The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) offers different types of programs based on people’s needs. Among these are educational assistance, medical assistance, transportation assistance, livelihood assistance, solo parent cash assistance, and social pension, among many other programs.
In addition, DSWD has a comprehensive program for impoverished families. This is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, or simply “4Ps,” for short. In this article, we will take a closer look at what the program is all about, including the benefits, qualifications of members, requirements, and procedures involved. Keep on reading to learn more about DSWD’s 4Ps program!

What is DSWD’s 4Ps Program?
As of this writing, the 4Ps official website shows that the program covers almost 4.3 million households or families. These are located in more than 41,600 barangays — within 146 cities and 1,481 municipalities — situated all over the country. But what exactly is this nationwide program all about?
Basically, 4Ps is a program that focuses on the health and education of poor households in the Philippines, particularly those where there are children ages 0 to 18 years old. The program was introduced in 2008, and is patterned after the conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs in Latin American and African countries.
On April 17, 2019, then President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed Republic Act No. 11310 or “An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program,” declaring 4Ps as the national poverty reduction strategy of the Philippine government.
The program is implemented by the DSWD (lead agency), in coordination with the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), National Nutrition Council (NNC), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), and Landbank of the Philippines (LBP), along with Local Government Units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), and volunteers.
Benefits of 4Ps Program
Members of the 4Ps program are entitled to receive the following benefits and privileges:
- Educational grant of PHP 300 per child/month (elementary/daycare); PHP 500 per child/month (junior high); and PHP 700 per child/month (senior high) for a maximum of 10 months/year;
- Health grant of PHP 750 per month;
- Rice subsidy of PHP 600 per month;
- Automatic PhilHealth coverage; and
- Priority in availment of programs such as DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) and other similar initiatives.
As you can see, the amount to be given each household depends on the number of children and their specific ages or school levels. Cash grants are given through a Landbank cash card, which is provided to each household. In case a Landbank cash card is not feasible, alternative payment methods such as GCash and rural banks are considered.
Typically, the 4Ps program implements a maximum of 7-year duration for each household. After this period, the household is set to “exit” from the program. They may also exit from the program in the following cases:
- The last monitored child in the family has finished high school;
- The last monitored child in the family has turned 19 years old;
- Based on the latest assessment, the household is no longer “poor;”
- The household has voluntarily waived membership from the program; or
- The household has committed an offense, wherein the consequence is de-listing or removal from the program.
Qualifications to Join 4Ps
Now you might be thinking, how are 4Ps members identified? Well, the Philippine government makes use of “Listahanan,” also called the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR). This is a standardized targeting system that helps in identifying the poorest households in the country. It is not just used for 4Ps, but for other programs, as well.
To qualify for the 4Ps program, a household must meet the following conditions:
- There are children ages 0 to 18 years old in the family;
- There is a pregnant family member at the time of registration; and
- The family agrees with the conditions set by the 4Ps program.
NOTE: Farmers, fisherfolk, homeless families, informal settlers, indigenous peoples, and families living in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas are automatically included in the standardized targeting system.

Requirements to Join 4Ps
As for documents, applicants need to submit the following requirements, in order to become a member of the 4Ps program:
- Copies of Birth Certificate of all family members;
- Copies of School IDs or First Grading School Report Card of all children who are attending school;
- Copy of Health Records of children ages 0 to 5 years old from the Health Center where they have check-ups;
- Barangay Certificate;
- Two (2) copies of 1×1 picture with white background for the Program ID and Landbank ATM card; and
- Valid IDs of the family member who will attend Family Development Sessions (FDS).
NOTE: Please contact the DSWD office in your area for the latest requirements.
How to Join 4Ps
Typically, the DSWD, along with other stakeholders, go directly to households whom they consider may be qualified to join the 4Ps program. If your household has been selected and included in the Listahanan database, you may be asked to provide the following information by sending a text message:
- Full name including middle name;
- Date of birth;
- Current address; and
- Contact number.
Send the above information to 09189122813 in the following format:
4Ps<Name><Date of Birth><Address><Mobile No.>
For example:
4Ps Juana Cruz Reyes July 15, 1985 B7 L9 Riverside Subdivision Muntinlupa City
NOTE: If your household was not included in Listahanan, this means that you are not qualified to join the 4Ps program. However, don’t worry because the DSWD has other programs that you may join, such as the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) and the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) program.
DSWD Infographic Guide About 4Ps Program
Meanwhile, here is an infographic guide created by the DSWD, providing a brief description of the 4Ps program:

