Singapore Do’s and Dont’s

singapore dos and donts

We all know that Singapore is one of the rising tigers of Asia and the world. It is one of the economic hubs in the region – catering to financial institutions, internet companies and a … Read more

Italy Do’s and Dont’s

italy dos and donts

Wherever you go in the world, it is certain there is a Filipino nearby. Italy is no exception as it has always been one of the top destinations in Europe for Filipino migrants. Rome, Milan, Lazio, … Read more

How to Avoid Labour Ban in the UAE

OFWs in the United Arab Emirates, take note. Whether you are a professional, skilled or domestic worker, you need to know the law that governs employment in the UAE. This would prevent you from getting … Read more

Understanding OWWA Membership and Benefits

owwa membership and benefits

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is the government arm that promotes the welfare of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) all over the globe. It is a membership program where inclusion is mandatory in nature. There … Read more

Bahrain Do’s and Don’ts

bahrain dos and donts

Living in a non-Muslim country, the way of life in Bahrain may appear too different and too distinct. This is a given—as in any other culture—as this island country has traditionally long been an Islamic … Read more

Malaysia Do’s and Don’ts

malaysia dos and donts

Traveling to Malaysia is quite easy but the differences in culture and customs will be startling to some. The differences will take some time to get accustomed to. Generally, Malaysians are a friendly people. They … Read more