The DOST is the government agency responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and supervising the scientific and technological aspects of R&D in all agencies and departments of the national executive branch.
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For Filipinos in the country and those overseas, this agency provides opportunities and funding for R&D projects. The DOST also oversees the development of human resources through training and education, as well as research grants in order to ensure that there will be a pool of skilled manpower when needed by the government. Keep reading to learn more about its background, programs, and services.

What is the Meaning of DOST?
DOST stands for Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines
What is the Purpose of DOST?
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the country’s leading science and technology-related government agency. The DOST undertakes activities that promote scientific and technological advancement, facilitate development and application of science and technology for socio-economic growth, ensure application of science and technology to national development efforts and international cooperation in this area. According to a senator who was instrumental in the creation of the DOST, the agency needs to fulfill its function as a “national laboratory” promoting research to solve problems in most aspects of the country’s life, conduct original research on matters of public importance and assist with the development of emerging technologies impacting on future growth areas.
Founded on June 13, 1958, as the National Science and Development Board (NSDB), it was renamed the National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) on March 17, 1981, with the mission statement “A competent and competitive science and technology community with a social conscience.”
DOST’s functions and responsibilities extended with its elevation to full cabinet rank as a result of Executive Order 128 implemented on January 30, 1987:
- Pursue the declared state policy of supporting local scientific and technological effort
- Develop local capability to achieve technological self-reliance
- Encourage greater private sector participation in research and development
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the country’s premier science and technology agency, responsible for providing central direction, leadership, and coordination of all scientific and technological activities, as well as developing policies, programs, and projects to aid in national development.
Research in the Philippines
The DOST, through its research centers and institutes, promotes research in the country. For example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conducts basic research in biology, medicine and health science. It also provides technical assistance to other countries that need help in developing their own scientific capabilities.
The DOST also runs the National Research and Development Corporation (NRDC), which is a non-stock, non-profit organization that provides funding for scientific research. The NRDC also facilitates partnerships between private companies and the government’s research centers.
In addition, the DOST runs several other research centers and institutes. These include:
– The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), which conducts basic and applied research in agriculture, fisheries and natural resources management;
– The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), which studies earthquakes in the Philippines as well as volcanoes;
– The National Power Corporation (Napocor), which is responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the Philippines;
– The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), which monitors weather conditions across the country, and
– The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), which is responsible for patrolling the country’s coastline and ensuring maritime security.
DOST and the Academe
The Department of Science and Technology is a member of the Academic Consortium for Research, Innovation and Development (ACRID). ACRID is an alliance of research groups that aims to promote innovation as an instrument for sustainable development in the Philippines. The consortium was established in 2009 by DOST, UP Diliman’s Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM), University of the Philippines Los Baños’ College of Engineering (UPLB-CE) and Ateneo de Manila University’s School of Science and Mathematics (SciMath).
ACRID’s members are made up of researchers, faculty, and students from DOST’s Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS), Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and UPLB-CE. The consortium promotes innovation to achieve sustainable development in the Philippines. It also aims to build science, technology, and innovation capacity by encouraging collaboration among research institutions, government agencies, industry groups and other stakeholders.
ACRID is currently working on a variety of projects, including micro-irrigation technologies for small farmers, green energy systems for off-grid communities and adaptation strategies for climate change. The consortium also collaborates with other scientific institutions in the region and around the world to conduct research that can help governments make informed policy decisions.
Functions and Responsibilities of the DOST
The Department of Science and Technology, or DOST in short, is an agency under the Office of the President. Although some people perceive it to be insignificant compared to other government offices, it plays a vital role in supporting the development of the country’s science, technology, and innovation industries.
