Monthly Salary of a Housemaid in UAE

Did you know that there are about 750,000 nannies or housemaids working in the UAE ? In fact, one in four women in the country is a nanny, based on a survey by rise, a wealth platform for domestic workers in the UAE, including Filipino workers who are working as nannies.

Also Read: After a Year of Struggle, Domestic Helper in Dubai Lands Job with Great Salary and Benefits

The UAE Nanny Salary Survey was conducted by RISE in 2017. Findings show that 95 percent of children in the country are cared for by a nanny and that kids spend an average of 55 hours a week with their nannies. Indeed, these figures show the importance of nannies in the UAE.

Monthly Salary of a Housemaid in UAE

How Much do Domestic Helpers Make in the UAE?

“Nannies play a critical role in our society,” shared Padmini Gupta, the Chief Executive of RISE, The National reported. For the survey, data was gathered from more than 20,000 advertisements on Mary Poppins, a nanny-hiring Facebook group that is run by rise.

Average Salaries and Benefits

According to the survey, the average salary of a housemaid or nanny in the UAE is AED 1,830 per month. Majority or 60 percent of domestic workers earn less than AED 2,000, as compared to 40 percent who earn AED 2,000 or more.

As for additional benefits, around 50 percent of employers provide toiletries, while 30 percent provide Wi-Fi connections to their workers. On the other hand, 5 percent give bonuses, and less than 5 percent provide food and travel allowances.

Interestingly, the survey found that housemaids working in “affluent” areas earn more. For instance, nannies in Palm Jumeirah earn about AED 2,350 per month, whereas those working in Old Dubai earn around AED 1,700 per month.

Factors Affecting Nannies’ Salaries

Moreover, the study revealed certain factors that could lead to an increase in nannies’ salaries. For example, nannies with three years of working experience earn around AED 1,492 per month, while those who have five years of experience earn about AED 1,922 a month.

Meanwhile, “live out” maids usually earn an additional AED 400 to help shoulder their living expenses. Nannies with first aid training also earn an extra AED 250, and those who take care of pets make an extra AED 185 per month. Being able to cook, having experience taking care of newborns and toddlers, and other factors could also increase a nanny’s monthly salary.

Monthly Salary of a Housemaid in UAE

Common Requirements by UAE Employers

There are some employers who ask for certain requirements when hiring a nanny. The survey showed that 60 percent of employers ask for references, while 40 percent prefer nannies with cooking skills. One fifth of the respondents require nannies with first aid skills, and 10 percent prefer domestic workers who can drive.

Notably, among the mothers surveyed, 98 percent stated that hiring a trained nanny was important to them. However, rise found that only 15 percent of nannies in the UAE have had formal childcare training. Hence, the group continues to provide training and development programs for domestic workers in the country.

The above figures should give you a better idea of how much housemaids or nannies earn in the UAE, as well as the skills that are expected of them. If you or anyone you know is planning to work as a nanny in the Emirates, be sure to do your research, undergo training, and coordinate only with legit and reputable agencies during your application.

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