The oil industry continues to bankroll the development of territories in the Middle Eastern area of Asia. It continues to spur the development of infrastructures in the cities, in the oilfields and even has created a demand for reclamation projects aimed at expanding the territory itself to accommodate more facilities.
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The continuing boom is indeed a boon for laborers and expatriates who congregate to the nation for their job satisfaction. Being one of the richest countries in the world, they know that opportunities for professional growth and development would be abundantly within their reach.
Tips and Things to Know about Qatar

Here are other interesting tidbits of information about the country of Qatar and its capital city, Doha.
- Qatar’s Hamad International Airport opened three years ago, in 2014. It is capable of handling fifty million passengers every year.
- Hamad International Airport by virtue of its breadth and its capacity is considered as the world’s ninth biggest airport.
- Qatari people are among the best pearl oyster divers in the world. In fact, there are still amateur pearl divers who dive to Inland Sea off the country’s shores to search for these desired pearl oysters.
- Liquified natural gas is one of the primary assets of the country.
- Qataris are huge sweet lovers. Many Qataris take a spoonful of honey in the morning and in the evening before they sleep.
- Cardamom infused tea, otherwise known as karak tea is served after meals to cleanse the palate.
- Do not be surprised if there is no cutlery used during meals – many Qataris use bread to scoop up food from a communal serving dish.
- Qataris are also quite family oriented. The midday meal during Friday, which is served after prayers, is a good time to get together and get each one updated.
- There is a heavy influence of Indian and Iranian cuisine in traditional Qatari fare. Herbs and spices as well as the use of various meats contribute to the specialty cuisines.
- Among the specialty cuisines served in Qatar are ghuzi, motabel, biriani, taboulleh and hummus.
- An important Qatari dish that is used to welcome guests is called machbous which is a rich stew of either a combination of meat and rice or of seafood and rice.
- Qatari men wear a thoub which is a long white shirt that is worn over boxer style shorts or worn over long white cotton trousers to ward off the heat.
- Thoubs are a matter of pride among Qatari men who are accustomed to wear immaculately laundered thoubs on a daily basis.
- The abaya is the long black cloak that is worn by Qatari women whenever they appear in public.
- A djelabia or a dress is also worn underneath the abaya by Qatari women.
- Most Qatari businessmen shun conventional business suits in favor of lightweight trousers, long-sleeved shirts and ties to work.
- Tourists are recommended to visit the little village of Al Thakira which is known for its variety of marine wildlife organisms.
- Nestled between the villages of Fuwairit and Al Huwailah is a range of rocky hills that have been discovered to harbor prehistoric carvings. The rocky hills are known as Al Jassasiya and attract adventure seekers to the area.
- Art lovers, culture seekers and historians would certainly enjoy the treasures in the Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum which is one of the largest private museums in the world.
- Swimmers in the region are forbidden to wear bikinis and two-piece suits unless they wear a long shirt over their outfits even while swimming.
- Remote controlled robots now are the jockeys in camel races in Qatar after the practice of using child jockeys has been banned due to safety concerns.
- There are man-made islands off the coast of West Bay lagoon which house the Pearl-Qatar.
- Fridays and Saturdays are considered the weekends in the country. Stores are closed until after the noon-day prayers have been performed.
- Qatar hosts the MotoGrandPrix every year at the Losail International Circuit which is located in the north of the Atari territory. The event is done at nighttime due to the soaring daytime temperatures.
Qatar is considered as a land of opportunity for both natives and expatriates in the territory. With opportunities brought about by the wealth of natural gas and oil reserves, the future is indeed going to be bright for everyone in the country.