Valid IDs are always asked whenever you have transactions with private and public institutions. For example, if you are planning to send money to your family, you will be asked to present a valid ID to verify your identity. If you are also applying for a passport, you need to submit a copy of your valid ID so that DFA can successfully issue your passport.
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There are a lot more things that require you to present a valid identification card. If this is your first time applying for an ID, this blog will show you the step by step guide in getting your UMID – Unified Multi-Purpose ID.

What is UMID?
UMID stands for Unified Multi-Purpose ID. This is a card used in the Philippines since 2010. It is an identification card that combines different government agencies such as Social Security System (SSS), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), and Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG). Basically, all the agencies which will give you benefits, later on, are responsible for issuing this UMID. You can use it whenever you have transactions with SSS, GSIS, PhilHealth, or Pag-IBIG.
Where can I get my UMID?
Only SSS issues UMID to Filipinos. If you want to get your UMID, you should go to the nearest SSS branch.
How can I get my UMID?
Please follow the steps below on how you can apply for a UMID ID card:
Step 1: Prepare the requirements needed.
Before you start your UMID application, the first thing you need to do is to prepare the documents needed. You will need your birth certificate and a valid ID.
If this is your first time applying for a valid ID, you can bring your student ID if you are a student or other identification cards such as your Pag-IBIG Card, PhilHealth Card, or voter’s registration certificate. Make sure to bring photocopies of your birth certificate and ID to lessen the hassle of going out of SSS’s branch to look for Xerox machines.
Step 2: Go to the nearest SSS branch.
Once you have the requirements ready, search for the nearest SSS branch. One helpful tip when going to the SSS branch is to go there early. You wouldn’t want to line up and wait for hours to process your application. Being early will save you a lot of time. Most SSS branches open at 8:00 AM in the morning. If you can be there by 7 or 7:30, the better.
Step 3: Fill up the application form.
Once you are in the branch already, you need to fill up the application form. Usually, the security guard will assist you. He/she will give you the application form depending on the service you want to avail yourself of. Just say that you want to apply for UMID and the guard will give you the form that you need to fill up.
Also, you can download the form on the website of SSS. Make sure to download the correct form so you fill it up before you go to the branch. This will save you more time.
Step 4: Ask for your number.
After you finish putting your information on the application form, ask the guard where you can get your number and wait for the respective counter to call you. SSS branches now have televisions where they flash the number of the next customer. Make sure to check the screen and wait until your number flashes.
Again, you should be in the branch as early as you can so you can get the lowest number. You won’t have to wait for your turn if you are the first person in the line. This is good advice for people who don’t want to spend the afternoon in the SSS branch.
Step 5: Go to the assigned counter and finish the process.
The counters in SSS branches have different designations and there’s one or more counter for UMID processing. Make sure that you are lining up on the right counter to avoid inconvenience. You can confirm with the security guard or anyone from the branch if you are in the right lane.
The process is just easy. The staff will confirm, encode, and validate the information you have written on your application form. He/she will handle the application until it is completed. Also, you will have your picture taken on the same day. So, make sure to wear the proper clothes.
UMID takes 30-45 days before it can be delivered to you. The usual process is that it will be delivered to your doorstep so ensure to give the right address when you are applying for it.
Why is UMID important?
You may wonder about the importance of UMID. Aside from being a valid ID, what are the other benefits you can get from this identification card? To answer your questions, here are some of the points to consider.
UMID is needed to claim your SSS benefits.
We already know that a lot of people are using UMID already. This card is mainly used for SSS transactions. But of course, you can use it anywhere if there’s a need to present a valid ID. One of the benefits of having a UMID is that it helps you claim your SSS benefits with ease. For example, whenever you apply for your maternity claims, you need to present your UMID as part of the requirement.
It’s important as well that the signature in your UMID matches the signature you use to sign documents and applications. In the example above about maternity, SSS will ask for a revised application form if it finds that your current signature is not the same as the signature in your UMID. Consistency is important.
UMID doesn’t expire.
If you need a valid ID that would last a lifetime, you should get your UMID. Unlike passport and driver’s license, UMID doesn’t expire. You can use it as long as you want and as long as the information in the ID is readable. Passports have an expiration term of up to 10 years while driver licenses have 5 years.
If you come to think of it, you will only go through the hassle one time when applying for UMID. Unlike when you apply for a passport since you have to renew it every time it expires. This means that you can save money from your travel expenses, application fees, and meals. It also saves you time.