Salary of a New Graduate Nurse in Finland

Starting on a career as a nurse holds tremendous promise for new graduates, especially those considering opportunities abroad. Finland, known for its high-quality healthcare system and commitment to education, stands as an enticing destination for aspiring nurses looking to kickstart their careers. However, understanding the financial landscape is crucial in making informed decisions.

In this article, we will look into the intricacies of salaries for new graduate nurses in Finland, shedding light on the earning potential and factors influencing compensation. Whether you’re a recent nursing graduate contemplating a move to Finland or simply curious about salary prospects in the field, this guide aims to provide comprehensive insights to aid in your career planning.

salary of a new graduate nurse in finland
Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

Exploring New Graduate Nurse Salaries in Finland

This article is based on a YouTube video from the channel, “Jullie Allidem.” If you want to watch the full video, then click on the link below:

While the vlogger opts to keep her salary undisclosed, she generously shares job postings from various employers within the nursing field. Delving into the expansive realm of job search platforms in Finland, there are numerous websites available to explore promising opportunities. Among these, the vlogger’s favorite platform is:

  • Duunitori

Additionally, other noteworthy websites include:

  • Kuntarekry
  • Oikotie Tyopaikat

Each of these platforms provides a diverse range of job listings for aspiring nurses to peruse and consider. With such a wealth of online resources at hand, navigating the job market becomes more accessible, empowering new graduate nurses in their quest for employment.

What to Search on Google:

The vlogger often visited the above-mentioned websites during her quest for nursing employment opportunities. Alternatively, one could easily navigate to other job search platforms by simply typing “lahihoitaja tyopaikka” into Google.

For instance, exploring Duunitori reveals a plethora of job postings from both private and government employers. Among the listings, job titles such as “kesatyo: sairaanhoitaja, lahihoitaja, terveydenhoitaja” are commonly found. After browsing through these postings, the next step is to dive into the offered salaries.

Salary Offerings for Welfare Jobs

In the video, the vlogger navigated through a job search website and stumbled upon an advertisement for a nursing welfare position in Finland. The advertisement provided details about the salary offered for this job opportunity.

  • Jobs in welfare areas are primarily offered by the government.
  • For registered nurses, the basic salary starts at 2,917.20 euros per month.
  • For licensed practical nurses, salaries range between 2,443.50 euros to 2,501.90 euros per month.
  • Salaries increase based on your level of work experience.
  • This basic salary applies to both newly graduated nurses and those with years of experience.

For Private Nursing Home

Now, let’s explore the salaries of nurses working in homes for the aged and similar facilities.

  • The basic salary varies based on the salary grade:
    • For caregivers, the basic salary starts at 2,111 euros per month.
    • For licensed practical nurses, it ranges from 2,400 to 2,700 euros per month.
    • Salary increases with work experience and job tasks, such as those with permits to dispense medicine, who typically earn higher salaries.
    • Some nurses have passed the LOVe exam, allowing them to administer medicine, resulting in higher salaries.
    • Registered nurses earn between 2,700 to 3,000 euros per month, depending on their experience and job responsibilities.
    • Job descriptions vary, with some registered nurses serving as team leaders, which commands higher pay.

Manpower Service

Let’s examine the salaries of nurses working for a manpower service company, as advertised on a website:

  • They offer salaries per hour:
    • For Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), the rate is 18 euros per hour.
    • For Registered Nurses, the rate is 22 euros per hour.
  • This rate represents the basic salary, regardless of whether you’re a new graduate or not.


  • In the YouTube video example, hospitals are specifically seeking nurses for summer positions.
  • In Finland, additional employees are often needed during the summer months as regular staff members take vacations.
  • The salaries for these summer positions are:
    • Registered Nurses: 2600 euros per month
    • Licensed Practical Nurses: 2300 euros per month
    • LPN students: 2000 euros per month
    • Student Registered Nurses: 2300 euros per month
  • Moreover, employees also receive a 100 euro voucher called E-passi.

Welfare Areas Under Government Employment

  • LPNs are sought after for home care services.
  • These roles typically involve community nursing, including home visits.
  • The salary for LPNs in this field is approximately 2400 euros per month.
  • Interestingly, government positions tend to offer higher salaries compared to private sector roles.
  • Large companies often provide manpower for licensed practical nurses, offering part-time or contractual opportunities.
  • These companies tend to offer higher starting salaries, ranging from 2800 to 3100 euros per month for LPNs, even within the private sector.

General Factors Affecting Salary of Nurses in Finland

  • Experience: Nurses with more years of experience often command higher salaries.
  • Education and qualifications: Advanced degrees and specialized certifications may lead to higher pay.
  • Employer type: Salaries can vary between public and private healthcare institutions.
  • Location: Salaries may differ based on the region or city where the nurse is employed.
  • Shift differentials: Nurses working evening, night, or weekend shifts may receive additional pay.
  • Union agreements: Collective bargaining agreements between unions and employers can impact salary levels.
  • Supply and demand: Shortages of nurses in certain specialties or regions may lead to higher salaries.

In conclusion, navigating the landscape of nursing salaries in Finland reveals a complex interplay of factors. Salaries can vary based on experience, education, employer type, location, and other factors. However, you can find nursing jobs in Finland by accessing the websites mentioned above, which offer a wealth of opportunities for nurses seeking employment in various healthcare settings.