Realities of Finding a Job in Canada while on a Tourist Visa

In recent years, the Canadian government has introduced a unique opportunity for tourists to explore not only the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture of Canada but also to potentially embark on a professional journey within its borders. This initiative has attracted individuals from around the globe, including a significant number of Filipino workers seeking employment opportunities in Canada.

For Filipino workers, Canada represents more than just a land of opportunity; it embodies the promise of a better future, offering avenues for personal and professional growth. However, navigating the complexities of finding employment while on a tourist visa poses a myriad of challenges and uncertainties. From understanding the legal framework to grappling with cultural nuances, Filipino workers embarking on this journey must be equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions.

 how to apply for work in canada as a tourist

Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

Navigating Employment Pathways in Canada as a Filipino Tourist

The information presented in this article comes from a YouTube video from the channel named “Ina Andolong-Chavenia.” In this video, the OFW vlogger answers the question: is it easy to find a job in Canada with a tourist visa? If you want to watch the full video, then click on the link below:

In this article, we delve into the realities of finding a job in Canada while on a tourist visa, shedding light on the intricacies of the process and offering invaluable insights to our fellow overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Whether you’re considering this option as a stepping stone towards permanent residency or simply seeking temporary employment abroad, it’s essential to comprehend the opportunities and limitations inherent in this endeavor.

To shed light on the process and its nuances, we turn to a vlogger who sought answers to the question: Is it really easy to find a job on a tourist visa in Canada? In her quest for insights, she interviewed Mr. Paul Perez of Canada Advantage, an organization dedicated to assisting individuals on tourist visas to obtain work permits.

According to Mr. Perez, transitioning from a tourist visa to a work permit is not a one-size-fits-all process. It varies from case to case, depending on various factors such as qualifications, job availability, and employer requirements. While Canada boasts numerous job opportunities across various sectors, the crucial question remains: Is the job suitable for you?

One critical aspect emphasized by Mr. Perez is the significance of Canadian experience in the job market. Employers in Canada often prioritize candidates with local work experience, which can pose a challenge for newcomers. This underscores the importance of understanding the job market dynamics and tailoring one’s approach accordingly.

From navigating the intricacies of visa applications to competing in a job market that values Canadian experience, the journey from tourist visa to work permit is anything but simple. While opportunities abound, success hinges on careful planning, perseverance, and the ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of employment in Canada.

In Demand Jobs

In the dynamic landscape of Canada’s job market, certain industries consistently stand out as hotbeds of opportunity for tourists seeking employment.

1. Food Service:

  • For those with experience in food service, Canada presents a welcoming environment with abundant job opportunities. Whether it’s in fine dining establishments or fast-food chains, the demand for restaurant managers, chefs, and kitchen staff remains consistently high.

2. Preschool Teachers:

  • The childcare sector, particularly in provinces like Alberta, is experiencing a pressing need for preschool teachers. With an estimated 30,000 vacancies waiting to be filled, there is a significant demand for individuals passionate about early childhood education.

3. Construction Workers:

  • As Canada continues to experience growth and development, the construction industry remains a robust source of employment. Skilled tradespeople, including carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, are in high demand to support infrastructure projects and urban expansion initiatives.

4. Engineers:

  • With a strong focus on innovation and sustainability, Canada’s engineering sector offers promising opportunities for professionals with expertise in various disciplines. From civil engineering to software development, the demand for skilled engineers continues to grow.

5. Restaurant Managers:

  • Beyond frontline staff, the hospitality industry seeks experienced managers to oversee operations in both fine dining establishments and fast-food franchises. Leadership roles in restaurant management provide avenues for career advancement and long-term stability.

While these industries currently boast significant job openings, it’s important to recognize that the needs of employers can evolve over time. As demographic shifts, technological advancements, and economic trends shape the labor market, the demand for certain skills and expertise may fluctuate.


Not all employers in Canada have the authorization to hire foreign workers. The process of hiring foreign nationals is regulated by the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), a crucial step for companies seeking to employ individuals from outside the country.