Conditions to Remain in 4Ps Program
Since the 4Ps is patterned after conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs, there are certain “conditions” that every member must meet, in order to remain in the program. These conditions are as follows:
Pregnant Women
- Avail of pre-natal services;
- Give birth in a health facility; and
- Receive post-partum and post-natal care.
Children 0 to 5 Years Old
- Receive regular health and nutrition services; and
- Undergo check-ups and vaccinations.
Children 1 to 14 Years Old
- Avail of deworming pills twice a year.
Children 3 to 4 Years Old
- Attend daycare or pre-school classes with at least 85% attendance.
Children 5 to 18 Years Old
- Attend elementary or secondary school classes with at least 85% attendance.
Responsible Family Member
- Attend monthly Family Development Sessions (FDS).
NOTE: The Family Development Session (FDS) is a monthly activity that must be attended by the main grantee — usually the mother — of the family. These sessions are aimed towards enhancing their parenting capabilities, while encouraging them to be more active members of society.
Video: DSWD Sec. Erwin Tulfo Explains 4Ps Program
What is 4Ps and who are qualified to become 4Ps members? In this video featured on his official Facebook page, DSWD Secretary Erwin Tulfo talks about the program and its intended beneficiaries:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Meanwhile, here are some commonly asked questions and answers about DSWD’s 4Ps program:
1. What is the 4Ps program?
The 4Ps program is a government initiative focusing on the health and education of poor families, specifically those with children ages 0 to 18 years old. In 2019, Republic Act No. 11310 or “An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program” was signed by then President Rodrigo Duterte.
2. What are the benefits of the program?
Through this program, beneficiaries are entitled to receive educational grants, health grants, rice subsidies, PhilHealth coverage, and prioritization in some of DSWD’s programs. The educational grant depends on the age and school level of the children. Meanwhile, the health grant is provided to pregnant women, children 0 to 5 years old, and children 3 to 14 years old.
3. How do 4Ps beneficiaries receive grants?
Cash grants are given through a Landbank cash card. In cases where this is not feasible, other alternative methods (e.g. GCash, rural banks) are used.
4. Who are qualified to join 4Ps?
In order to be considered for the program, a household must: include children ages 0 to 18 years old, or a family member who is pregnant at the time of registration. The family must also agree with the conditions set by the program.
5. What are the requirements to join 4Ps?
To become a member, applicants need to submit: copies of the birth certificate of all family members; copies of the children’s school IDs or first grading school report card, Barangay certificate; and copies of health records of children ages 0 to 5 years old, among other documents.
6. How are 4Ps beneficiaries selected?
Prospective 4Ps beneficiaries are identified through a standardized targeting system called “Listahanan” or National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR). This is a standardized targeting system that is designed to help identify who and where the poorest households in the country are.
7. What are the conditions to remain in 4Ps?
To remain in the 4Ps program, beneficiaries must meet certain conditions. For instance, pregnant women must avail of pre- and post-natal care. Likewise, the children need to have at least 85% attendance in school (all levels). Moreover, the main grantee (e.g. mother) must attend the program’s monthly Family Development Sessions (FDS).
8. How long will 4Ps beneficiaries receive grants?
This would depend on several factors. Basically, a household shall “exit” from the 4Ps program in the following cases:
- The household has reached the 7-year duration of the program;
- The last monitored child in the family finishes high school;
- The last monitored child in the family turns 19 years old;
- The household is no longer “poor” based on the latest assessment;
- The household voluntarily waives membership from 4Ps; or
- The household commits an offense wherein the consequence is de-listing or removal from the program.
9. How can I learn more about the program?
If you have any questions about 4Ps, simply visit the nearest DSWD office in your area (see contact information below). Also, please remember that joining this program is free. If there is anyone who comes to you, asking for money in exchange for membership to the program… he/she is likely a scammer. In such cases, please inform the police or the DSWD immediately.
10. Help! I was not selected to join 4Ps. What can I do?
In case you were not selected to join the 4Ps program, but you need urgent assistance, just head to the nearest DSWD office. The agency has other programs that you may join, such as the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) for livelihood assistance, and the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) program for educational, medical, burial, or transportation assistance.
Contact Information: DSWD Central Office
If you are based in the National Capital Region (NCR) and you’d like to know more about the 4Ps program, you can get in touch with the DSWD Central Office through the following contact details:
Address: Batasang Pambansa Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City, Philippines, 1126
Telephone: (02) 8931 8101 to 07
Email: /
NOTE: Aside from the DSWD Central Office in Quezon City, the agency has Field Offices across the Philippines. Visit this link to see the directory of DSWD Field Offices nationwide, including the telephone number and website of each office:
Google Map Location
The DSWD Central Office is located at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City. Here is the office’s location on Google Maps, for your reference:
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps was conceptualized as a poverty reduction program that would uplift the welfare and well-being of impoverished Filipinos. By focusing on areas such as health and education, the program helps to ensure that pregnant women, children, and their families have access to basic services.
In addition, since 4Ps is patterned after conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs, it clearly identifies the conditions that each family must meet, in order to maintain their membership. As a result, parents, children, and other members of the family are encouraged to be responsible and accountable in terms of health, education, and other important matters.
DISCLAIMER: We hope that the above guide has been helpful, especially if you, or anyone you know ,is interested in joining the 4Ps program. Please keep in mind that this guide is presented for general, information-sharing purposes only. To learn more about the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, including the benefits, qualifications, requirements, and steps involved, please visit the official website and Facebook page of 4Ps.
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