The DOST’s main functions are to:
– Provide funding for research and development projects in various fields of science and technology
– Encourage the growth of local industries through technology transfer, capacity building and entrepreneurship promotion
– Promote scientific and technological literacy among Filipinos
– Promote the development of science and technology education and training programs
– Create opportunities for Filipino scientists to work abroad
The DOST operates through several agencies and institutions. These include:
– The Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD)
– The National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB)
– The National Center for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM)
– The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
– The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARD)
Laws implemented by or related to the DOST
Various laws overseen and enacted by the department include:
REPUBLIC ACT No. 2067: “Science Act of 1958”: This law created the DOST and its primary objective is to promote science and technology in the country. It also provides for the establishment of scientific research institutions, training of manpower and development of infrastructure.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10535: “The Philippine Standard Time (PhST) Act of 2013”: This law aims to establish Philippine Standard Time (PST) as the official time in the country. It also stipulates that all national and local government offices, including public and private schools, commercial and non-commercial establishments must use PST as their standard time reference.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10055: “Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009”: This law aims to provide a comprehensive, systematic and organized framework for the transfer of technology (TOT) in the country. It also establishes the Philippine Technology Transfer Council (PTTC), which will coordinate and promote TOT among academic institutions, research centers, industries and government agencies.
R.A. No. 10612: Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship Act of 2013: This law aims to provide assistance to deserving students in the fields of science and technology. It provides scholarship grants in the form of tuition fee, allowance and other expenses for post-secondary education.
Republic Act No. 8439 Magna Carta for Scientists Engineers Researchers and other S T Personnel in the Government: This law aims to provide incentives and benefits for qualified scientists, engineers, researchers and other ST personnel employed in the government. It provides for a basic salary increase of 15% and additional 10% for those with master’s degree or higher-level qualifications.
EXECUTIVE ORDER No.128 REORGANIZING THE NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY January 30, 1987: This order created the National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) as an attached agency of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. The NSTA aims to ensure that science and technology are effectively harnessed for national development.
EXECUTIVE ORDER No.784 REORGANIZING THE NATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND ITS AGENCIES INTO A NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES March 17 1982: This executive order created the National Science Development Board (NSDB) and its agencies into a single unit called the National Science and Technology Authority. The NSTA aims to ensure that science and technology are effectively harnessed for national development.
EXECUTIVE ORDER No.792 ESTABLISHING THE PHILIPPINE SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES April 21, 1982: This order created 46 schools under the Department of Education, Culture and Sports which will train students in STEM subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
List of Programs and Services of the DOST
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) was created in the attempts to keep up with the challenges of rapid technological advancements facing the nation and other emerging nations. Its programs aim to improve existing technologies, create new ones, develop various applications of science and technology, and provide accessible methods to the Filipino people.
Application to the Balik Scientist Program (BSP): The Balik Scientist Program is a recruitment program that aims to bring back Filipino scientists working abroad and provide them with opportunities in the Philippines. The program has been running since 1975, and it assists in the areas of research, technology, education, and development. It also prioritizes applicants with at least two years of experience working abroad.
Certification of Science Foundations: The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the agency responsible for certifying science foundations. It offers two types of certification: an institutional certification, which is given to organizations that provide facilities or services for scientific research; and a project certification, which provides recognition to projects that promote knowledge management in their field.
Application to the Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Program: The DOST administers the Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Program, which provides funding for science projects that non-profit organizations manage. The GIA Program aims to promote research and development in the country’s science and technology fields and increase scientific literacy among Filipinos.
Application to the DOST-JSPS Joint Scientific Research Program: The DOST-JSPS Joint Scientific Research Program (JSRP) aims to strengthen the scientific capacity of Filipino researchers and promote international collaboration. Through JSRP, Filipino scientists have the opportunity to apply for funding from the JSPS in order to conduct research in Japan or collaborate with Japanese researchers.
Certification of Eligibility of Non-DOST System S&T Personnel under RA No.8439: This program aims to certify the eligibility of Filipino personnel in non-DOST S&T agencies for appointment as DOST System S&T Officers. It also provides them with training and orientation on DOST policies and programs, as well as on how to conduct research effectively.
Accreditation and Certification: The DOST accredits and certifies the quality of S&T personnel and research institutions in the country. It also supports researchers’ professionalization through training and development programs. DOST Regional Offices are responsible for implementing policies at the regional level, as well as providing technical assistance to local government units in their respective areas.
S&T Scholarships: The DOST provides funding for S&T scholars through scholarships and fellowships. The DOST Scholarship Program is designed to attract and retain outstanding Filipino students in postgraduate studies in S&T-related fields abroad, particularly those that will contribute to the country’s development. It also supports research grantees and postdoctoral scholars who are working on projects that are relevant to the country’s needs.