LMIA serves as a mechanism to ensure that hiring foreign workers does not negatively impact the Canadian labor market. To obtain an LMIA, businesses must meet specific criteria:

  • Business Establishment: The business must have been operational for more than one year.
  • Financial Viability: The business should demonstrate financial stability and a track record of earning well.
  • Evidence of Need: Employers must prove that no qualified Canadian citizen or permanent resident is available to fill the position, justifying the need to hire foreign workers.

To satisfy these requirements, companies often undergo a rigorous process, including advertising job vacancies in local newspapers and other approved platforms. The purpose of these advertisements is to demonstrate that despite efforts to recruit locally, suitable Canadian candidates were not found.

Once an employer obtains an LMIA, they gain the authority to hire foreign workers for specific positions. At this stage, companies can collaborate with organizations like Canada Advantage to connect with a pool of talented individuals seeking employment opportunities in Canada.

Employers Prefer Hiring Filipinos Already in Canada

Many employers in Canada exhibit a strong preference for interviewing and hiring Filipino workers who are already residing in the country. While employers with LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) can technically hire workers from abroad, there are several reasons why they often prioritize candidates who are already in Canada, particularly those on tourist visas.

  • Convenience and Expediency: Employers often seek to streamline the hiring process and avoid delays associated with recruiting workers from overseas. Waiting for documents such as the POLO (Philippine Overseas Labor Office) certification, which can take a significant amount of time to process, may not be feasible for employers with immediate staffing needs.
  • Accessibility: Having candidates already present in Canada allows employers to conduct in-person interviews more easily, facilitating better assessment of qualifications, communication skills, and cultural fit.
  • Practical Considerations: Candidates who are already in Canada, particularly those on tourist visas, demonstrate a level of commitment and initiative by proactively seeking employment opportunities in the country. This can be viewed favorably by employers, who may perceive them as more motivated and readily available to start work.
  • Pre-existing Networks: Filipinos already in Canada may have established connections within the local community or industry, making them more integrated and familiar with the Canadian work environment. Employers may value these networks and consider them advantageous for onboarding new hires.

Waiting Period

As a tourist in Canada, you are not permitted to work until you obtain the necessary authorization, such as an open work permit. This means there is a waiting period during which you cannot engage in employment activities. While it may be tempting to seek employment covertly, it’s essential to heed the advice against doing so.

Engaging in unauthorized work poses significant risks, including jeopardizing your application for a work permit. Even if you manage to secure employment, the consequences of getting caught can be severe, potentially leading to deportation and restrictions on future entry into Canada. Moreover, employers may also face penalties for hiring individuals without proper authorization.

Therefore, it’s crucial to prepare for the waiting period and exercise patience. Processing the required paperwork for an open work permit can take several months, during which you must refrain from working. This necessitates financial preparedness to sustain yourself during this time.

Essential Documents for Job Seekers in Canada

Here’s a checklist of documents you should not forget to bring with you:

  • Resumes: Prepare a well-crafted resume tailored to the Canadian job market, highlighting your skills, experiences, and qualifications.
  • Transcript of Records: Provide official transcripts of your academic records, showcasing your educational background and achievements.
  • Valid Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for the duration of your stay in Canada and contains any necessary visas or permits.
  • Birth Certificate: Bring along your birth certificate as proof of identity and age.
  • English Language Proficiency Certificates: If available, include certificates demonstrating your proficiency in the English language, such as IELTS or TOEFL scores.
  • Equivalency of Subjects: If applicable, obtain equivalency documents for the subjects you completed in the Philippines in relation to Canadian standards.
  • Proof of Home Ties: Provide evidence of ties to your home country, such as bank accounts, property ownership, or other commitments, to demonstrate your intention to return after your employment stint.

In conclusion, the realities of finding a job in Canada while on a tourist visa present a unique set of challenges and opportunities for individuals seeking employment opportunities abroad. From navigating the intricacies of immigration regulations to competing in a dynamic job market, tourists aspiring to work in Canada must be prepared to face a myriad of hurdles along the way.