Filipinos in Kuwait whose passports are going to expire, it is best that you process the renewal more than six months before the actual date of expiry because of the busy timings at the Philippine embassy. Better to prepare yourself of the requirements and procedure to have a smoother passport application. Here’s a guide article to help you.
Different protocols exist in different embassies depending on the location. While the Embassies and Consulates exist to serve the Filipino community in the territory, they have to take into consideration local customs and traditions as well.
When in Kuwait, it is a good thing to observe the schedules posted by the Embassy to keep your affairs sorted out. You do not want to be caught outside of the schedule.

Step by Step Guide in Applying for a New Passport at the Phil. Embassy in Kuwait
General Guidelines
Applicants must be able to appear personally before the Embassy to facilitate their requests. Processing and general services begin at 8:00 am and last until 12:30 pm. Releasing of the said documents may vary from within the day to up to 40 days or more depending on the service you acquired.
OFWs whose passports are about to expire within six months or whose Kuwait residence visas would expire within one year from the date of the passport expiry are requested to apply for EXTENSION and RENEWAL of their passports immediately to prevent lapses in the validity and avoid payment of immigration penalty.
Requirements for Passport Renewal and Extension
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished passport application form or extension form, in black ink
- Original passport
- Photocopy of the data page and last page of the passport
- If applicable, photocopy of Kuwait residence visa
- Passport payment fees (for renewal – KD 18; for extension – KD 6)
- Upon renewal of the passport, KUWAITI RESIDENCE VISA must be TRANSFERRED to avoid accruing immigration penalties.
Requirements for New Passport and Report of Birth for Minors
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished passport application form or extension form, in black ink
- Four copies of duly filled-up Report of Birth (KD 7.5)
- Four photocopies of the Arabic Birth Certificate of the child with authentication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and should have the official English translation.
- Original Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Marriage Certificate of the Parents if marriage was performed in the Philippines
- Report of Marriage if the marriage was performed in a foreign territory.
- Original Passport of parents plus four photocopies (data page and last page)
- Civil ID, if available, including four photocopies.
- Passport fee payment of KD 18.
Requirements for Replacement of Lost Passport
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished passport application form or extension form, in black ink
- Police report with official English Translation
- Affidavit of Loss
- If available, photocopy of the lost passport or Kuwait Civil ID
- Passport payment fees (KD 45 for lost ePassports; KD 27 for lost green passports of MRP)
Requirements for woman who wants to adopt her married name
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Photocopy of the old passport
- PSA-issued Marriage Certificate in Security Paper authenticated by the Department of foreign Affairs in Manila
- Report of Marriage or Marriage Certificate (with English translation) authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and registered at the Philippine Embassy if marriage was solemnized by the Kuwait Ministry of Justice
Requirements for Availing of Report of Marriage
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished Report of Marriage form
- Original and four photocopies of the Arabic marriage certificate duly authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with official English translation.
- Original passport plus four photocopies of both parties
- Original and four photocopies of Kuwait Civil ID of both parties, if applicable
- Payment of KD 15
Requirements for the Solemnization of Marriages between Filipinos only (KD 48)
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- PSA-issued Birth Certificates duly authenticated by the DFA for both parties
- PSA Certificate of No Marriage or Certificate of Non-Appearance of the Applicant’s Name in the National Indices of Marriage or Certificate of Single Status and Non-marriage authenticated by the DFA.
- Joint Affidavit of Single Status
- Application for Marriage License
- For applicants 18-21 years old, submission of Notarized Affidavit of Parental Consent
- For applicants between 21-25 years old, submit of Notarized Affidavit of Parental Advice. If such advice is unfavorable or cannot be obtained, marriage licenses shall be issued 3 months following the publication of the approval of the marriage license.
- Certificate of Marriage Counseling for either applicant should they fall between the age bracket of 18-25 years old.
- Two pictures of each applicant
- Marriage Banns to be posted for 10 days
Requirements for Notarization of Affidavits / Contracts
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines and prepare KD 7.5 for each document that needs to be notarized.
- Duly accomplished and signed affidavits and contracts to be notarized.
- Copy of passport and Civil ID, if any, of the affiant/ signing party to the contract.
- Copy of passport and Civil ID, if any, of 2 consenting witnesses.
- Only the signatures of people physically present in Kuwait will be accepted by the Embassy for notarization.
- For notarization of Special Power of Attorney, the specific acts authorized and over which properties, should be indicated in the document
- For Special Power of Attorney that were drafted in the Philippines, make sure that blanks are completely filled up and the specific acts authorized and over which properties are indicated in the document.
Requirements for Affidavits of Support and Consent
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines and prepare KD 7.5 for each document that needs to be notarized.
- Duly accomplished Affidavit of Support and Consent
- Photocopies of Kuwait Visa with official English translation
- Photocopy of the passport and residence visa of the sponsor
- Photocopy of the invited person’s passport
Requirements for Parental Travel Permits
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines and prepare KD 7.5 for payment:
- Duly accomplished Parental Travel Permit
- Photocopies of the passports of the signing parent or of the person accompanying the child
- Photocopies of the child’s passport
- Signed by the parent who is not accompanying the child
Requirements for Dependent Visa
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines and prepare KD 7.5 for payment:
- Duly filled-in Certification
- PSA-issued and DFA authenticated Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate
- Photocopy of the passport and residence visa of the sponsor
- Photocopy of the invited person’s passport
Requirements for Philippine Driver’s License
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines and prepare KD 7.5 for payment:
- Original License
- Copy of the applicant’s passport
- Remember that only those valid and unexpired licenses shall be accepted
Requirements for Philippine Visa
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished visa application form.
- One copy of either a 2×2 picture or a passport sized photo
- Copy of passport
- Valid Kuwait visa
- Copy of previous Philippine visas if applicable
- Company letter duly signed by the company’s representative expressing no objection to the applicant’s Philippine travel.
- Confirmed two-way ticket
- For multiple entry visa, PSA-issued, DFA-authenticated marriage certificate or Report of Marriage
- Payment of KD 12 for single-entry tourist visa
- Payment of KD 36 for multiple-entry visa
Requirement for Business/Recruitment Visa
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the stay in the Philippines.
- Photocopy of the applicant’s passport.
- Duly accomplished visa application form.
- 2 colored photos
- Request letter from sponsor or employer, including the details of visa applicant and purpose of travel (for non-Kuwaitis)
- Round-trip ticket
- If purpose of visa is for recruitment of Filipino workers, applicants must submit the following additional requirements:
7a. Copy of Special Power of Attorney duly verified by the Office of the Labor Attache.
7b. Copy of Demand Letter stating the number of workers to be hired, positions and salaries.
7c. Copy of approved block visa from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
7d. Payment of applicable fees: KD 12 for single entry fee, KD 24 for multiple entry for six months and KD 36 for multiple entry for 1 year.
Requirement for Student Visa
Applicants must be able to provide the following documents and follow the guidelines:
- Duly accomplished application form
- Authenticated secondary level diploma and transcript of records.
- Personal History Statement in four copies
- Affidavit of parental support
- Police clearance
- Medical examination with life-size chest x-ray
- Certificate of Good Conduct
Phil. Embassy Kuwait Contact Information
Philippine Embassy Kuwait
Location: 63 Street, Kuwait
Phone Number: +965 2252 8422
Google Map Location of the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait
To guide you in getting to the PH Embassy in Kuwait, you can check out the map address for more directions.