Better decisions happen when you have all the facts. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is the organization tasked with providing you with facts and information regarding what’s happening in our country. Its data provides insights into how we live, how we work, how we play, and how we give back – that can help us identify trends, plan better, innovate and solve more problems.
While the demographics of the Philippines are known by most Filipinos, what about the Philippine Statistics Authority? Its importance to the general public isn’t as well known. In this article, we will be writing about the Philippine Statistics Authority, its purpose, and its role in helping out different sectors of our society.

What is the Meaning of PSA?
PSA stands for Philippine Statistics Authority.
What is the Purpose of PSA?
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is the government agency responsible for collecting, compiling, analyzing and disseminating official statistics relating to economic, social and political activities in the Philippines.
The PSA was created to promote more effective formulation of policies and programs on development planning; enhance the monitoring of implementation of programs; improve public accountability; build consensus on national issues; promote transparency in governance; provide reference data for decision-making; and ensure efficiency in resource utilization.
It serves as the primary source of official statistics on socio-economic conditions in the country, especially those related to population, labor force, employment and unemployment, prices, income distribution, international trade, industry sectoral production indicators such as mining production volume and gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate. The PSA also provides information on foreign direct investments (FDI), international tourism arrivals and exports/imports statistics, among others.
Brief History
The PhilSys is the government’s central database for identifying individuals in the Philippines. It was established through a law signed by President Duterte on August 6, 2018. Individuals must have a record in the database to be considered as their official identity.
The goal of the PhilSys is to make it easier for individuals to identify themselves when they transact with the government and private sectors using a biometric identification system.
The objective of the PhilSys is to serve as a central platform for the government’s various initiatives and programs, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its administrative services. It also aims to promote the development of financial inclusion and reduce corruption.
The information collected by the PhilSys includes an individual’s full name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, and blood type. It also provides a mobile number and email address.
It also includes a person’s full set of fingerprints. The PhilSys also provides an Iris scan and a photograph to help identify them.
The PhilID can be used in different transactions involving the government, such as those requiring proof of an individual’s identity. Some of these include the application for social welfare and benefits, the application for a passport, the registration of a vehicle, the admission to a certain government facility, and the payment of taxes. It can also be used for other purposes, such as the opening of bank accounts and the verification of a person’s criminal background.
Precursor agencies
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
On January 30, 1987, the Department of Agriculture established the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, which was a successor organization to BEACON. It absorbed the Fisheries Statistics division. The agency was placed under the DA.
The primary agency for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating official statistics on fisheries and agriculture, the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics was instrumental in formulating policies and programs related to sustainable development.
In 2000, the agency was reorganized and strengthened following the implementation of the Agriculture Act of 1997. It was also designated as the central information source for the department’s national information network. This law was part of the Act’s modernization.
Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES)
On January 30, 1987, the Labor and Employment Ministry was reorganized following the implementation of Executive Order 126. One of the provisions of this order abolished the Labor Statistics Service. The new agency was then established as one of the six departments within the Agriculture Department.
As the statistical arm of the DOLE, BLES ensured that the data collected and analyzed by its various agencies conform to the department’s quality standards. Its mandate was to develop uniform nomenclatures, procedures, and standards for the analysis, collection, and presentation of labor and employment statistics.
National Statistical Coordination Board
The establishment of the National Statistical Coordination Board was made through Executive Order 121, which was the country’s highest policy-making body on statistical matters. Its objective was to promote the integrity, independence, and relevance of Philippine’s statistical system.
The objective of the National Statistical Coordination Board was to establish an orderly and reliable statistical system that would provide timely and accurate information to all sectors of the country’s economy.
The executive board of the NEDA was headed by the chief of the organization or his or her designated representative. The DBM’s Under Secretary for Budget and Management was also a member of the board.
The agency was established on August 19, 1940, following the approval of the Commonwealth Act 591. It was initially known as the BCS or Bureau of the Census and Statistics. In 1974, it was renamed as the National Statistics Office after Executive Order 121 was issued. The agency was responsible for collecting, classifying, and disseminating various statistical information.
