The Securities and Exchange Commission, also abbreviated as the SEC, is the government agency in the Philippines that is in charge of monitoring the securities business. Investors are safeguarded by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which maintains market order and ensures that all participants are treated fairly. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is very essential to the people of the Philippines since it helps maintain financial stability and protects investors. In addition, the SEC offers valuable information to Filipinos about various investments and financial products, which assists them in making well-informed decisions on their financial portfolios.
OFWs are one of the groups that stand to gain from the regulatory tasks carried out by the SEC. It is the responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to safeguard investors and ensure that the securities business is run in an honest manner. This is accomplished by the monitoring of the activity of market participants including brokers, dealers, investment advisers, transfer agents, and others. To find out more about what the SEC does and how you can benefit from its services and programs, keep on reading below.

What is the Meaning of SEC?
SEC stands for Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines.
What is the Purpose of SEC?
The objective of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a government organization, is to safeguard investors; to ensure fairness, order, and efficiency in the markets; and to make it easier for businesses to raise capital. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in charge of enforcing government securities laws, which include regulations regarding initial public offerings (IPOs), disclosures regarding corporate governance, accounting standards, and the trading of derivatives contracts on exchanges.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is also in charge of regulating the stock exchanges around the country. It is able to make new regulations, enforce existing securities laws, and prosecute people who violate such laws. It also has the power to enforce current securities laws.
Brief History
The Securities and Exchange Commission was initially founded on October 26, 1936, as a result of Commonwealth Act No. 83. After the boom in the stock market, a need arose that spurred the founding of this organization: the necessity to safeguard the public interest. On November 11, 1936, Ricardo Nepomuceno was the one who initiated business activities for the agency.
Through the regulation of the registration of securities and the activities of financial institutions, the primary aim of the commission is to safeguard the general public against instances of deceit and misconduct. Additionally, it keeps an eye on the goings-on of bond and stock brokers.
In 1947, in order to take the place of the institution that had been dissolved as a result of the occupation by the Japanese, the Philippine Executive Commission was established. In 1975, as a result of the reforms that were implemented by President Ferdinand Marcos, it was restructured as a collegial body with three commissioners. In addition, the PD902-A endowed it with a jurisdiction of a quasi-judicial nature.
In 1981, the agency underwent an expansion that resulted in the creation of two more commissioners and two departments, each of which was responsible for enforcement and monitoring respectively. Following the implementation of the Securities Regulation Code on December 1, 2000, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) underwent a reorganization.
Functions and Responsibilities of SEC
The major institution in charge of ensuring that Philippine corporations comply with applicable rules and regulations is the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC for short. It is also entrusted with maintaining investor confidence in the securities market by monitoring the financial disclosures of listed businesses, assessing the corporate governance standards of such companies, and disciplining those who conduct illegal activities such as market manipulation and insider trading. The following is a list of the functions and responsibilities held by the SEC:
-To administer and enforce the requirements of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC)
– To ensure that transactions in the securities market are honest, fair, orderly, and efficient.
-To safeguard investors from fraudulent schemes by adequately regulating and supervising the securities industry in order to encourage investor education, information disclosure to investors, and protection against fraudulent schemes.
-To encourage the growth of a capital market that is both more robust and economically viable through the education of investors, the disclosure of information to investors, and the protection of investors against fraudulent schemes through the regulation and supervision of the securities industry in sufficient amounts.
Laws that the SEC enforce in the Philippines:
Securities Regulation Code (SRC). The Securities Regulation Code (SRC) is a piece of legislation that was enacted by the Philippine Congress in order to provide a legal framework for the regulation of the securities sector. It is the fundamental piece of legislation in the Philippines that controls all areas of the financial markets, specifically:
- Securities regulation
- Investment funds
- Regulation of dealers and brokers
The Securities Exchange Republic Act of 1934 (the SECRA) is the primary statute that regulates all securities transactions. In some places, it is also referred to as Act No. 8799 of the Republic of the Philippines or the Securities Regulation Code (SRC). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for regulating the offering of securities for sale and the sale of securities in order to protect investors from fraudulent schemes, information disclosure, and investor protection against market manipulation. This is accomplished by making certain that transactions in the securities market are honest, orderly, and fair.
Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Act of 1992. To protect investors from fraudulent schemes, information disclosure, and investor protection against market manipulation, the Public Securities and Exchange Commission Act (PSECA) is the primary law that governs the regulation of all securities transactions, including the offering and sale of securities. This law works to ensure that securities market transactions are honest, orderly, and efficient.
Corporate Code of the Philippines. The Corporate Code is the primary piece of legislation in the Philippines that regulates the formation, operation, and management of different types of corporations. Corporations can be formed in accordance with the provisions of the Code either by registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or by becoming incorporated with the assistance of a special charter acquired from Congress.
Foreign Investment Negative List (FINL). The FINL is a list of industries or activities that are exclusively designated for corporations and individuals with Filipino citizenship. Only foreign investors who have obtained prior approval from the SEC may make investments in certain areas. The FINL underwent its most recent revision in 2017 and includes coverage of the following areas:
- Media
- Public Utilities
- Infrastructure development
- Education
- Health services
- Banking
- Financial services
- Tourism
- Shipping
- Mining and quarrying
List of Programs and Services of SEC
The SEC has a number of programs and services that it provides to the public. The list below includes some of the most important ones:
1. SuperVision 2025: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently working on a project that is termed “Supervision 2025.” The protection of investors, the promotion of market integrity, and the reduction of systemic risk are the goals of this effort, which strives to improve the efficiency and quality of the processes used in supervision.
The goal of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to improve the quality and efficiency of its supervisory operations through the use of technology. One example of this would be artificial intelligence (AI). The agency will be able to protect investors and promote market integrity with the help of this more effectively.
A computerization initiative has been established at the SEC in order to increase the agency’s efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with its workload. The program will upgrade the agency’s computer systems and implement automation for any manual operations that are already in place. In addition to that, it will make it possible for the SEC to complete jobs in a more timely and precise manner.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has collaborated with a variety of other government agencies to develop a variety of inter-agency activities in order to enhance the efficacy of its operations. The following are some examples of these:
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have collaborated to establish an interagency task force on cross-border enforcement by signing a memorandum of understanding. This task force started its operations in October 2010, and its primary focus is on fostering international collaboration in relation to investigations and actions taken to enforce violations of securities laws.
- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) have agreed to work together on consumer protection issues and have signed a memorandum of understanding. This memorandum of understanding serves as the SEC and CFPB’s first formal agreement with one another.
- In order to improve coordination and collaboration on matters concerning derivatives markets, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU).
In addition to this, the SEC has been active in a number of conferences, seminars, and workshops that have the goals of fostering investor education and market integrity and financial literacy.
One of the most significant organisations in the Philippines is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The agency is responsible for a number of essential responsibilities, including the regulation of financial markets, the maintenance of market integrity, and the protection of investors. In addition to this, it promotes openness and self-control within the securities business.
List of SEC Online Services
SEC eSPARC: This is the central portal of the SEC. It provides information about the agency, its services, and other related matters. You can visit this site to file a complaint against a company or individual that has violated any laws or regulations in connection with securities transactions.
eSPAYSEC: This is a portal that allows you to pay your SEC fees online. You can also make an online request for a certificate of registration or other related documents.
This is a portal that provides you with information about the SEC. You can find out more about the agency’s history, its mission, and other related matters here. In addition, you can also access all of the SEC’s publications here. You can also use this site to search for specific documents or publications by entering keywords in the search box provided at the top right corner of each page.
SEC Electronic Filing and Submission Tool: This is a portal that allows you to file your documents electronically with the SEC. You can also submit forms and supporting documents here as well. In addition, you can use this site to send messages or inquiries directly to the SEC.
