Yemen Do’s and Dont’s

If you are thinking of going to Yemen soon, you must know the dos and don’ts in the country. You should not go there unprepared. Like many expats, you should at least know the basics about the country where you are going. So for Yemen, you should know the basic etiquette, its culture, its tradition, rules and regulations depending on the province where you are in, and its laws. Even if this is your first time going to Yemen, with the information you are going to learn, you will have enough to get started.

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In this blog, we will be focusing only on the dos and don’ts. These things are basically the practices that are very well-known to the locals. You will see locals everyday doing and avoiding the very same things. It’s essential that you have knowledge about the basic practices in Yemen so you won’t feel uncomfortable when you do things your way. Also, you will have an idea of what to avoid when you are around people. You will know what kind of people the locals of Yemen are.

To get started, here are the dos and don’ts in Yemen that you should be aware of.

dos and donts in yemen

How to Behave in Yemen

To behave in Yemen, the dos and don’ts will give you something to start working on. Behaving is easy if you know what to do. This is why it’s important to learn the basics first before you go to Yemen. Don’t fly to other countries without studying them first, especially if you are expected to mingle with the locals. Also, you don’t really need to take extra efforts when doing the basic practices in Yemen. But, you have to be informed so that you won’t look rude or disrespectful when you are in the country.

Do’s in Yemen

The dos in Yemen are not complicated. These are the things you can freely practice in Yemen. Also, there are things in this list that locals appreciate. You are encouraged to do them so you can make more friends while you work or take your vacation there. Here are the dos in Yemen.

  • Be careful when taking photos of people and places. In Yemen, you don’t just take photos of people and places. When taking photos of people, you need to ask permission from them. When taking photos of places, you need to avoid government buildings and properties as they shouldn’t be captured per the laws of Yemen.
  • Get local advice when traveling in Yemen. You need to get expert local advice when you travel in Yemen. You might need to ask for the local authority’s permission to travel to some restricted provinces in Yemen.
  • Respect the culture and the people. People in Yemen appreciate respect from expats. If you come across locals doing what they are accustomed to, respect them always. Don’t mock them for doing what they are doing.
  • Take extra precautions when traveling Yemen. There might be some major issues in Yemen. Most issues here are really complicated and lives might be at risk especially if you go to places where there are wars and on-going battles.

Don’ts in Yemen

These don’t are mostly for your safety in Yemen. Follow this list of don’ts if you don’t want to cause any trouble or if you want to be safe when in the country. Here are the don’ts in Yemen

  • Don’t drink in public. When in Yemen, don’t drink in public. Consumption is fine in private places. Make sure to follow the laws on alcoholic beverages and drugs so you can avoid what’s prohibited.
  • Don’t travel if it’s just for vacation or you just want to look for a job in Yemen. It’s not recommended to travel to Yemen since most nationals are withdrawing their diplomatic missions there because of the civil and international conflict.
  • Don’t walk at night alone. When strolling at night, it’s best to do it with someone. Don’t walk at night alone because it’s not safe. Always exercise extra precautions day and night as kidnapping is really threatening in the country.
  • Don’t be afraid to get help from your embassy if you need to go home. Since there are only a few airlines that fly to Yemen, it’s not easy to get an airline ticket going outside Yemen. You need the help of the authorities to successfully book your tickets.
  • Don’t drink tap water. Infectious diseases can easily spread in Yemen. Cholera, hepatitis, typhoid, and polio are very common in the country. So, always drink boiled or bottled water.
  • Don’t encourage same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage or affairs are illegal in the country.
  • Don’t use drugs. It’s illegal to use drugs in Yemen. Avoid them at all costs. Don’t bring them in the country. You will receive penalties or put to jail if you don’t follow these things.

Tips when visiting Yemen

When visiting Yemen, always make sure that you have this list of dos and don’ts when you go to Yemen. Although we don’t recommend OFWs to work there because of the risk there is, you really have to be careful when you are in that country. Aside from the dos and don’ts, make sure that you know the laws, rules, and regulations. For instance, always study the traffic laws. You should also know more about the rules in terms of employment in Yemen. Inquire your country if you still have a diplomatic mission in Yemen.

When you are going outside your comfort zone, for example, outside your home country, it helps a lot if you adjust yourself as early as now. Learn how to mingle with other locals. Always be kind and show your respect for their culture and tradition. Never assume. If you want to know something, ask them. You have to be aware of the environment around you so that you can live peacefully, safely, and happily even if you are outside your home country. Start making friends and don’t forget to take care of yourself wherever you go.



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