DOST Wide S&T Services: The DOST provides S&T services that are available to the public. These include the provision of information through its website, publications, and media releases; development of human resources through training programs, scholarships and fellowships; facilitation of technology transfer through technology commercialization assistance; support for research and development activities by private companies, non-government organizations and other government agencies.
Regional Offices’ S&T Services: The DOST regional offices provide S&T services that are available to the public. These include providing information through its website, publications, and media releases; development of human resources through training programs, scholarships and fellowships; facilitation of technology transfer through technology commercialization assistance; support for research and development activities by private companies, non-government organizations and other government agencies.
Balik Scientist Program
The Balik Scientist Program is one of DOST’s flagship programs aimed at encouraging Filipino scientists to return to the country. The program aims to encourage qualified Filipino scientists who have been working abroad to come back home and help develop science and technology in the Philippines.
The Balik Scientist Program offers a wide range of benefits from housing assistance, educational support for children, study grants, research support grants and more. The program aims to help scientists find good jobs in the Philippines where they can make a difference in society through their expertise.
To qualify for this program, applicants must be Filipino citizens who have worked abroad for at least two years in a full-time capacity either as researchers or teachers. They must also hold an advanced degree in any field of science or engineering from recognized universities abroad.
Biosafety Clearing-House of the Philippines (BCH Pilipinas)
The Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), has set up BCH Pilipinas as a clearing house for all biosafety information related to genetically engineered crops. The BCH Pilipinas is a repository of all applications for GE crops, including field trials, importation permits, and commercialization applications. It also serves as a focal point for communication between stakeholders such as farmers’ groups, scientists, regulators, and the public regarding these applications.
DOST Biosafety Committee (DOST-BC)
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the agency of the Philippine Government mandated to formulate policies and implement programs that will accelerate the development of science and technology.
DOST Biosafety Committee (DOST-BC) is a Committee of the DOST Council composed of representatives from different agencies with responsibilities on biosafety and biosecurity. It was established by DOST Administrative Order No. 2010-002 dated 16 January 2010. The main function of the DOST-BC is to coordinate among different agencies on matters related to biosafety and biosecurity, provide technical advice and support for the development of national biosafety policy, provide guidance for regulatory frameworks for biotechnology products, and ensure effective implementation of policies related to biotechnology.
DOST Grants-in-Aid Program (DOST-GIA)
The DOST Grants-in-Aid Program (DOST-GIA) is one of the most prestigious awards given by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). This grant program aims to recognize outstanding researchers in the field of science and technology.
To apply for this grant, you must be a Filipino citizen, a resident of the Philippines, and have a Ph.D. degree either in Science or Technology. You must also be able to submit evidence that you have been doing research work in your field of study for at least five years before applying for this grant.
There are two types of DOST Grants: DOST-GIA awards and DOST Outstanding Scientist Awards.
The DOST Outstanding Scientist Award (OSA) recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to science and technology in the country through their research works or achievements in their respective fields. There are two categories for these awards: Young Scientists’ OSA (YSOA) and Senior Scientists’ OSA (SSOA). The requirements may differ depending on which category you belong to but all applicants must be Filipino citizens with at least 15 years of experience in their field.
National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP)
The NCBP aims to ensure safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology in agriculture, food and health systems. It is composed of government agencies, academic institutions and NGOs that deal with issues related to biosafety. The NCBP was established in 1998 under Republic Act 8525 otherwise known as the Philippine Biosafety Law.
The NCBP has three main functions:
To provide guidance and advice on matters related to the implementation of RA 8525 such as risk assessment and risk management plans, biosafety regulations, regulations on field testing, etc.;
To review applications for release or importation of living modified organisms; and
To coordinate with other national committees around the world that are involved in biosafety issues.
Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP)
The Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) is a program of the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI). It aims to assist small enterprises in upgrading their technology and enhancing competitiveness. The program uses science, technology, and innovation as tools for economic development and poverty reduction. It has three components:
- Technology Transfer Grants – grants cover the cost of prototype development, feasibility study, patent application and related costs.
- Technology Commercialization Grants – grants are provided to cover product development costs which include tooling, pilot production runs, market research and marketing materials.