SEC i-View: This is a database that allows you to access the SEC’s EDGAR filing system, which contains all of the agency’s public records. You can use this site to search for specific documents or publications by entering keywords in the search box provided at the top right corner of each page.
MC28 Submission Portal: This is a portal that allows you to submit documents electronically. You can use this site to file forms, applications and more. In addition, you can also send messages or inquiries directly to the SEC through this tool.
SEC Capital Market Participants Registry System: This is a database that allows you to register as an SEC registrant. The site also provides access to forms and instructions for filing with the agency.
SEC Express System: This database allows you to submit documents electronically. The site also provides access to forms and instructions for filing with the agency.
SEC Express Nationwide Submission: This service allows you to file certain documents with the SEC electronically. You can use this tool to submit information about your company or investment fund. It’s also used by issuers of penny stock and other securities who are required by law to provide information on their annual reports, registration statements and more.
SEC Express Appointment System: This service allows you to file documents with the SEC electronically. You can use this tool to submit information about your company or investment fund. It’s also used by issuers of penny stock and other securities who are required by law to provide information on their annual reports, registration statements and more.
Registration Calculator: This tool allows you to estimate the cost of registering your company or investment fund with the SEC. It will help you determine what fees are applicable and how long they will take to process them.
What are the Ways the SEC Helps OFWs?
It regularly conducts OFW-oriented programs and initiatives to help protect their rights as investors.
This includes the OFW Investment Assistance Program, which provides information and education on investing in the Philippines. It also offers assistance with OFW Financial Service Centers that provide financial services to overseas workers.
The SEC encourages OFWs to invest in the Philippine Stock Exchange.
It does this by providing information on the PSE, its regulations and how OFW investors can participate in it. It also provides a list of companies with foreign ownership restrictions that are listed on the PSE.
The SEC regularly publishes reports on OFW investing trends and issues related to their investment.
It enforces laws on the solicitation of investments from the public by encouraging OFWs to invest in legitimate entities that are registered with the SEC.
The SEC also offers investment guidance for OFWs and their families. It provides information on the different types of investments available, how to choose a good financial advisor, the rights, and responsibilities of investors, as well as steps to take if they are victims of fraud.
It provides safeguards to protect OFWs from investment scams, including working closely with Immigration, local government units and law enforcement agencies.
The SEC ensures that the operations of legitimate companies are transparent, fair, and accurate. It also promotes financial literacy among OFWs through its website and social media accounts.
The SEC also publishes a comprehensive list of companies registered with it on its website to enable OFWs to determine whether an investment offer is legitimate or not.
The SEC has a comprehensive list of companies registered with it on its website to enable OFWs to determine whether an investment offer is legitimate or not.
It runs a public advisory newsletter called Investor Alert to warn OFWs against investment scams that prey on their hard work and trust.
The SEC also maintains a list of known investment scams that OFWs can check and avoid.
The SEC has formed a partnership with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the central bank of the Philippines, to protect OFWs from investment scams. Under this arrangement, the two agencies share information related to OFW-related financial schemes so they can better respond to them.
The SEC helps you by enforcing laws and regulations that benefit OFWs and by providing accurate information through programs, initiatives, and publications.
The SEC is committed to protecting the interests of OFWs and their families by providing information about investment scams through its website, social media platforms, and publications. The SEC also works with other government agencies to help OFWs avoid investment scams. The SEC has published a list of known investment scams that OFWs can check so they don’t fall victim to these financial schemes.
Video: Investing Safely in the Philippines
Investing in the Philippines is a great way to make money and grow your wealth. However, there are some things you need to know before you start investing in the Philippines.
First, you should know that there are several types of investment in the Philippines. A lot of people invest in property but it’s not good for everyone because it takes a lot of time, effort, and money. If you want to invest safely in Philippine stocks and bonds, then that’s another option.
