In one of our posts, we shared about one of the government’s newer agencies, the National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC). The agency was established to provide centralized and streamlined services to one of the most marginalized sectors in the community – the senior citizens. In this guide, we will specifically talk about how to get a National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC) form online.
Also Read: NCSC Online: How to Register National Commission of Senior Citizens
It’s much easier than you think! If you are ready to sign up or will help out an elderly loved one in doing so, then make sure to read until the end of this short guide! We’ll even give tips on how to easily fill out the form!
Registering on the NCSC
First and foremost, you may ask, “why should I sign up for this new system?” That’s a basic yet very important question to ask.
In the past, all services offered to seniors were coursed through the DSWD, which primarily deals with social amelioration and crisis support for those most in need. Thus, as you can imagine, the DSWD already has A LOT on its plate. Imagine the queues you can expect to find at their agencies on a daily basis just for crisis support and social amelioration, not to mention its other projects for women, children, and persons with disabilities. It’s only fitting that our general senior citizen population be given their own agency to address their specific needs in an organized and timely manner – and this is what the NCSC is for.
With the rapid changes brought about by technological advancements, the NCSC aims to make its services fast, convenient, and, most importantly, accessible to its target population. One way they do this is by building an online database, which will serve as a system to identify senior citizens throughout the country.
To participate in the build-up of this database, one must complete and accurately fill out the online Senior Citizen’s Data Form. This will allow the NCSC to identify and develop a good profile of Filipinos over 60 years old.
The online registration for the Senior Citizen Data Form is now available in the Philippines. Through the NCSC’s database, the public can now view the information of their local senior citizens.
Where to Get a Copy of the NCSC Senior Citizen Data Form

Before you get a copy of the NCSC form, you should know that this is just one of the processes you can take to register. There’s an online and manual registration, but both must be submitted online, either way. Here’s a guide on how to register via the NCSC portal.
Now, we’ll walk you through the steps to fill out the form.
How to Fill Up the NCSC Senior Citizen Data Form
Before we start, you should know that there are six (6) sections you need to fill up to accomplish the entire form. And then you need to attach a 2 x 2 photo of the senior citizen and affix their signature on the form. Also, make sure to use either a BLACK or BLUE ink pen only to fill out this form. Let’s get started.
Section 1: Identifying Information
Here is where you’ll find information that will be used to identify the senior citizen in their locality. These include:
- Name of the senior citizen
- Address
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Marital Status
- Contact number
- Email address
- Facebook Messenger
- Religion
- Ethnic Origin
- Language Spoken/Written
- OSCA ID number
- Tax Identification Number (TIN)
- PhilHealth
- SC Association/ Org ID Number
- Other Gov’t ID
- Capability to Travel
- Service/Business/Employment (specify)
- Current pension (specify)
Section 2: Family Composition
This section will provide information on the senior citizen’s immediate family and their dependents. These include:
- Name of spouse
- Father’s name
- Mother’s maiden name
- Children
- Other dependents
Section 3: Dependency profile
This will provide an overview of the dependency profile of the senior citizen, allowing the agency to explore needs to be met and support to be provided. These include:
1. Living/residing with (check all that applies)
2. Housing
Section 4: Education/HR Profile
This section will explore the educational background and the skills, talents, and expertise of the senior citizen as part of the profiling process. This information may be used to identify which program/s the senior citizen will benefit from the most. These include:
- Educational attainment
- Share skill
- Areas of specialization
- Involvement in community activities (check all applicable)
Section 5: Economic Profile
This section will determine the economic status of the senior citizen. This must be filled out as accurately and honestly as possible so as to ensure that the NCSC may prioritize those who are in dire need of assistance. Regardless, all SC-members will benefit from the community programs and services of the agency despite their economic status. These details include:
- Source of income and assistance
- Assets: (Real and Immovable Properties)
- Assets: (Personal and Movable Properties)
- Monthly income (in Philippine Peso)
- Problems / Needs Commonly Encountered
Section 6: Health Profile
This final section will require the senior citizen’s health information. The health status is one of the main things the government wants to help this population with. These details include:
- Medical concerns
- Dental (Teeth)
- Optical (Eyes)
- Aural (Ears)
- Social/Emotional
- Area / Difficulty
- List of medicines for maintenance
Final Section: Signatory
At the bottom of the form is the section for the registrant’s signatory. If the senior citizen personally accomplished the form, he/she will be the only one to sign this part. However, if he/she received some assistance in filling out the form and was accomplished by a relative, then their signatures must also be provided in the form.
Here’s a video guide on how senior citizens or anyone helping them do so fill out the form, whether online or manually, after downloading it. The video is in Tagalog to make it easier to follow for everyone. It also provides a simple explanation of how to fill up the form, including the checkboxes provided. It’s quite comprehensive and easy to follow, so make sure to watch until the end!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of the SCDF?
The Senior Citizen Data Form (SCDF) will serve as a basis of how the government will identify senior citizens and provide them with the necessary services. The form also serves as a database for government agencies to access and maintain updated information about these individuals.
2. What is the difference between the SCDF and my Senior Citizen ID?
The SCDF is a form that will be used to identify you as a senior citizen. It will serve as a basis of how the government will provide you with the necessary services. The Senior Citizen ID (SCID) is a card that contains your personal information and photo, which can be used to prove your identity when making transactions or applying for certain benefits.
3. What kinds of benefits will I receive after I register with the NCSC?
There’s no specific list of benefits that you can get yet, but it’s safe to say that you’ll be able to enjoy the same privileges as other senior citizens, at the very least. This includes discounts on travel fares and medical services. Plus, the advantage of enjoying accessible services through a new system is a great deal for our seniors, who often experience much hassle from long queues and disconnected flow of services — jumping from one agency to another to avail of certain services and / or benefits.
4. Which is easier, the online or manual registration?
Both are quite easy to accomplish, but if you’re more comfortable writing your details on a printed form, then you can opt for the manual registration, but in order to access the form, you still need to have internet connection as well as access to a printer. After filling out the form, you’ll then have to upload a PDF version of it, then submit it via the NCSC’s official email for registration:
On the other hand, if you fill out the form available on the NCSC’s website online, you can submit it right after you fill out all the sections of the form.
So which one is easier? With all the right resources at hand, both can be easy to do. Otherwise, filling out the form online is designed to be more accessible for most people. That being said, be sure to check out our guide on how to register via the NCSC portal.
If you’re looking to get your hands on the NCSC form, then this guide is for you. The NCSC aims to streamline the process of extending services to senior citizens all over the country. And to accomplish this, establishing a central database will enable the agency to monitor, update, and contact senior citizens in need of assistance.
As always, we hope that this article has been helpful and informative. If you have any questions about the NCSC form or other issues related to protecting your rights as a senior citizen today, feel free to contact the NCSC today.
READ NEXT: List of Senior Citizen Benefits in the Philippines