Filipinos based in Australia who need to renew their Philippine passports, you can head to the Philippine embassy or Philippine Consulate General offices available nearest in where you are located.
Related Post: Australia Do’s and Dont’s
Six months is the general length of time needed to process your passport application and renewal. Philippine residents who have registered passports need to ensure that their passports are renewed are ensuring their rights are as Filipinos are preserved.

Here are the steps and requirements for applying and renewing passports in the Land Down Under, Australia:
Guide to Applying for a New Passport at the Philippine Embassy and Philippine Consulate General Offices in Australia
General Guidelines:
A personal appearance of the applicant before the Philippine Embassy is a requirement. Unless absolutely necessary, you must never send someone else in your stead.
For Applicants for Passport Renewal
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- A duly filled-in application form.
- Original and photocopies of the most recent expiring or expired passport’s bio data page.
- Photocopies of the Australian visa page or the Visa Grant Notice or Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)
- A self-addressed prepaid registered post return envelope
For First-time Passport Applicants
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- A duly filled-in application form.
- If the applicant was born in the Philippines, he must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Birth Certificate printed in Security Paper.
2a. If the entries in the birth certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Birth Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If the applicant was born abroad, he must present the Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the birth was registered.
- Valid picture IDs or supporting documents to prove the applicant’s identity.
- A self-addressed prepaid registered post return envelope
Additional Requirements for Married Women
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- If married in the Philippines, she must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Marriage Certificate printed in Security Paper.
1a. If the entries in the marriage certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Marriage Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If married in territories abroad, she must provide the Report of Marriage issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the marriage was registered.
Additional Requirements for Minor Applicants
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate of the minor’s parents
- Photocopy of the valid passport of either parent (if the minor is a legitimate child) or of the mother (if the minor is an illegitimate child) with identification documents to prove the veracity of the documents.
- Personal appearance of either of the child’s parents (if the minor is a legitimate child) or of the mother (if the child is illegitimate)
If the minor is legitimized by the subsequent marriage of the parents:
Provide the following:
- Authenticated Birth Certificate from the Philippine Statistics Authority which must include an annotation regarding the new status of the applicant as legitimized with the full name of the child.
If the minor is illegitimate but has been acknowledged by the father:
Provide the following:
- Birth Certificate from the Philippine Statistics Authority reflecting the surname of the father with the Affidavit of Acknowledgement and Consent to Use the Surname of the Father.
For Applicants who Availed of the Dual Citizenship or Elected for Philippine Citizenship Pursuant to RA 9225
Provide the following:
- Identification certificate
- Applicant’s Oath of Allegiance
- Applicant’s Order of Approval
Additional Requirements for Holders of Brown Passports Issued prior to May 1, 1995, for Holders of Green Passports or Passports issued after May 1, 1995 and Machine Readable Passports (MRP) issued from 2007 to 2010
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- Original and photocopies of the passport’s data page and last page.
- If the applicant was born in the Philippines, he must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Birth Certificate printed in Security Paper.
2a. If the entries in the birth certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Birth Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If the applicant was born abroad, he must present the Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the birth was registered.
- For women married in the Philippines, she must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Marriage Certificate printed in Security Paper.
4a. If the entries in the marriage certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Marriage Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If married in territories abroad, she must provide the Report of Marriage issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the marriage was registered.
- Valid picture IDs or supporting documents to prove the applicant’s identity.
For Holders of E-Passports
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- Original copy of the e-passport and photocopies of the data page and the last page of the e-passport
For Women Who Wish to Use their Married Surname:
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- If married in the Philippines, she must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Marriage Certificate printed in Security Paper.
1a. If the entries in the marriage certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Marriage Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If married in territories abroad, she must provide the Report of Marriage issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the marriage was registered.
For Married Women Who Wish to Revert to their Maiden Names:
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- If the applicant was born in the Philippines, he must bring the original and photocopies of his National Statistics Office- or Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Birth Certificate printed in Security Paper.
1a. If the entries in the birth certificate are blurred or unreadable, the Certified True Copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar’s Office authenticated by the PSA or NSO or the Transcribed Birth Certificate of the LCRO would suffice.
- If the applicant was born abroad, he must present the Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the birth was registered.
- If already widowed: Present the Death Certificate of the deceased husband.
- If marriage is annulled: Present the Certified True Copy of the Annotated Philippine Statistics Authority(PSA) Marriage Contract and the Court Order effecting the annulment.
- If divorced: Present the Certified True Copy of the first page and the dispositive portion of the judgment on the divorce secured by the foreign spouse which is duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate where the divorce was obtained and granted.
5a. Applicant must also present the original and photocopies of the CTC of the Philippine Court Order’s recognition of the foreign divorce decree.
5b. The PSA Marriage Certificate with an annotation of the Divorce Decree must also be presented.
For Replacements of Lost Passports:
Make sure to bring the following during your personal appearance before the Philippine Embassy:
- Applicants for the replacement of lost passports must submit the same documents required for first time passport applicants.
- Photocopies of the Australian Visa Page or the Visa Grant Notice or the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO).
- A self-addressed prepaid registered post return envelope
In case the Philippine Passport was misplaced and cannot be found:
Applicants must submit the following:
- Notarized Affidavit of Loss or Statutory Declaration (with the detailed explanations as to when, where and how the passport got lost).
- If the passport is still valid, applicants must submit a Police Report.
- Photocopies of the first page of the lost passport if available.
Important Note: If a passport has been declared lost or misplaced, it is automatically cancelled and no longer would be valid if found
In case the Philippine passport was mutilated or damaged:
Applicants must submit the following:
- Notarized Affidavit of Loss or Statutory Declaration (with the detailed explanations as to when, where and how the passport got damaged or mutilated).
- Original and photocopy of first and last page of the mutilated or damaged passport.
List of Accepted IDs
Following are the acceptable identification documents which the applicants must present one of:
Government issued picture ID cards:
- Digitized Social Security Service ID
- Driver’s License
- GSIS E-card
- Philippine Regulatory Commission ID
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines ID
- Bureau of Internal Revenue Digitized ID
- Senior Citizen’s ID
- Old College Level IDs
- Old Employment IDs
List of Supporting Documents
Following is the list of supporting documents which applicants must provide at least three of:
- COMELEC Voter’s ID
- NSO or PSA Marriage Contract
- Land Title
- Seaman’s Book
- Elementary or Secondary Level Form 137 or transcript of records with Readable Dry Seal
- Updated Government Service Record
- National Bureau of Investigation Clearance
- Police Clearance
- Barangay Clearance
- Old documents issued a year prior to the date of application that shows the correct name, date and place of birth, picture and signature.
- NSO or PSA Birth Certificate of Child or Children
- SSS E1 Form or Microfilmed Copy of SSS E1 Form
- Income Tax Return
- Voter’s Certification, List of Voters and Voter’s Registration Record
- School Yearbook
- Community Tax Certificate
Make sure that the requirements and the guidelines would be followed to the letter to ensure the fast processing of your passports.