As of now, there are around 120 days left before the elections. Still, many Filipinos are not sure if they are registered to vote, including those who underwent registration overseas. The good news is, there is a way for you to easily check your voter’s status even if you are based in China, or in other parts of the world. You can verify the details of the registered voters by accessing the official voters’ list of the Philippine Embassy in China.
If you’re not familiar with the details of the voters’ list, this step will help make sure that you’re properly registered to vote in the upcoming elections.
For those who have already registered in China, this list is available at the Philippine embassy in Beijing. Though it may be a first for you, this process is very simple. Just go through the list of names and verify your voter’s registration. Before the election, it’s important that you prepare for the overseas voting process.
You can do this by going through various websites and finding the candidates that you will vote for. It can also help you file a leave from work so that you can vote.
For Filipinos who are in China and have already registered to vote in the upcoming elections, this post is for you. To learn more, make sure to read the rest of this guide.
Philippine Elections 2025: List of Registered Filipino OFW Voters in China
The voting schedule for the upcoming elections is expected to be released shortly. Make sure to prepare for voting by mail or in-person. Not only are you doing yourself a big favor, but you are also doing a big service to the rest of the Filipino people.
There are many ways to determine if an overseas Filipino worker is eligible to vote in China. Aside from checking it in person, you can also refer to the list released by the Philippine Embassy through their website.
Certified List of Overseas Voters in Beijing
Check OFW voters list in Beijing here –
Certified List of Overseas Voters in Chongqing
Check OFW voters list inOFWs in Chongqing here –
Certified List of Overseas Voters in Guangzhou
Check OFW voters list inOFWs in Guangzhou here –
Certified List of Overseas Voters in Shanghai
Check OFW voters list in Shanghai here –
Certified List of Overseas Voters in Xiamen
Check OFW voters list in Xiamen here –
The list is very simple to use. It features a long list of names, all of which are ordered alphabetically. You may also notice that COMELEC officers may have added additional data or notes on the list. There are two ways to navigate this list: Scroll through the entire list or use a shortcut.
Tip: To avoid having to go through the huge list of names, use CTRL + F. On the page, a search box will appear, into which you may type your last name to check if you are included. Because the document may not display the information you want, make sure you enter your name correctly and without any additional spaces.
You can officially participate in the national elections if your name has been added to the Philippines’ official voter’s list for the upcoming elections. The overseas voting period runs from April 27 to May 9. This is to give overseas Filipinos enough time to plan and file a leave to vote or to register at the Philippine Foreign Service Post.
Question: What if I’m not on the list, can I still vote?
Answer: Those who are not registered to vote will be denied the opportunity to vote in the upcoming elections. This means they’ll have to wait till the current election is over before registering for the next one. Here’s a quick guide on registering to vote from abroad. Do it as soon as possible — or as soon as after the election season ends, of course.
If you have any questions or require assistance regarding the overseas voting procedure, feel free to contact the Philippine Embassy and Consulate-General offices in China, so they can assist you accordingly. You may refer to the contact info provided at the end of this guide.
How to Find your name in the list of overseas voters?
Answer: You can easily find your name by clicking on the PDF file that’s posted by the Philippine embassy or consulates on their websites. Although you may or may not be able to download the PDF list, it’s still important to make sure that you’re review its contents so you would know whether or not to proceed with the voting process.
What does it mean if my name is included in the list of Overseas Voters?
Answer: This indicates that you have completed all of the essential requirements to get registered. You may now vote from abroad if you successfully registered for the elections! Congratulations! Make sure you exercise our right to vote because your vote is VERY IMPORTANT!
What if my name is not on the list of registered voters?
Unfortunately, you will not be able to vote in the Philippines’ 2025 elections. You’ll have to wait until the end of the elections before you can register for the next elections. That being said, make sure to register for the next one accurately and on time so that you can exercise your right to vote, even if you are based overseas!
When will the list of certified absentee voters in China be released?
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) will create a list of overseas voters for the May elections and issue it through the various foreign posts worldwide within 120 days of the polling dates.
You may read the official statement here: “Preparation and Posting of Certified List of Overseas Absentee Voters. – The Commission shall prepare the Certified List of Overseas Absentee Voters within one hundred twenty (120) days before every election, and furnish within the same period copies thereof to the appropriate embassies, consulates, and other foreign service establishments, which shall post the same in their bulletin boards within ten (10) days from receipt thereof.”
READ NEXT: How to Vote in Philippine Elections as an Overseas Voter Abroad
Contact Information
Philippine Embassy in Beijing, China
Address: 23 Xiu Shui Beijie, Jianguomenwai
Chaoyang District, Beijing China, 100600
Tel. No. 86 10 6532 2667
Google Map Location
Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing
Address: Unit 2202-2203, 22nd Floor, Chongqing World Financial Center
No. 188 Minzu Road, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, PROC
Tel No: (+86) 13617678321;
15823972513 (ATN Officer);
15808057032 (Duty Officer)
E-mail Add:;
Google Map Location
Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou
Address: Room Nos. 706-712, Guangdong International Bldg. 339 Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510098 People’s Republic of China
Tel. Nos.: (+86-20) 8331-1461; 8331-0996
Email: /
Google Map Location
Philippine Consulate General in Shanghai
Address: Suite 301 Metrobank Plaza, 1160 Yan’An Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200052, People’s Republic of China 上海市长宁区延安西路1160号首信银都大厦301室
Tel No: (+86-21) 6281-8020
Email: |
Google Map Location
Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen
Address: Nos. 2 and 3 Lingxiang Li, Lianhua Xin Cun, Siming District, Xiamen City, 361009, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China
Tel. No: +86 (592) 513-0355 / 513-0366
Google Map Location