A Philippine Consulate General (PCG) is a diplomatic office of the Philippine government that represents and assists Philippine citizens, corporations, and institutions in other countries. It typically deals with the affairs of overseas Filipinos and issues passports, visas, certificates of death, marriage and birth abroad.
Also Read: What is a Philippine Embassy?
The Philippines has 594 consulates general worldwide. These offices serve as representations for Filipino citizens living abroad as well as foreign nationals who have business interests in the country. In this article, we will look at what a consulate does, how many there are around the world and why they exist!

A Philippine Consulate General is an office that performs the duties of a consular officer of the Republic of the Philippines. It serves as an official channel of communication between the government and people of its host country through its staff consisting mostly of Filipino nationals.
The role of a PCG is to provide assistance and protection to Filipinos living abroad, as well as promote trade and investments between their host countries and the Philippines. Apart from this, they are also tasked with safeguarding national interests in their respective host nations while representing them at diplomatic functions or occasions where state dignitaries visit or pass by their jurisdictions.
The PCG is the highest form of Philippine diplomatic representation in a host country. It is headed by a Consul General, who the President of the Philippines appoints.
The Consul General is in charge of all Philippine diplomatic posts in his/her jurisdiction. He/she is assisted by a Consular Section composed of Filipino officials appointed by the President. The Consul General and his staff are assigned to specific countries based on their geographical location and the volume of Philippine interests they represent. For example, if more Filipinos are working in Australia than those living in the United States, it makes sense that Australia gets additional PCGs while America has just one.
The Consul General is also tasked with protecting and promoting the rights of Filipinos in his jurisdiction. He can do this by providing assistance to those who need it (i.e., medical services or legal advice), arranging repatriation for distressed Filipinos, and/or assisting Filipino nationals in distress through diplomatic channels when local authorities are unable or unwilling to help them out.
The Consul General is also in charge of establishing and maintaining bilateral relations with local governments and other entities. He/she can do this by assisting the Philippine government in planning official visits, sending Filipino officials to visit foreign counterparts, arranging cultural exchanges between the two countries, etc.
The Consul General can also work with local Filipino communities in order to promote Philippine culture and interests abroad. For example, he might organize seminars on topics such as Philippine politics or economics for interested parties.
Functions and Responsibilities of PCGs
PCGs serve as the liaison between Filipinos abroad and their government. They help Filipinos in distress, provide support to Philippine companies that are operating or planning to operate in the host country, promote and protect the interests of Filipinos abroad and conduct consular work.
PCGs also engage in social welfare activities, such as providing services that would help Filipino families based in foreign countries. For example:
- Issuing passports for those who don’t have them yet
- Issuing travel documents such as IDs for minors traveling with one or both parents
- Providing assistance to Filipino families who are in distress or need help in the host country.
- Conducting marriage ceremonies between a Filipino and someone of another nationality
- Serving as a liaison between Filipino migrant workers and their families back home
- Running social welfare programs in foreign countries, such as providing free education to children of overseas Filipino workers
- Providing financial support to Filipino families in distress
- Hosting events such as Christmas parties and other get-togethers for overseas Filipinos
Note: These are just some of the things a Filipino consulate can do for you. Remember that each PCG may have its own set of services and may not offer all the functions listed above. Please contact them directly if you have any questions regarding what your consulate can do for you.
List of Programs and Services of PCGs
The Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles provides various consular services to Filipinos overseas. The following are the main services that PCG provides to Filipinos abroad:
- Issuing passports and identification cards to Filipino citizens
- Granting citizenship to foreigners who have married or are related by blood to a Filipino national
- Issuing birth certificates, educational certificates, marriage licenses and other documents that establish legal identity to children born out of wedlock or whose parents were not married at the time of their birth or adoption; as well as those whose parents were not able to register their children’s births because they died shortly after giving birth/adopting them; also for legitimate children whose parent(s) did not acknowledge them due their marital status at the time of birth (whether single mum or dad), disability/illness which prevented them from doing so legally without going through a complicated and expensive process (which is often beyond reach)
- Granting citizenship papers such as Certificate Application for Naturalization/Citizenship Retention/Renunciation/Reacquisition/Obtaining Certificates of Naturalization & Citizenship Retention for applicants who are unable -due to environmental factors like war-related incidents including bombings, threats, kidnappings, etcetera –to personally appear before any government agency including embassies abroad due natural disasters (typhoons floods earthquakes etcetera).