Functions and Responsibilities of PSA
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) provides that the agency is responsible for implementing the various objectives and provisions of the Act. The agency is responsible for developing and implementing policies and regulations, as well as coordinating government-wide programs related to the production of statistics. It is also responsible for carrying out various statistical activities, such as the compilation of national accounts and the establishment of sectoral statistics.
The PSA shall:
- Serve as the Philippine government’s primary data collection authority;
- Prepare and conduct population, housing, agricultural, fishery, business, industrial, and other economic sector censuses on a regular basis.
- Collect, assemble, evaluate, and disseminate statistics data on the country’s economic, social, demographic, and general activities and status;
- Prepare and conduct statistical sample surveys on all aspects of socioeconomic life for the government and the general public, including agriculture, industry, trade, finance, prices and marketing information, income and expenditures, education, health, culture, and social circumstances.
- Carry out, execute, and manage civil registration duties in line with Act 3753, the Civil Status Registry Law;
- Collaborate with national government departments, including GOCCs and their subsidiaries, in the collection, compilation, maintenance, and publication of statistical information, including special statistical data produced from those departments, corporations, and their subsidiaries;
- Promote and create integrated social and economic statistics, as well as strategies for their integration, including national accounts;
- Create and maintain appropriate frameworks and standards for data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination;
- Coordinate with government departments and local government units (LGUs) to promote and embrace statistical standards covering methods, methodologies, concepts, definitions, and classifications, as well as to avoid duplicate data collection;
- In collaboration with the PSRTI, carry out continuing methodological, analytical, and development initiatives to improve the conduct of censuses, surveys, and other data gathering activities;
- Recommend executive and legislative initiatives to improve the development of the government’s statistics activities and programs;
- Make recommendations for executive and legislative actions to strengthen the government’s statistics programs and activities.
- Implement PSA Board-directed statistical and coordinating policies; and
- Other functions as assigned by the PSA Board and necessary to carry out the aims of Republic Act 10625.
Laws enacted by the PSA
The Philippine Statistics Authority enforces the following laws passed by Congress:
The Philippine Statistical Act of 2013: An Act Reorganizing the Philippine Statistical System, repealing for the purpose Executive Order Numbered One Hundred Twenty-one, entitled Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System and for Other Purposes.
Republic Act No. 11055, otherwise known as the “Philippine Identification System Act”, was signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on 06 August 2018. This mandates the PSA to be the implementing agency of the PhilSys and the creation of the PhilSys Policy and Coordination Council (PSPCC) to formulate policies and guidelines to ensure effective implementation of the PhilSys. Pursuant to RA 11055, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was approved by the member-agencies of the PSPCC on 05 October 2018 and was published in Daily Tribune on 06 October 2018.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 11315: An Act Establishing the Philippine Statistics Authority as an Independent and Autonomous National Statistician, Strengthening Its Institutional Capacity and Functioning, Revising for This Purpose Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 10625 and Amending Certain Other Laws
Presidential Proclamation No. 248: Adopting the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) for 1999-2004
Executive Order No. 352: Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-making of the Government and the Private Sector
Executive Order No. 135: Providing for the Establishment of a Well-Coordinated Local Level Statistical System
Executive Order No. 406: Institutionalizing the Philippine Economic-Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting (PEENRA) System and Creating Units Within the Organizational Structure of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB).
Proclamation No. 647: Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as the National Statistics Month
Executive Order No. 121: Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) and for Other Purposes
Batas Pambansa Blg. 72: An act providing for the taking of an integrated census every ten years beginning in the year nineteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 418: Reconstituting the Bureau of the Census and Statistics of the Department of Trade as a new agency under the administrative supervision of the National Economic and Development Authority to be known as the National Census and Statistics Office.
Commonwealth Act No. 591:
An act to create a Bureau of the Census and Statistics to consolidate statistical activities of the government therein.
Sec. 1. A Bureau of the Census and Statistics is created.