- Partnership Grants – grants are provided for collaborative projects with research institutions/universities or other government agencies.
DOST Technology and Livelihood Trainings
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) offers technology and livelihood trainings to help Filipinos become more productive and competitive in their respective fields. The trainings are free, but participants must be at least 18 years old.
Here are some of the DOST training programs offered:
DOST Training Program on Aquaculture – This is an eight-month program designed to educate individuals about aquaculture production, processing, marketing and financing. It also teaches them how to develop a business plan for their own enterprise or cooperative.
Livestock Caretaking and Management Training – This is a one-month training that aims to teach individuals how to care for livestock such as chickens, ducks, pigs and goats. They will also learn how to manage their farms properly so that they can become successful livestock owners in the future.
Vegetable Growing and Processing Training – This is a two-month program that aims to teach individuals how to grow vegetables, process them for sale and market them. It also provides them with technical skills in growing vegetables and managing their farms.
Agricultural Business Management Training – This two-month program aims to teach individuals how to run an agricultural business, including the proper management of their land and other resources. They will also learn about financial management, marketing and pricing for the products they are selling.
Animal Husbandry Training – This two-month program aims to teach individuals how to raise livestock, including proper care and management of cows, goats, chickens and other animals. They will learn about the importance of animal husbandry in agriculture as well as how to produce quality meat and milk products.
DOST Scholarship Programs
RA 7687 or the “Science and Technology Act of 1994”
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) provides scholarships for students who want to study in any field of science, engineering, technology and mathematics. It also supports the training of professionals in advanced studies and research.
The DOST Scholarship Program is one of the most popular government scholarships in the Philippines. It offers thousands of scholarships to deserving students who have excellent academic records and outstanding leadership qualities. The program also offers stipend as a means to encourage them to continue their studies even after they graduate from high school or college.
RA 7687 or the “Science and Technology Act of 1994” is the law that established DOST as an attached agency under the office of the President of the Philippines. The main objective is to promote research, development and application of science and technology for national development through its various agencies, namely:
- Department of Agriculture (DA)
- Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR)
- Department of Health (DOH)
- Department of Interior & Local Government (DILG)
- Department of Public Works & Highways (DPWH)
DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program
The DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program is a joint undertaking of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs). The program aims to encourage students to take up science courses and pursue careers in science and technology.
The DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program is open to outstanding students who are pursuing a degree in any course offered by the SUCs or DOST-administered universities. They must have an admission ticket for the next semester, must not be receiving another scholarship, and should have passed at least one year of college before they can apply.
Students who qualify under this program receive either P10,000 per school year or P25,000 per school year depending on their choice of major at the time of application. They will also receive monthly allowances for their allowance for books, supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.
To qualify for this scholarship program, applicants must have good moral character; a high academic performance; a good record of community service; an active participation in extra-curricular activities; good health; and no pending disqualification cases against them.
Applying for a DOST Scholarship
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the lead agency in the Philippines in science, technology, and innovation. It promotes research and development (R&D) activities that would improve the quality of life of Filipinos.
The DOST provides various scholarship programs for students who want to study for their bachelor’s degree or master’s degree abroad. To qualify for these scholarships, you need to meet certain requirements such as being an undergraduate or graduate student in a reputable school, having good grades, and having a strong background in mathematics, physics, chemistry, or engineering.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) offers scholarships to qualified students who wish to pursue studies in the fields of science and technology. The DOST scholarship is a merit-based scholarship which covers tuition fees, monthly stipend, and other allowances.
To apply for the DOST scholarship, interested applicants must first take and pass the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship Examination. The examination is held every year in selected testing centers nationwide. The examination covers the following subjects: Mathematics, Science, English, and Filipino.
Aside from taking and passing the examination, applicants must also meet the following requirements:
- Must be a Filipino citizen
- Must be 18-25 years of age
- Must not be a holder of any other scholarship grant
- Must have a general weighted average (GWA) of at least 80% or its equivalent
- Must be enrolled or about to enroll in any of the priority courses identified by DOST
- Must be willing to be assigned in any part of the Philippines
Those who meet all the requirements and pass the examination will be interviewed by a panel of DOST officials. The interview is conducted to assess the applicant’s motivation for taking up a science or technology course, as well as his/her potential to succeed in the chosen field.