Second, you should learn how to avoid investment scams. There are many ways to do this: through online research or by talking with an expert or other investor who have been successful at investing before you.
Third, we recommend that you learn about the Philippine Dealing System Group (PDS) and the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). You can also watch videos on YouTube about these entities so that you know what they do and where they operate.
Finally, we have some final reminders from “Aunt Julie” about how to invest safely in the Philippines, as explained in the video above.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines?
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commission is the national government body charged with overseeing the corporate sector, capital market participants, and the securities and investment instruments market, as well as protecting the investing public.
2. What does Securities and Exchange Commission do?
The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates securities exchanges, securities brokers and dealers, investment advisors, and mutual funds to encourage fair dealing, the disclosure of vital market information, and the prevention of fraud.
3. How do you check if the company is registered in SEC Philippines?
It’s only a registration with SEC under the Philippines’ Corporation Code. To examine and validate its Secondary SEC Registration or Secondary License online, go to for the SEC Capital Market Participants Registry System.
4. Who needs to register with SEC?
Local and foreign investors who wish to establish corporations, partnerships, or associations in the Philippines must register their business entities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before they can engage in business activities and participate in the country’s securities market to buy and sell shares in companies listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). The registration procedure entails submitting the necessary paperwork and paying the needed costs.
5. How do I verify a company name with the SEC?
A candidate may register online by visiting The applicant can use the system to validate its proposed business name, produce its articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other company registration paperwork, and upload all required documents for processing, review, and approval.
6. How long is the validity of SEC registration?
The five-year period shall begin on the date of the aforementioned Securities and Exchange Commission clearance.
7. Who is exempt from SEC registration?
The exemption applies to provident funds and pension funds managed by an institution approved by the commission or the BSP, as well as unit trust corporations established in accordance with the BSP’s guidelines.
Funds established and covered by a trust or investment management agreement with qualified buyers, authorized pre-need companies, authorized collective investment schemes, listed entities providing professional fund management services, and foreign entities matching the aforementioned descriptions are also exempt qualified buyers.
8. What are the requirements for SEC?
- Name Reservation and Payment Form: This form will be submitted to the SEC in order to reserve your name and pay the reservation fees. Name reservation fees are ₱1,000 for each domain name application (up to 5).
- Notarized Articles of Incorporation and By-laws: These refer to the documents required by the SEC in order to register your company. These are also needed to apply for a Certificate of Registration from the DTI and a Business Permit from the local government unit where your business will be located. Proof of Payment (POA) from the DTI and Local Government Unit (LGU). These refer to the proof of payment of your registration fees with these agencies.
- Treasurer’s Affidavit: This document is used by your treasurer to attest that the company has a minimum paid up capital of ₱50,000. This is also needed for SEC registration.
- Bank Certificate of Deposit or Proof of Inward Remittance: This is used to prove that you have the required amount of capital for SEC registration. You can also use a letter from your bank, which should indicate how much money you deposited into your account in order to get this certificate.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines is a government agency that regulates the securities industry in the country. The SEC is responsible for approving and registering securities products and services, as well as overseeing the activities of securities firms and intermediaries. The SEC also promotes investor education and protection and works to ensure that the securities market is fair and efficient.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines is important to Filipinos because it is the government agency tasked with regulating the securities industry in the country. This includes overseeing the activities of stockbrokers, stock exchanges, and other securities market participants. The SEC is also responsible for protecting investors and promoting the development of a fair, orderly, and efficient securities market.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines is important to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) because it is responsible for regulating the securities industry in the country. This includes monitoring and enforcing the rules and regulations governing the sale, purchase, and trade of securities, as well as investigating and prosecuting violators. The SEC also provides investors with information and education to help them make informed investment decisions.
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Contact Information
Address: 7907 Makati Avenue, Barangay Bel-Air, Makati City, 1227
Telephone Number: 0288180921
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