Monthly Salary of a Nurse in Oman

Oman is one of the top destinations for nurses from the Philippines wanting to work abroad. That’s because the country has a modern health care system, with the growth of professional nursing starting around the 1970s.

Aside from this, the population of Oman is growing rapidly, and as a result health services are expanding at a pace that is hard to keep up with. The country’s Ministry of Health is doing all it can to meet these demands and to support the education of well-trained nurses, as well as hire qualified nurses from abroad.

monthly salary of a nurse in oman

How to Apply as a Nurse in Oman?

If you are interested in applying as a nurse in Oman, then you need to check out the following video from Ralph, an OFW working in the Middle Eastern country.

In this video from the YouTube channel please Jack call me, Ralph interviews another OFW working as a nurse in Oman. His name is Ricky John, and you can access the video in the link below:

So what are the requirements for applying as a nurse in Oman? Well, our interviewee first highlights what the procedures were in the past, when he first applied to work as a nurse in the country.

Before, the main requirement is two years of experience in the Philippines. If you have that, then you can apply through an agency. Agencies will definitely make your application process easier and more organized.

Moreover, there are agencies that are affiliated with Oman’s Ministry of Health, and the ministry contacts these agencies so they can get nurses directly through these agencies.

The Ministry of Health gives an exam to those who want to work as nurses in Oman. In the case of Ricky, he took the exam in San Beda.

If you pass the exam, you proceed to the second step of the application process which is an interview with representatives from the Ministry.

If you pass the interview, they will tell you to wait for a few months for the visa. He had to wait form around 9 months before the visa arrived, so these things can arrive quite late and you just have to be patient.

The Current Application Process

So how does the process before differ from the current process of applying in Oman? According to our YouTuber the main difference is what is called the data flow.

Nowadays, you need a data flow to be able to apply in Oman. A data flow shows your credentials as a student, as a licensed nurse, and your work experience. The ministry will verify the information written in your data flow first.

For example, they will verify if you indeed graduated from the school you said you did. They will also verify your PRC license.

To do so, the documents that you submit must have a certificate of authentication first, known as the red ribbon, to show that your papers are legitimate. You can get this from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

However, the DFA just announced last year that they are replacing the Red Ribbon with what is called the Apostille. To be sure, just ask your agency or visit the DFA. Check out the contact details in their page related to the embassy of Oman in Manila.

There are agencies that can help you process your data flow. Just look up online for the agencies available to help you.

After the data flow is verified, you can now take the prometric exam.

The schedule of this exam depends on the Ministry; usually there is no set date, so you have to be up to date by constantly checking their website for announcements.

If you pass the prometric exam, you will then proceed to the next phase which is an interview.

nurse salary oman

Types of Nursing Jobs in Oman

According to Ricky John, there are different kinds of nurses, such as:

  • Ward nurses
  • Labor room nurses
  • Special areas nurses (e.g. ICU, CCU, Dialysis)
  • Health center nurses

As you can see, the types of nurses are based on where they are assigned. This will be decided by the Ministry of Health once you get accepted as a nurse in Oman. This, in turn, is based on where there is a shortage in staff.

oman nurse

How Much does a Nurse Earn in Oman?

When Ricky and his batch mates first arrived in Oman, their salary was different compared to what the rate is now.

Before, they didn’t receive any housing allowance. That’s because it was the Ministry who decided where they should stay. They couldn’t live outside their accommodation.

Nowadays, he said that they now have allowances and they are allowed to live outside their original accommodations.

He mentioned that the basic salary of a nurse in Oman is 395 Omani riyals, which is equivalent to around 52,140 Philippine pesos per month.

Monthly Allowance

He also mentioned that some nurses are under the Ministry of Defense, and they have a different allowance compared to those who are under the Ministry of Health.

There are also nurses that belong to private hospitals or health centers, and they receive different allowances and a different basic salary as well.

The Ministry of Health gives them allowances for the following:

  • Accommodation
  • Utilities such as water and electricity
  • Transportation
  • Food

While the basic salary is 395 riyals, he said that with the Ministry of Health, you can get a higher salary, around 800 to 900 riyals.

If you already have many years of experience, you can get around 1,000 riyals. However, usually, only the locals get salary this high.

When you enter Oman as a foreigner, your salary grade is lower compared to the salary grade of the locals.

You will start working with a two-year contract, but during your first year, he said that you already have 33 days paid vacation leave. You also get back and forth tickets to go back home to the Philippines, but in many cases, you won’t get it in full. For example, the Ministry can take care of 70 percent the ticket price, while you take care of the remaining 30 percent from your own pocket.

There you have it. These are some of the most basic things you need to know about working as a nurse in Oman, highlighting the monthly basic salary.

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