- The provision of legal services to those who require assistance in administrative, civil and criminal cases; including providing representation to indigent clients who cannot afford the cost of hiring their own lawyer or legal counsel; as well as rendering free legal aid services to less fortunate persons who cannot afford to pay for these services themselves. The provision of legal services to those who require assistance in administrative, civil and criminal cases; including providing representation to indigent clients who cannot afford the cost of hiring their own lawyer or legal counsel; as well as rendering free legal aid services to less fortunate persons who cannot afford to pay for these services themselves.
Note: The services and programs of PCGs differ from Philippine Embassies so the above list is not comprehensive. Please check with your nearest PCG office or organization to know more about their services and programs.
List of PCGs Overseas
Here is a list of active PCGs from all over the world. If you need to access the services of a PCG, please contact the nearest one near you. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and may change without prior notice.
Consulate of the Philippines in Andorre la Vieille (Andorra):
Address: Philippine Consulate in Andorra la Vella, Andorra Can Diumenge Xalet Sole dEngordany 700 Escaldes-Engordany Apartat de Correus 2193 500 Andorra la Vella Andorra
Telephone: (+376) 863 363
Fax: (+376) 863 363
Email: consolatdefilipines@andorra.ad
Website: www.cdfa.ad
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Tirana, Albania
Address: Rruga Gjergj Blashaj Nr. 6 Tirana, Albania
Telephone: (+355) 42 357 900
Fax: No fax number
Email: honconsph@gmail.com, lprespa@gmail.com
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Luanda, Angola
Address: Edificio Torres Dipanda, Torre B Avenida Ho-Chi-Min, 2nd andar, Porta No.2.06 P.O. Box 10013 Luanda Angola
Telephone: (+244) 222 638 224
Fax: (+244) 222 637 038
Email: philippine.consul.general@jembas.com, filipinconsulado@jembas.com
Website: –
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Philippine-Consulate-General-Luanda-Angola-105144007929801
Office hours:
Monday: 11:00-15:00
Wednesday: 08:00-11:00
Thursday: 13:00-16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Darwin, Australia
Address: 22, Mirrakma Crescent Lyons, NT 810 Australia
Telephone: (+61) 8 8927 3926, (+61) 417 081 546
Fax: No fax number
Email: philcon.nt@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 10:00-16:30
Philippine Consulate in Melbourne, Australia
Address: Level 10, 257 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
Telephone: (+61) (3) 7023 7032
Fax: No fax number
Email: melbourne.pcg@dfa.gov.ph
Website: melbournepcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHinAustralia/
Office hours:
Monday to Friday – 09:30 – 15:00
Philippine Consulate General in Sydney, Australia
Address: Philippine Center, Level 1 27-33 Wentworth Avenue Level 1 Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
Telephone: (+61) 2 9262 7377
Fax: (+61) 2 9262 7355
Email: sydney.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, communications@philippineconsulate.com.au
Website: sydneypcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHLinSydney/
Twitter: twitter.com/phlinsydney
Instagram: www.instagram.com/phlinsydney/
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 09:00-13:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Innsbruck, Austria
Address: Karl-Schoenherr-Strasse, 7 / 1 6020 Innsbruck Austria
Telephone: (+43) 512 5884 9025
Fax: (+43) 512 5884 9010
Email: philippine-consulate@imad.at
Website: www.traweger.at/konsulat/visaangelegenheiten
Social media: –
Office hours:
Monday-Wednesday and Friday: 09:00 – 12:00
Thursday: 14:00 – 16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Salzburg, Austria
Address: Glanhofen 6 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Telephone: (+43) 662 821 168
Fax: (+43) 662 82 11 68 – 24
Email: office@stadtbaumeister-wagner.at
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Gent, Belgium
Address: Bliekstraat 13 9800 Deinze, Flanders Belgium
Telephone: (+32) 468 174 388
Fax: No fax number
Email: phconsulate.deinze@telenet.be
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Cotonou, Benin
Address: Lot 4884 Donaten Plot Akpakpa face Onasa PK3 01 BP 3523 Z.I. Cotonou Benin
Telephone: (+229) 21 33 68 05 / 21 33 86 50, (+229) 21 338 8774
Fax: No fax number
Email: consul.philippine.benin@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in La Paz, Bolivia
Address: Edificio Torre Cesur Av. Ballivián No. 1878 esq. Calle 24 La Paz Bolivia
Telephone: (+591) 2 279 94 00
Fax: (+591) 2 279 94 00
