that are not addressed by the offices listed above, you may reach out to the Department of National Defense via the following:

  • Contact Us Form at the Department of National Defense (DND) website.
  • Snail Mail or personal visit at the DND office with the following address:

Department of National Defense
Address: DND Building, Segundo Ave. Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo Quezon City, Philippines 1110
Trunkline: (+632) 8982 – 5600 loc 5621

  • Department of National Defense (DND) Social media accounts:


Just make sure that you put in as much detail as possible into your mailed queries so the concerned DND office can figure out what you were trying to say without having to go back and forth trying to get more information. That will not only save time, but will also ensure that you are getting an accurate answer from the concerned personnel, office, or staff.

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