Sec. 2. The powers, functions, and duties of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall be as follows:
(a) To collect by enumeration, sampling or other methods, statistics and other information concerning population, agricultural conditions, the area and production of crops, the number of livestock, the production of livestock products, exports, imports, commerce, industrial and commercial enterprises, prices, employment wages, stocks of commodities, agricultural and other properties, social and economic institutions, and such other statistics as the President of the Philippines by executive order may direct;
Civil Registration Laws – these laws are important because they help the government monitor the birth rate, which is important for planning social services like education and health.
Republic Act No. 10172: entitled “An Act Further Authorizing the City or Municipal Civil Registrar or the Consul General to Correct Clerical or Typographical Errors in the Day and Month in the Date of Birth or Sex of a Person Appearing in the Civil Register Without Need of a Judicial Order Amending for this Purpose Republic Act Numbered Ninety Forty-Eight“
Republic Act No. 9858: An Act Providing for Legitimation of Marrying Age, Amending for the Purpose the Family Code of the Philippines “Get Every Pinoy and Pinay in the Picture”
Republic Act No. 9255: An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children to Use the Surname of their Father, Amending for the Purpose, Article 176 of Executive Order No. 209, Otherwise Known as the “Family Code of the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 9048: this act authorizes the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general to correct a clerical or typographical error in an entry and/or change the first name or nickname in the civil register without need of a judicial order.
Presidential Decree No. 1083: Code of Muslim Personal Laws. A decree to ordain and promulgate a code recognizing the system of Filipino Muslim laws, codifying Muslim personal laws and providing for its administration and for other purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 856: Code on Sanitation of the Philippines. The law is important because it sets standards for sanitation and hygiene in the country, which helps promote good health. It also regulates the operation of public toilets, which are needed by many people who do not have access to their own bathroom.
Act No. 3753: LAW ON REGISTRY OF CIVIL STATUS. This law is important because it establishes the National Statistics Office, which is a government agency that handles statistics. This law also sets up protocols for registering births and deaths in the country and provides guidelines for the registration of marriages.
Act No. 3613: THE MARRIAGE LAW. This law is important because it establishes a set of procedures for the registration of marriages. It also sets up guidelines for conducting weddings and provides standards for marriage contracts.
List of Programs and Services of PSA
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is an independent government agency tasked with collecting, compiling and publishing statistics on the Philippines’ economic, social and political developments. The PSA aims to provide accurate statistical information through its programs and services.
Statistics: The PSA provides a variety of statistics, including population and housing, labor and employment, prices and consumer goods and services. The agency also tracks the country’s economic growth through its gross domestic product (GDP) estimates.
- Economic: The PSA provides economic and social statistics on the Philippines. The agency tracks key economic indicators such as the country’s GDP, inflation, and unemployment rate. It also publishes data on the labor force participation rate, employment to population ratio, average monthly household income and expenditure per capita. Political: The PSA has a role in monitoring elections by providing election results from national and local government offices or agencies (LGUs).
- Social: The PSA collects data on the country’s population and household characteristics, including the number of births and deaths recorded.
- Demographic: The PSA publishes demographic statistics about the Philippines, including fertility rates and life expectancy at birth.
- Multi-sectoral: The PSA also has a role in monitoring the performance of different sectors of Philippine society, including labor and employment statistics.
The Philippine Statistics Authority was established by Executive Order No. 226 on June 14th, 2013. Its main functions are to conduct censuses and surveys in order to collect data on the country’s population, economy, and other facets of life in the Philippines.
The PSA publishes a number of databases, including the Annual Poverty Indicators Survey and the Labor Force Survey. These two surveys help to provide an accurate picture of poverty in the Philippines. The PSA also publishes data on education levels and demographic statistics like fertility rates and life expectancy at birth.
Civil Registration
The Civil Registration Program is part of the PSA’s mandate to conduct censuses and surveys. The program collects data on births, deaths and marriages in the Philippines. Government officials register all three events with their local civil registrar.