Email: jcvaldiviaus@yahoo.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Address: c/o Camara Boliviana de Hidrocarburos Radial 17 1/2 y 6 Anillo Casilla: 392 Santa Cruz Bolivia
Telephone: (+591) 33 538 799
Fax: (+591) 33 577 868
Email: presidencia@cbn.org.bo
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Manaus, Brazil
Address: Rua Jonathas Pedrosa 1219 Centro Manaus-AM, CEP: 69020-110 Brazil
Telephone: (+55) 92 3234 6963, (+55) 2 99981-2027
Fax: No fax number
Email: franciscorodriguesconsulgeralfilipinas@hotmail.com, posto.fortaleza@uol.com.br
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Address: Rua dos Andradas, 917/1001
Porto Alegre: -RS – CEP: 90020-005 Brazil
Telephone: (+55) (51) 8176-1335, (+55) (51) 8143-8308
Fax: No fax number
Email: filipinas.cg.poa@gmail.com, somchai.agdi@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Recife, Brazil
Address: Rua Barão de Souza Leão, 425 Empresarial Pontes Corporate Salas 901 e 902 Boa Viagem Recife-PE, CEP: 51030-300 Brazil
Telephone: (+49) 81 3072-5401
Fax: (+49) 81 99971 2095
Email: filipinasconsul@gmail.com, sergiokano@risingbrasil.com.br
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Address: Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 1980 São Paulo-SP – CEP: 01255-000 Brazil
Telephone: (+55) 11 3866-2400
Fax: (+55) 11 3675-6755
Email: ninomiya@masatoninomiya.com.br
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Toronto, Canada
Address: 160 Eglinton Avenue East, 7th floor Toronto, ON M4P 3B5 Canada
Telephone: (+1) (416) 922 7181
Fax: (+1) (416) 922 2638
Email: consularmatters@philcongen-toronto.com
Website: www.philcongen-toronto.com
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHinToronto/
Twitter: twitter.com/PHinToronto
Instagram: www.instagram.com/phintoronto160/
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada
Address: 999 Canada Place, Suite 660 Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 Canada
Telephone: (+1) (604) 685-7645, (+1) (604) 685-1619
Fax: (+1) (604) 685-9945
Email: vancouver.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, vancouverpcg@telus.net
Website: www.vancouverpcg.org
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHinVancouver/
Twitter: twitter.com/PHinVancouver
Instagram: www.instagram.com/phinvancouver/
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Winnipeg, Canada
Address: 1098 Arlington Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 2G6 Canada
Telephone: (+1) (204) 414-9281
Fax: (+1) (204) 414-9142
Email: ph.consular.wpg@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Ph.Consulate.Wpg/
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Valparaiso, Chile
Address: 70 Almirante Senoret, Apartment 32 Valparaiso Chile
Telephone: (+56) (32) 268-4085
Fax: No fax number
Email: raulcelism@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou, China
Address: Room 706-712, Guangdong International Hotel 339 Huanshi Dong Lu Guangzhou China
Telephone: (+86) 20 8331-1461, (+86) 20 8331-0996
Fax: (+86) 20 8333-0573Email: guangzhou.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, guangzhou.pcg@protonmail.com, philcongenguangzhou@yahoo.com
Website: guangzhoupcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHinGuangzhou/
Twitter: twitter.com/PHinGuangzhou
Instagram: www.instagram.com/phinguangzhou/
Office hours: 08:30-17:30
Philippine Consulate General in Shanghai, ChinaAddress: Suite 301, Metrobank Plaza 1160 Yan An West Road, Changning District Shanghai 200052 China
Telephone: (+86) 21 6281-8020
Fax: (+86) 21 6281-8023
Email: shanghai.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, shanghaipcg@hotmail.com
Website: shanghaipcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/phinshanghai/
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen, China
Address: No. 2 and 3 Lingxiang Li Lianhua Xin Cun, Siming District Xiamen 361009, China
Telephone: (+86) (592) 513-0355, (+86) (592) 513-0366
Fax: (+86) (592) 553-0803
Email: xiamen.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, xiamenpc@yahoo.com
Website: xiamenpcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in San Jose, Costa Rica
Address: Bufete Donielli & Doniell Calle 37, Avenida 8 Barrio Los Yoses San Jose Costa Rica
Telephone: (+506) 2280-0303
Fax: (+506) 2281-0020
Email: guier@asejur.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Address: BP 570 / P.O. Box 26 Abidjan 26 Cote d’Ivoire
Telephone: (+225) (07) 07 62 13 14
Fax: No fax number
Email: philconsulatci@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PHConsulAbidjan
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 08:30-12:00 and 14:00-18:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Zagreb, Croatia
Address: Tomasiceva 7 10000 Zagreb Croatia
Telephone: (+385) 1 461 2000
Fax: (+385) 1 461 8414
