How to Apply as a Teacher in Indonesia for Filipinos

applying for teaching job in indonesia

For Filipino teachers looking for career growth and a fulfilling international teaching experience, Indonesia offers an attractive opportunity. A significant reason that attracts educators to Indonesia is the relatively higher salary offers. Filipino teachers familiar … Read more

Indonesia Do’s and Dont’s

dos and dont's in indonesia

In Indonesia, there are dos and don’ts that you need to acknowledge. By learning these things, you are preparing yourself for a big change that will happen. Since you are moving from one country to … Read more

Philippine Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia

OFWs and Filipinos who are living in Indonesia, the Philippine embassy is open to provide you the local services you need. You can head to Jakarta if you need to communicate with the government and … Read more

Philippine Consulate in Manado, Indonesia

The Philippine Consulate in Manado also caters to Filipinos who are staying in Indonesia. Filipinos who can’t directly go to the embassy in Jakarta can resort to the consulate in Manado to avail of services … Read more