After the interview, the DOST will release the list of successful applicants. Scholarships will then be awarded to those who are qualified.
DOST Scholarship for OFW Dependents
The scholarship program for qualified dependents of OFWs provides a maximum of 60,000 pesos annually for school. It can be used for any type of education, including a four-year university. The selection of scholars is based on the results of the national examinations of the Department of Science and Technology. Only the top 400 students are considered for entry, while the rest are chosen based on their academic performance.
The program for OFWs is designed to provide the same support to Filipino students. It aims to promote education and help children of OFW achieve their dreams. There are also scholarship programs for other groups, such as senior citizens who want to finish college or high school studies.
Video: DOST Scholarship FAQs | Benefits, Requirements, & More
Here’s a video about some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the DOST scholarship. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) offers a scholarship program for qualified students who wish to pursue a degree in science and technology. The program provides financial assistance for tuition, miscellaneous fees, and a monthly stipend.
The DOST Scholarship is open to Filipino citizens who are incoming freshmen or second year college students taking up a science or technology-related course in any college or university in the Philippines.
To be eligible, applicants must take and pass the DOST-SEI Scholarship Qualifying Examination (SQE).
DOST-SEI will announce the schedule of the SQE on their website and through newspaper announcements. Interested applicants may also inquire at the nearest DOST Regional Office.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the role of the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines?
The Science and Technology Department is a national agency that is dedicated to providing the best possible scientific and technological services to the country. It also has the necessary tools and resources to support the development of policies and programs.
2. What is the goal of Department of Science and Technology?
The objective of this agency is to support the development and implementation of need-based technologies that can address the various societal challenges. Through the use of advanced scientific and technological knowhow, we can bridge the rural-urban divide.
3. What are the major development programs in science and technology in the Philippines?
The seven R&D organizations that are part of the public research sector are composed of various institutions that are focused on various areas such as food and nutrition, engineering, and scientific research.
4. Is it hard to pass DOST scholarship?
Some students think that the DOST scholarship exam is very hard. However, it’s easier than the UPCAT, and it’s more challenging than most entrance exams. With the right preparation materials and strategies, you can easily ace the exam.
5. What happens when you fail DOST scholarship?
Your scholarship will be terminated if you fail to submit regular reports regarding your grades. This can be done through the verification of your registration form and certified copies of your grades.
6. How do I know if I passed the DOST scholarship?
The results of the scholarship will be announced on the official website of the Department of Science and Technology. All qualifying students will receive an email notification.
7. What are the contributions of DOST in the Philippines?
The Plan should be prepared and implemented in phases, and it should be coordinated with the various departments and agencies of the country. It should also promote and assist the development of scientific and technological capabilities in areas that are vital to the country’s development.
8. What is the role of DOST in protecting the environment?
Through its various programs and projects, the DOST has been able to promote the development of new technologies and address environmental concerns.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the Philippines’ lead agency for scientific research and development. The DOST’s mandate is to “promote science and technology research and development, application and utilization, and communication and information dissemination towards national development.” The DOST’s work benefits the Filipino people and the country in several ways.
First, the DOST helps to ensure that the Philippines keeps up with global scientific and technological advancements. This is important for the country’s economic development and for the Filipino people’s access to new and improved products and services.
Second, the DOST supports scientific research and development in the Philippines, which leads to new discoveries and innovations that can improve the quality of life for Filipinos.
Finally, the DOST disseminates information about science and technology to the public, which helps to raise awareness about important issues and to encourage more people to get involved in science and technology.
Furthermore, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is one of the agencies under the Office of the President that has a direct impact on the lives of OFWs. It is tasked with promoting science and technology in order to spur national development.
The agency also provides training programs for workers who are abroad. For example, DOST assists in the training of Filipino nurses in other countries through its Overseas Employment Administration (OEA).
The DOST has local offices that can provide employment assistance for OFWs who want to come home or find new jobs here in the Philippines.
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Contact Information
Address: DOST Building, General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, 1631, Metro Manila
Telephone Number: (632) 8837-20-71 to 82 (632) 8837-2937
Facebook Page:
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