Email: philippines.consulate@mail.inet.hr
Website: –
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Philippine-Honorary-Consulate-General-Zagreb-Croatia-300795313359494
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Nicosia, Cyprus
Address: 16 Stasikratous, 6th Floor 1065 Nicosia Cyprus
Telephone: (+357) 22 456 056
Fax: (+357) 22 664 056
Email: kriton@tornaritislaw.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Djibouti Ville, Djibouti
Address: Balbala 9 Sud en Face de Route Arta Nouveau Station NOC
OR: Place de 27 Juin Batimen de Yacin, Yabbeh 3rd Floor Djibouti Ville Djibouti
Telephone: (+253) 776 62910, OR (+253) 21 341 345 / 77 814 495
Fax: No fax number
Email: zakdaher850@gmail.com, groupe_youssoufladieh@hotmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Address: Calle 1ra. No. 29 Residencia del Mirador de Arroyo Hondo Santo Domingo Dominican Republic
Telephone: (+1 809) 563-6633
Fax: (+1 809) 222-3052, (+1 809) 650-9501
Email: ldadulo@gmail.com, dadulo@codetel.net.do
Website: philippinesconsulatedr.wordpress.com
Social media: –
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-12 and 14:00-17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Address: Alborada Manzana Bt. N°. 2 Guayaquil Ecuador
Telephone: (+593) 42 247 461, (+593) 42 307 350
Fax: (+593) 42 241 944
Email: corazonoliva@gmail.com
Website: –
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Consulado-General-de-la-Rep%C3%BAblica-de-Filipinas-en-Ecuador-177012153222389
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00-14:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Suva, Fiji
Address: 62 Ratu Sukuna Road, Nasese Suva Fiji
Telephone: (+679) 331 4450, (+679) 331 2682
Fax: No fax number
Email: virgilio_de_asa@hotmail.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Bordeaux, France
Address: 62 Cours de l’Intendance 33000 Bordeaux France
Telephone: (+33) 5 57 88 34 04
Fax: (+33) 5 57 88 70 05
Email: e.miailhe@chateausirian.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Lyon, France
Address: 3, Place de la Bourse 69002 Lyon France
Telephone: (+33) 1 4414-5700 (embassy in Paris)
Fax: No fax numberEmailhdemalliard@mga-technologies.fr
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Marseille, France
Address: 1 rue de la République 13002 Marseille France
Telephone: (+33) (0) 6 16 79 03 64
Fax: No fax number
Email: consul.honorphil-marseille@lpserve.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Strasbourg, France
Address: 11A rue du Fossè des Treize 67000 Strasbourg France
Telephone: (+33) 3 88 15 14 20, (+33) 6 10 03 91 84 (Mobile)
Fax: No fax number
Email: em.bollecker@caavocat.com
Website: –
Social media: –
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Banjul, Gambia
Address: Hermann Gmiener Road Banjul Gambia
Telephone: (+220) 75 000 05
Fax: no fax number
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: N/A
Monday-Thursday: 08:00-16:30
Friday-Saturday: 09:00-13:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: Takaishvilli Street Tbilisi 380012 Georgia
Telephone: (+995) 32 230 53 17
Fax: (+995) 32 229 2549, (+995) 32 230 57 15
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Address: Westend, Carree Grüneburgweg – 60322 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: frankfurtpcg2018@gmail.com
Website: frankfurtpcg.de
Social media: N/A
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 09:30-16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Munich, Germany
Address: Habenschadenstr. // . OG 82049 Pullach im Isartal Germany
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: bayern-hc@philippine-embassy.de
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours:
Tuesday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Stuttgart, Germany
Address: Königstrasse 70173 Stuttgart Germany
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+49) 711 16445 100
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 09:30-12:30
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Accra, Ghana
Address: Accra Ghana
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Heraklion, Greece
Address: Plateia Agias Aikaterinis 712 01 Heraklion Greece
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+30) 2810.331.871
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Piraeus, Greece
Address: rue Trifonos – côte Moutsopoulou Piraeus, 185 35 Greece
Telephone: (+30) 210-625 2849
Fax: (+30) 210-625-4412
Email: bazou@stealth.gr, harry@brave.gr
Social media:
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Rhodes, Greece
Address: rue Ethelonton Dodekanisou 851 00 Rhodes Greece
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+30) 22410.37.401
Email: m.roditis@otenet.gr
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Thessaloniki, Greece
