How Much is the Salary of a Factory Worker in Taiwan?

Have you ever considered working as an OFW in Taiwan? If so, you will find the following article useful. In case you are wondering what is the salary you can get, as well as some important details to know about your monthly payslip, you may check out the information share by the vlogger below.

In this article, an OFW working in Taiwan shares her salary, including deductions and bonuses. This will give you an idea about what to expect and help you decide whether you wish to pursue a career in Taiwan or not.

Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFWs in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFWs by commenting on the videos on their accounts.

taiwan ofw

Table of Contents

Working in Taiwan; Is the Salary Worth it?

OFW YouTuber Nica Bernabe shares the following information about a typical salary of an ordinary worker in Taiwan. You can watch the full video below:

Basic Salary

The basic salary in Taiwan is 23,100 NT (New Taiwan Dollar), which is equivalent to roughly around 38,000 Philippine pesos.

Nica Bernabe shared that back in 2016, when she first came to Taiwan, the basic salary was 20,000 NT. In 2017, it was 21,000 NT, then 22,000 NT in 2018. In 2019 it’s 23,100 NT as mentioned in the video.

According to the Trading Economics website, the basic salary in Taiwan now is 23,800 NT.

Nica also shared that the basic salary is the same for all companies in Taiwan. They only differ in the following aspects:

  • Salary deduction
  • Overtime pay

Salary Deductions

You can’t get the basic salary in full. Nica lists the following salary deductions:

  • Tax -Nica said that she is paying taxes for 6 months (January to July) only. You can refund your payments next year though.
  • Labor Insurance
  • Health Insurance – According to Nica, this is the equivalent of PhilHealth in the Philippines. Because of this deduction, workers can have medical checkup, have dental procedures done, and others for a much cheaper price.
  • Board and Lodging – This refers to the food and dormitory.

Nica said that she is very happy their canteen will be serving Filipino food. Before, Chinese food is served, and he had to go outside to buy food because she’s not used to the taste.

However, after a taste test among employees, including foreign ones, they all enjoyed the taste of Filipino food, so the company decided to serve Filipino dishes at the canteen.

Overall, Nica says the total salary deduction is 5000 NTD or approximately 8,500 pesos.

What’s left is your net pay which is 18,000 NT or 30,000 pesos.


According to Nica, if you have 100 hours of overtime, you get an extra 12000 NTD.

Adding that to your net salary, you get 30,000 NT or 50,000 pesos.

You’re lucky if you get into a company with lots of overtime.

Thus, Nica suggests that before you accept a job offer from a company in Taiwan, do some research first.

Learn about their deductions, their overtime pay. There are companies that don’t offer overtime.

Nica says that they usually have 4 hours of overtime per day, for a total of 12 hours duty.

In addition, since they only have one day for day off in a week, that one day that’s supposedly a day off becomes overtime. That means another 8 hours per week of over time.


During holidays, Nica receives a gift check worth 500 NTD – 1000 NTD.

During Chinese New Year, they receive 1500 NTD.

The company also give a company tour during New Year as one of their bonuses to their employees.

There are even companies in Taiwan that give as much as 10,000 NTD to their employees during Chinese New Year.

There you have it. Nica admitted that for her, the salary she is earning in Taiwan is much bigger compared to the salary she is earning in the Philippines. That’s why she is grateful. Of course she also has expenses but overall she is still earning and saving more in Taiwan.

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