The PSA publishes data on the number of births and deaths each year in the Philippines. It also publishes demographic statistics like life expectancy at birth and infant mortality rates.
The Philippine Census is conducted every five years by the PSA. It’s responsible for collecting data on population and housing conditions in the Philippines. The latest census was held in 2015 and estimated that there were 100 million Filipinos living in the country at that time.
The census also collects data on migration, housing and labor. The PSA publishes a report on the results of each census, which is available online. Census data is used in many ways, including planning for future infrastructure projects.
The government uses the census to plan social services, such as health and education programs. Researchers and academics also use it as a resource for their work. The most recent data from the 2015 Census was released in 2017 and was broken down into tables that show population density, household size, migration patterns, age distribution and more.
This is a system for collecting census data in the Philippines. It’s administered by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and is used to collect information on population, housing, agriculture and poverty. PhilSys replaced the traditional paper-based censuses with an electronic system that allows faster and more accurate processing of census data.
At present, the PhilSys is on its fourth phase of implementation. It uses the internet and mobile phones to collect data from households, which are then processed by a central server at the PSA.
The next phase of the project is currently being developed, which will allow for more accurate data collection through online and offline surveys. The aim of this new system is to improve the accuracy and timeliness of census data in the Philippines.
What’s more, Filipinos can benefit from this system as it will be able to provide them with better information for their everyday lives. The new system will also allow for the creation of a database that will collect data from surveys conducted by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private companies on an ongoing basis.
The PhilSys ID and the Citizen Registry are two of the most important components of this system. The PhilSys ID is a 16-digit number that will be assigned to every Filipino citizen and resident. This number will be used for all government transactions, including birth registration, employment, pension payments, social security benefits, and other services requiring personal identification.
The Citizen Registry, on the other hand, will be used to record all Filipino citizens and residents in a single database. This database will be accessible to government agencies and departments that need to identify or verify an individual’s citizenship status.
These will be used for several purposes, including the issuance and renewal of all government-issued IDs, as well as for employment eligibility and pension payments. The database will be accessible by the National Computer Center (NCC), which is under the Department of Information and Communications Technology.
Moreover, overseas Filipinos who are not currently in the Philippines can register for a Philippine passport through this database, which is accessible to the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and other government agencies. This will be done by submitting the required documents online or at an accredited agency abroad.
The Philippine Passport Online Application System (OAS) allows applicants to submit their applications online and track them from application until issuance. The system is accessible 24/7 and requires a username and password. Applicants must submit their application documents in person at an accredited agency, except for those who are overseas Filipino workers or permanent residents abroad. They may also choose to send their documents via courier service or mail them directly from their place of residence.
Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System
The SSRCS is a mechanism utilized by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) to review and clearance the design and instruments of various statistical surveys and censuses. This process involves evaluating the work of government agencies and their activities.
The PSA is mandated to review and clear all procurements of goods, services and construction projects. It also assists in the procurement process by providing an online database of government suppliers and technical assistance for government agencies to ensure compliance with procurement laws.
Statistical Data Request
The PSA is mandated to review and clear all requests for statistical data. This process involves evaluating the work of government agencies and their activities. The agency also assists in the request process by providing an online database of government suppliers and technical assistance for government agencies to ensure compliance with procurement laws.
Statistical Data Release
The PSA releases statistical data obtained from various surveys, censuses and other data sources on a regular basis. This data is essential for the development of economic and social policies. The agency ensures that all data are released in a timely manner, which allows government agencies to utilize them for planning and decision making. Statistical Data Access The PSA provides access to statistical data obtained from various surveys, censuses and other data sources. This information is available through an online database or by request at no cost.
PSA Serbilis
The PSA Serbilis website is an online facility that allows individuals to submit requests for the issuance of civil registry records, such as birth, marriage, and death certificates.
Through the PSA Serbilis website, clients can also pay for their civil registry records by either over-the-counter or through their local branch of Unionbank or through the company’s online banking and mobile app. For instance, account holders of Unionbank can pay for their bills through the Bayad Center Online, which is available through the company’s online banking and mobile platforms.