Address: Nikis Street 54622 Thessaloniki Greece
Telephone: (+30) 231 0556 161
Fax: (+30) 211 2686 834, (+30) 2310 553 602
Social media:
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Agana, Guam
Address: Marine Drive Agana 96931 Guam
Telephone: (+1 671) 646-4630, Fax: (+1 671) 649-1868
Email: pcgagana@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Guatemala City, Guatemala
Address: Zona Guatemala City, Guatemala
Telephone: (+502) 5201-9759
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:30
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Conakry, Guinea
Address: Cité des Nations, Villa Conakry Guinea
Telephone: (+224) 664-67-72-02
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 08:00-15:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Address: Place Boyer Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Address: Barrio Barandillas N.E. 754, San Pedro Sula Honduras
Telephone: (+504) 3391 6577
Fax: (+504) 2557-7281
Email: tito_bendeck@yahoo.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong
Address: Queensway Admiralty Hong Kong
Fax: (+852) 2866-9885, (+852) 2866-8559
Email: visa.hkpcg@gmail.com, epass.app@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Chennai, India
Address: Mount Road Guindy Chennai 600032 India
Telephone: (+91) 984 009 166
Fax: (+91) 44 2235 2062
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Kolkata, India
Address: Shakespeare Sarani nd Floor Kolkata India
Telephone: Fax(+91) (33) 2280-8345
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Mumbai, India
Address: st Floor, Industry House Mumbai 400020 India
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+91) 22-2281-4103
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00-12:00
Philippine Consulate General in Manado, Indonesia
Address: Jalan Augustus, Tanjung Bato Manado, North Sulawesi 95119 Indonesia
Telephone: (+62) (431) 856-379
Fax: (+62) (431) 862-365
Email: fsp.manadopcg@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Surabaya, Indonesia
Address: Jl. Raya Kali Kepiting No. Surabaya 60132 Indonesia
Telephone: (+62) 813 3072 6696
Fax: Emailindominas@yahoo.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Haifa, Israel
Address: Watson Street Haifa 34751 Israel
Telephone: (+972) 2 758-060
Fax: (+972) 4 811 1092, (+972) 2 767-053
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Cagliari, Italy
Address: Via San Benedetto, 09129 Cagliari Italy
Telephone: (+39) 329 886 1302
Fax: (+39) 070 452 9135
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-14:00 and 15:30-18:30
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Florence, Italy
Address: Piazza Indipendenza, 50129 Firenze Italy
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+39) 055 462 8848
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Milan, Italy
Address: Viale Stelvio -Via Bernina 20159 Milan Italy
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: milan.pcg@dfa.gov.ph
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 08:30-17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Palermo, Italy
Address: Via Umberto Giordano, 90144 Palermo Italy
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+39) 091 252 6357
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Turin, Italy
Address: Via Avigliana, 10138 Torino Italy
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Venice, Italy
Address: Venice Italy
Telephone: Fax(+39) 041 241 0211
Email: info@studiolegaledebiasi.eu
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Kingston, Jamaica
Address: Constant Spring Road Kingston 10, St. Andrew Jamaica
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate in Nagoya, Japan
Address: — Meieki Nakamura-ku Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 460-0008 Japan
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+81) 52 588 2718
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Osaka, Japan
Address: Shiromi, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-6124 Japan
Telephone: (+81) 66-910-7892
Fax: (+81) 66-910-8734, (+81) 66-910-8750
Email: osaka.pcg@dfa.gov.ph, queries.osakapcg@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:00 (by appointment only)
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Sapporo, Japan
Address: Nishi –,Hachi-ken jo,Nishi-ku Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 063-0841 Japan
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+81) 11- 611-2225
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 09:00-12:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Address: Tynistanova Street, OR Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+996) 312-879-851
Email: dosmiruzbekov@mail.ru
