What is the Size of a Long Bond Paper?

Bond paper is perhaps the most widely used type of paper in schools, offices, and businesses all over the world. It comes in different sizes and is usually white in color, although there are other colors and designs (e.g. with frames or borders) available.

When you were still in school, you may recall your teacher asking you to write or print your assignment on “bond paper.” It could be short bond paper or long bond paper, depending on the requirements. In this article, we will talk all about long bond paper — its specific size, uses, and how you can set it in several word-processing software programs.

What is the Size of a Long Bond Paper

Uses of Long Bond Paper

Long bond paper has numerous uses in various settings. In school, teachers use it to print handouts, exams, and visual aids, while students use it for making papers, diagrams, artworks, and other school requirements.

Likewise, offices and businesses around the world use long bond paper when making reports, inventory forms, financial reports, and many more. The fact that this type of paper can be used to print all sorts of documents created with word-processing software programs makes it very handy, indeed!

Long Bond Paper Size in Inches

What exactly is the size of a long bond paper? In terms of inches, long bond paper measures 8.5 inches x 13 inches. This should not be confused with “legal” size paper, which has the same width (8.5 inches), but is slightly longer at 14 inches.

Long Bond Paper Size in CM

When converted into centimeters, long bond paper has the following measurements: 21.59 cm x 33.02 cm. The equivalent size in millimeters is 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm.

Is A5 Long Bond Paper?

Just as some people get confused between short bond paper and A4 size paper, there are those who wonder if long bond paper is the same as A5 size paper. The answer is no. They are not the same!

A5 size paper is smaller in size than long bond paper. It measures 5.83 inches x 8.27 inches, or 14.81 cm x 21.01 cm (148.1 mm x 210.1 mm) only. This type of paper is often used in making greeting cards, event flyers, leaflets, and stationery.

What is Long Bond Paper Size in Pixels?

Let us suppose that you want to create a visual using graphic design software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop), and you’d like to print it on long bond paper. In this case, you need to know the equivalent size of this type of paper in terms of pixels.

To convert the size of long bond paper into pixels, you need to know the resolution of your image, then calculate using this formula: Inches x Resolution = Pixels.

For instance, let us suppose that the resolution of your image is 72 PPI (pixels per inch), which is the standard resolution for web images. To calculate the size of long bond paper for this image, you need to compute:

8.5 inches x 72 PPI = 612 pixels
13 inches x 72 PPI = 936 pixels
Hence, the long bond paper size is 612 pixels x 936 pixels.

On the other hand, let’s say that the resolution of your image is 300 PPI, which is the ideal resolution for printing photographs. In order to compute for long bond paper size in this case, let us calculate:

8.5 inches x 300 PPI = 2,550 pixels
13 inches x 300 PPI = 3,900 pixels
Hence, the long bond paper size is 2,550 pixels x 3,900 pixels.

After computing for the long bond paper size in pixels based on image resolution, you can now create your visual using Adobe Photoshop or other software. Simply click “Create New,” then enter the pixel measurements in the “Width” and “Height” fields.

What is the Size of a Long Bond Paper

How to Set Long Bond Paper Size in Microsoft Word

One of the most widely used word-processing software programs in the world is Microsoft Word. Using this program, you can create certificates, greeting cards, letters, posters, reports, and much, much more.

You can also use Microsoft Word to design and print text and visuals on long bond paper. Here’s how to set this size on the program:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
  2. On the main menu, click “Layout,” then select “Size.”
  3. A drop-down list of paper sizes will appear onscreen. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select “More Paper Sizes.”
  4. The Page Setup dialogue box will appear onscreen. Most likely, the default paper size is “letter size.” You’ll need to change this by entering long bond paper size.
  5. Enter these long bond paper measurements into the relevant fields: 8.5 inches (width) and 13 inches (height).
  6. That’s it! Your document is now set in long bond paper size.

NOTE: If you use long bond paper size often, you can set it as the default paper size in Microsoft Word. On the Page Setup dialogue box, click “Set as Default” after entering the long bond paper measurements. Then, click “OK” to apply the changes. From now on, every new document will be set in long bond paper size.

How to Set Long Bond Paper Size in Google Docs

Aside from Microsoft Word, another popular word-processing software program is Google Docs. Fortunately, you also have the option of setting long bond paper size in this web-based program. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Docs and create a new document.
  2. On the toolbar menu, click “File” then select “Page Setup.”
  3. The Page Setup dialog box will appear onscreen. Most likely, the default paper size is “letter size” as well. You can change this into long bond paper size by choosing “Folio” (8.5 inches x 13 inches).
  4. That’s it! Your Google Docs document is now set in long bond paper size.

NOTE: You can set long bond paper as the default paper size on Google Docs, especially if you use this size everyday. After entering the long bond paper measurements, click “Set as Default,” then click “OK” to apply the changes. From now on, every new Google Docs file would be set in long bond paper size.


As you can see, setting up long bond paper size in a word-processing document is easy as pie! Just don’t forget the exact measurements, which you can enter into the program while creating your document. In addition, make sure that you don’t confuse long bond paper size (8.5 inches x 13 inches) with “legal size” (8.5 inches x 14 inches), and always determine the exact size of paper that you need.

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