The website of the PSA Serbilis is part of the agency’s computerized civil registry system project, which is known as the SERBILIS-IT Project. It is a 12-year undertaking that involves the implementation of technology in the operations of the PSA.
The project, which is also known as SERBILIS-IT Project, involves the digitization of over a hundred million documents. It aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the agency’s operations by establishing a single digital format for all of its documents.
Video: Philippine Statistics Authority Success Story
Learn more about the Philippine Statistics Authority’s digital transformation and how it has helped the agency meet its commitment to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and accessible statistics. In this video, Ms Lisa Grace Bersales, PhD, the Philippine Statistics Authority’s Director-General, shares her insights on the agency’s journey toward becoming a data-driven organization. She also shares how the Philippine Statistics Authority is leveraging technology to improve its service delivery and help government decision-making.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the PSA?
The PSA publishes a wide range of statistical reports, census figures, and surveys, the majority of which are about the Philippine economy. For a complete list of PSA publications and CD releases, see the Philippine Statistics Authority List of Publications.
2. What is the function of the PSA?
The PSA has the following functions:
- to gather, compile and disseminate statistics that will be useful in policy formulation and program implementation;
- to conduct surveys, censuses and other statistical activities as may be required by law;
- to provide technical assistance on statistical matters to government agencies, local government units (LGUs), private sector organizations (PSOs) and other institutions or individuals; and
- to provide facilities for the training of personnel in statistics and related fields.
3. What is the National Statistical Coordination Board?
The National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) is the lead agency in planning, coordinating, and monitoring activities related to statistics, information and data. It is responsible for ensuring that adequate measures are undertaken for data production, dissemination and use for policy-making and program implementation. It functions with the PSA and other agencies as the statistical system’s policy-making body.
4. What is the BAS?
The former Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAECON) was absorbed by the DA. The new organization, which was known as the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), was established on January 30, 1987, through Executive Order 116. It was established as a successor of the BAECON.
5. What is a SRTC?
The Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) is the PSA’s main training arm. The SRTC offers a wide range of courses that are designed to equip students with the necessary skills in statistics, survey design, data processing, analysis, and dissemination of information. The center also provides research assistance on statistical matters to government agencies, LGUs and PSOs.
The center is staffed by PSA-trained and certified statisticians who are subject matter experts in the areas of sampling theory, design of surveys, data analysis, statistical computation, and data dissemination. The SRTC’s facilities include classrooms equipped with computers for hands-on training as well as an audio-visual room for seminars and presentations.
6. What is the purpose of Executive Order 121?
Executive Order 121 established the structure of the PSS, which is composed of various statistical organizations. These organizations are responsible for carrying out the statistical activities of the government.
The PSS is tasked with collecting, compiling and disseminating data that will provide information on the general condition of people and the economy. The order also mandates government agencies to submit statistical reports to the PSS for use in policymaking.
7. What is the role of a national statistician?
The National Statistician is responsible for overseeing and directing the operations of the Public Service Administration (PSA). He also has the power to issue regulations and other related matters.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is an agency of the government that collects statistical data of the Philippines in order to develop a better understanding of our society and its people. The PSA is also tasked with providing official statistics on population, labor force, employment and unemployment rates, prices of goods and services, national accounts, and others.
Filipinos benefit from the programs and services of the PSA by having an accurate picture of the state of our country. The PSA also provides advisory services to government agencies, local government units and non-governmental organizations on data collection and analysis. The authority is mandated to ensure that all statistical data are reliable and credible for policymaking purposes.
The PSA ensures that Filipinos, both in the Philippines and abroad, are informed about the latest developments in our country. The PSA is also tasked to promote a culture of statistics and data analysis among Filipinos.
READ NEXT: PSA Launches PhilSys Check QR Code System for National ID Verification
Contact Information
Address: PSA Complex, East Avenue Diliman, Quezon City
Telephone Number: (02) 8462-6600 locals 839, 833 and 834
Facebook Page:
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