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Address: E, avenue J.F. Kennedy 1855 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+352) 42 12 45 8355
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Male, Maldives
Address: Shuaz, Maafanu, Orchid Magu Male’ Maldives
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Valletta, Malta
Address: Tower Street Swatar BKR 4013 Malta
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+356) 2557 2558
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Thursday: 08:00-17:00, Friday: 08:00-14:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Majuro, Marshall Islands
Address: Delap Village Majuro, MH 96950 Marshall Islands
Telephone: (+692) 625-64 55
Fax: (+692) 625-64 55
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Port Louis, Mauritius
Address: Sir Edgar Laurent Street Port Louis Mauritius
Telephone: (+230) 5793-6968
Fax: (+230) 240 3863, (+230) 216 0156
Email: audpat.osk8@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00-13:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Guadalajara, Mexico
Address: Calle Justo Sierra No 44680 Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico
Telephone: (+52) (33) 3616-2425
Fax: (+52) (33) 3615-4422
Email: cfilip@prodigy.net.mx
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico
Address: Mision San Patricio Street Monterrey 66270, Nuevo Leon Mexico
Telephone: (+52) (81) 8020-4039
Fax: (+52) (81) 888-2601
Email: francisco.cue@cemex.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Monaco
Address: Boulevard Princesse Charlotte 98000 Monaco Monaco
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday: 10:00-16:00, by appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Casablanca, Morocco
Address: Bd. Abdelmoumen Casablanca 20100 Morocco
Telephone: (+212) 522 974 343
Fax: Emailphcgadoff@gmail.com
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00-17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Maputo, Mozambique
Address: Rua de Djuba Maputo Mozambique
Telephone: (+258) 82 000 2121
Fax: Emaildontulcidas@gmail.com, dontulcidas@hotmail.com,
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Kathmandu, Nepal
Address: Ananda Nagar, Dhumbarahi Kathmandu Nepal
Telephone: Fax (+977) 1 400 8770
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-13:00 and 14:00-15:00
Submission of documents: 09:00-13:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Address: Hullen Bergweg a 1101 CP Amsterdam Z.O. Netherlands
Telephone: (+31) 6 51 78 10 52
Fax: (+31) 20 71 47 101
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Address: STC-Group 3024 EA Rotterdam Netherlands
Telephone: (+31) 10 44 86 491
Fax: (+31) 10 44 86 020
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Auckland, New Zealand
Address: Corban Revell Lawyers Auckland 0610 New Zealand
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:30-17:30
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Christchurch, New Zealand
Address: st Floor, Bealey Avenue 8025 Christchurch New Zealand
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:30-16:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Address: Woji Road Port Harcourt Nigeria
Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
Address: JP Centre, /F, Beach Road Garapan, Saipan, MP 96950 Northern Mariana Islands
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Karachi, Pakistan
Address: Jofa Tower, Office #, Floor SB – Karachi Pakistan
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Lahore, Pakistan
Address: Egerton Road Lahore Pakistan
Telephone: (+92) 42 3631-6060
Fax: (+92) 42 3631-4462
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Koror, Palau
Address: Surangel’s Worldwide Travel Building Koror PW 96940 Palau
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+680) 488-1535
Email: N/A
Website: N/A
Social media: N/A
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Asuncion, Paraguay
Address: Avenida Perú Asuncion Paraguay
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+595) 21 60 59 88, (+595) 21 21 51 34
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Lima, Peru
Address: Calle Contralmirante Montero Lima Peru
Telephone: (+51) 9 402-4797
Fax: (+51) 1 242-6073
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russia
Address: Bolshoy pr. V.O. , Business Center 199106, St. Petersburg Russia
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+7) 812 326 1357
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Vladivostok, Russia
Address: Pushkinskaya Street Vladivostok 690091 Russia
Telephone: (+7) (4232) 220 906
Fax: (+7) (4232) 224 694
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Address: Fajr St. Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Telephone: (+966) (12) 667 0925
Fax: (+966) (12) 673 1144, (+966) (12) 669 6797
Email: pc.jeddah@gmail.com
Office hours: Sunday – Thursday: 08:00 – 17:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Dakar, Senegal
Address: Avenue Cheikh Anta DIOP Dakar Senegal
Telephone: N/A
Fax: (+221) 3382 58 078
Email: lalexandrenne@yahoo.fr
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Address: Letališka cesta c 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Cape Town, South Africa
Address: The Cottage, Bramber Court Cape Town South Africa
Fax: (+27) 21 434 3831
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Barcelona, Spain
Address: Via de les Corts Catalanes, -Barcelona Spain
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Bilbao, Spain
Address: C/ Barroeta Aldamar , º planta, dpto. 48001 Bilbao, Bizkaia Spain
Telephone: (+34) 639 097 623
Fax: (+34) 94 423 58 59
Email: bilbaophc@philembassymadrid.com
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 14:00-15:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Malaga, Spain
Address: Calle Marin Garcia, Planta puertas y 29015 Malaga Spain
Fax: (+34) 952 005 616
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00 -14:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Address: Calle Orense No. 15701 Santiago de Compostela Spain
Fax: (+34) 981 577 048
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Seville, Spain
Address: Avda. de La Palmera No. 41012 Sevilla Spain
Telephone: (+34) 954 218 626
Fax: (+34) 954 563 004
Email: sevillaphc@philembassymadrid.com
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Valencia, Spain
Address: Plza. Porta de la Mar nº , , ª 46004 Valencia Spain
Telephone: (+34) 607 475 254 / 607 032 173
Fax: (+34) 960 610 342
Email: manuelcarrion@icav.es
Office hours: Monday-Thursday: 09:00-13:00
Monday-Wednesday: 16:30-19:00
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Address: No., W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha Colombo 02 Sri Lanka
Telephone: (+94) 11 230 7162
Fax: (+94) 11 230 0090
Email: philcon.cmb@cotrop.net
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00-16:00
Philippine Consulate General in Geneva, Switzerland
Address: Avenue Blanc 1202 Genève Switzerland
Fax: (+41) 22 716 19 32
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Zurich, Switzerland
Address: Wiesenstrasse 8032 Zürich Switzerland
Fax: (+41) (44) 387 1966
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Tunis, Tunisia
Address: Cité des Pins, Lots, 1053 Tunis, Tunisia
Telephone: (+216) 25 325 325
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Gaziantep, Turkey
Address: Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Nolu Bul. Gaziantep Turkey
Telephone: Fax(+90) 342 357 0311
Email: kabaltam@yahoo.com
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Izmir, Turkey
Address: Kemalpasa Caddesi No. Isikkent Izmir 35070 Turkey
Telephone: Fax(+90) 232 472 1378
Email: ey@izeltas.com.tr
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Mersin, Turkey
Address: Diyablar Trading, Camiserif Mahallesi Mersin Turkey
Telephone: (+90) 324 233 16 66
Fax: (+90) 324 233 16 36
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Kampala, Uganda
Address: Plot William Street Kampala Uganda
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Kiev, Ukraine
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, operations of the mission may be affected
Address: Myzeyny prov. Kyiv 01001 Ukraine
Telephone Fax: (+380) 44 279-05-79
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:30-13:00
Philippine Consulate General in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Address: Beirut Street, Extension , Al Qusais Dubai United Arab Emirates
Telephone: (+971) 50 654 4047
Fax: (+971) 4 220 7800
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Address: No. Bankhead Medway Edinburgh EH11 4BY United Kingdom
Fax(+44) 131 453 6444
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Chicago, United States
Address: S. Michigan Avenue, Suite Chicago, IL 60603 United States
Telephone: (+1) 312 501 6458
Fax: (+1) 312 583 0647
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu, United States
Address: Pali Highway Honolulu, HI 96817 United States
Telephone: (+1) 808 595 6317
Fax: (+1) 808 595 2581
Email: pc.honolulu@dfa.gov.ph
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles, United States
Address: Wilshire Blvd Ste Los Angeles, CA 90010 United States
Fax: (+1) 213 639 0990
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Consulate General in New York, United States
Address: Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10036 United States
Fax: (+1) 212 382 1146, (+1) 212 764 6010
Email: phcongen.newyork@gmail.com
Website: newyorkpcg.dfa.gov.ph
Social media: N/A
Instagram: instagram.com/phinnewyork
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 16:30
Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco, United States
Address: 447 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94108
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Caracas, Venezuela
Address: Avenida Principal El Bosque, Chacaito Caracas Venezuela
Fax: (+58) (212) 954-1128
Email: mmaio@dvaccs.com
Office hours: By appointment
Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Sana’a, Yemen
Address: Hadda Area, Damascus Street Sana’a Yemen
Telephone: (+967) (1) 416 751
Fax: (+967) (1) 418 264
Email: info@phcalepp.org
Office hours: By appointment
A PCG Office is a Philippine government office located outside the Philippines which provides support for Filipinos abroad, and serves as an extension or liaison office for the Philippines to its host country.
A Philippine Consulate General (PCG) Office is a Philippine government office located outside the Philippines which provides support for Filipinos abroad, and serves as an extension or liaison office for the Philippines to its host country.
A PCG Office is an extension of the Philippine Embassy. Though they are similar to the Embassy in terms of structure, they differ in that they are not accredited to host countries’ governments. PCG Offices are also not situated inside a diplomatic compound. They are managed by a Consul General, who the President of the Philippines appoints.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about PCGs from all over the world:
1. What is a Philippine Consulate General?
A Philippine Consulate General is an office of the Philippine Government that offers services to Filipino citizens and foreigners. It may be tasked with a specific type of service, for example, the Philippine Consulate General in New York City is tasked with providing services to Filipino citizens and foreigners who live in the five boroughs of New York: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx.
2. How can I find the Philippine Consulate General Office nearest to me?
All Philippine Consulate General Offices are listed on the official website of the Department of Foreign Affairs. You can find their contact information and location by clicking here.
3. Why does the PCG need an appointment system to accommodate more applicants?
Most of the Philippine Consulates General have limited space for walk-in applicants and a large number of applications that need to be processed. This is why they have an appointment system so they can ensure that all Filipino citizens and residents will get the service they need. This also curbs the instances of transmitting illnesses, such as COVID-19, H1N1, and other communicable diseases, to others. You can also avoid long lines if you have an appointment with the PCG.
4. Which applicants will be accommodated without appointment?
The Philippine Consulate General will accommodate applicants who are physically challenged, elderly, pregnant women with due date within three months from the date of appointment, and have children below 12 years old. They may also accommodate other applicants who can provide valid reasons for not having an appointment. However, due to the pandemic, some PCGs only accept applicants who have appointments. Therefore, it’s best to contact the Philippine Consulate General before you apply to make sure they will accommodate your request.
5. Can I lodge complaints against the loss of my passport or other travel document?
If your passport is lost or stolen and you are outside the Philippines, you should immediately report this to the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate General.
6. Will the Philippine Consulate General assist in locating a Filipino national who has lost contact with family and friends?
Yes. The PCG will assist in locating the missing Filipino national, provided that he or she has been residing in the country where you are currently residing.
7. Does the Philippine Consulate General issue passports, visas, and travel documents to Filipino nationals abroad?
Yes. The PCG can issue passports, visas and travel documents to Filipino nationals abroad provided they are physically in the country where you are currently residing.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, a Philippine Consulate General office is an important part of the Philippine government. It gives Filipinos in other countries a place to go if they need help with anything related to their citizenship rights or other issues. Overseas Filipino workers can also use this office if they need help with their problems in a foreign country. If you are an OFW and have questions about your rights, visit your nearest Philippine Consulate General to get answers!
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